Comments on: Two movies, two mass murders Sat, 09 Feb 2013 15:01:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: SANDY HOOK — TRAGEDY, DRUGS, RIGHTS AND COMMON SENSE | 2012: What's the 'real' truth? Sat, 09 Feb 2013 15:01:11 +0000 […] and more in Jon Rappaport’s blogs here and here. […]

By: I’ve Become A Sandy Hook Truther… | Beast Watch News Blog Mon, 14 Jan 2013 22:36:35 +0000 […] Newtown: Two Movies, Two Mass Murders, and Questioning All the Facts. Torrid Political Implications … […]

By: mick white Fri, 04 Jan 2013 08:33:17 +0000 also to mention “Behold a pale horse”, 1991 book by William Copper, who said that CIA is influencing mental patients to shoot up schools. WTF?

By: mick white Fri, 04 Jan 2013 08:31:08 +0000 you might also have mentioned the 2010 shooter film called “Rampage”. A young man shoots up a school, and then is in the woods afterwards. (I haven’t watched the film in detail, but saw bits of it on youtube in a post about Sandy Hook), My point is that Rampage seems to be almost a blueprint for Sandy Hook.
Rampage has a patsy who is left dead in the words, dressed in swat gear, as a staged suicide. WTF?

By: Adam Evenson Tue, 25 Dec 2012 23:45:13 +0000 @Bob Simmons: little Matrix rat, are you?

I know intimately, and have lived among THE most violent individuals in existence, including an organized Aryan Brotherhood whose members know only how to murder, maim, destroy and/or intimidate and whose initiation ritual is to murder one or more people in a particular way, as specified by the head(s) of the thing. I know how to murder and maim, too, and I counter-balanced the AB’s with it.

I am abundantly aware, just from looking at him, that no frail little twerp such as Adam Lanza is in any way capable of carrying out the Newtown massacre. If I were recruiting for help with a bunch of AB’s, I would not choose the likes of Adam Lanza, even if he begged and pleaded to get in on it. I’m not condemning Adam for being what he was, but amplifying it for effect. He even suffered from Asperger’s Syndrome, which is not associated with violence, but closer to reticence and mental confusion.

It would be impossible for that boy to herd all those people together into two rooms, yes, not one room, but TWO ROOMS, and methodically shoot more than twenty of them to death and reload time after time. While he was reloading, a teacher or teachers would surely have attacked him or rushed him and tried to take his weapon away. He was a frail little twerp. What woman in that position, that’s at least as large and powerful as he was, would not try to wrestle his gun from him while he was reloading? Ask one of the teachers why they didn’t. Let me tell why. It was because the real shooters were in very deadly control, the same kind I know how to exert. As frail as Adam was, any female with the determination of life or death driving her would be able to wrestle him to the floor until help could arrive.

Further, if the shooter had been Adam Lanza walking around popping caps randomly, which is the only way he could have done it, he could not possibly have shot so many people to death before somebody showed up to stop it.

The cops that arrived on the scene are obviously complicit in the murders. I not only know tough murderers like AB’s, I know cops, EXTREMELY WELL. Folks, when cops are determined to get their way, such as outlawing guns for the public, they are no different than AB’s, except that they wear badges. There is nothing innocent they will not violate, even their own. Driven by overweening agenda, the only thing cops know is how to murder, maim, destroy and/or intimidate, even as the AB’s.

Sorry for the reality check, but people like “Bob Simmons” above deserve it.

By: Bob Simmons Thu, 20 Dec 2012 02:13:05 +0000 Wow Jon, I want some of what you’ve been smoking…

By: JEDIAM Wed, 19 Dec 2012 09:51:08 +0000 The Connecticut shooting that took place on December 14, 2012 was a C.I.A. Psychop operation. The purpose was “Shock and Terror!” for the country and the world to see, to spark a public outrage and outcry to remove the second Amendment from the Constitution that gives American citizens the right to bare arms.

The purpose is to incite an American civil war and plunge the country into total chaos. Why would they do this? The United States is broke! This country is in debt to China, Russia, Mexico, and other nations in the world. This madness accelerated when Bush Jr. was in power and he and his administration bankrupt the country by borrowering untold amounts of hundreds of trillions of dollars to pay for his wars for the oil cartels. Hilary Clinton already gave China “Immanent domain” of the U.S. back in 2009. China and other foreign nations are buying up everything in America making slaves of its citizens. That’s why there is no job market left and gas is $3 or $4 dollars a gallon and soon to rise thus the value of the dollar plunges due to hyperinflation. China, Russia and Mexico are planning an invasion of the U.S. The military is helpless to counter such an attack on American soil without huge casualties of American lives.

The only option, arm the citizens and drug them with Prozac, Ritalin, Zoloft, and other psychotic drugs and turn them into “Hyper Killers!” like what was witnessed in the Connecticut shooting [Adam Lanza] was a test subject and his mother was an expandable asset of the C.I.A,an operative who worked for D.A.R.P.A. The victims of the shooting were the targets intended!

By: Melanie Tue, 18 Dec 2012 18:10:19 +0000 From this link:

An new report prepared by the Federal Security Services (FSB) circulating in the Kremlin today on the horrific Connecticut Massacre is suggesting that these deaths may have been associated with the production of a video game based on the popular book Hunger Games which is about a post-apocalyptic United States where the killing of children is glorified as entertainment for the privileged elite classes.

According to this report, and as we had previously reported on in our report Connecticut Massacre Blamed On Son Of Top CIA Analyst, Nancy Champion Lanza [photo 2nd left], believed to be one of the Central Intelligence Agencies (CIA) top psychological analysts working on Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) video game production, is said by Russian intelligence analysts to have been a “close working partner” with Hunger Games author Suzanne Collins who was her neighbor in the affluent Connecticut village of Newton where they both resided.

By: gangstalkedbytherichanddemented Tue, 18 Dec 2012 04:51:02 +0000 Reblogged this on Gang Stalked since June, 2010 and commented:
What changes? Take all the guns. Restrict freedom. Spy on all of us 24/7, no matter where we are, no matter what we are doing.

By: Sam Smith Mon, 17 Dec 2012 23:39:18 +0000 Another researcher suggested this synchronicity:

find_the_truth says:
“Zero Dark Thirty” has too similar of a plot point to this – the bad guy switching his ID with his brother to confuse the authorities upon his death – the press last night suggested that he went to each child and shot them again at close range, just as the SEALs do to every body in “Zero Dark Thirty”. Many more scripted similarities.

Also Uwe Boll’s movie ‘Rampage,’ where the killer shoots his friend at the end and plants the murder weapon in his hands.
