Comments on: How the Newtown massacre became a Mind-Control television event Thu, 09 Feb 2017 19:50:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sean Thu, 09 Feb 2017 19:50:07 +0000 “The egg not only cracks in that case, the news anchor is suspended the next day, and the network releases a statement that his “breakdown” on camera was brought on by stress.”.

Actually, when Ben Swan did it recently, he abruptly disappeared from the air for 10 days, and had all his social media go black. The game is deep.

By: Ingolf Stern Tue, 11 Feb 2014 18:03:39 +0000 this. fell asleep. yep.

the thing is this – we are more different on the inside than they want us to think. we are told that our external difference is only skin COLOR, and that inside we are all alike. this is false, false, false. we are as different inside as different can be. everyone has different perspectives, abilities, needs, and etc. everyone is at a different level of development and understanding, and therefore our souls and spirits are different. your dad fell asleep because the message did not connect with him in an internal, meaningful way. his spirit is not moved by such things. this is not a problem unless you do not understand it, unless you think there is something wrong with him. he is not ready too hear that stuff, and his response is proof. i am bored to tears by spectator sports, for example. i cannot care. this is about my nature. so the superbowl means nothing to me, although I saw thousands of my fellow citizens mobbing around outside in the middle of winter, walking in the cold street for the chance to wave at some guy who doesn’t give a damn about them because the tv told the people to go out and do that.

would they have a parade for starbucks if they made a particularly good profit next year?

football is a private business just like starbucks.

so why do the people get all worked up?

a mystery to me. but to them it is obvious, fun, and not a thing to worry about. it is simple celebration and a chance to paint their faces and scream aloud in the streets.

to me this is ignorance writ large. ”to them it is simple fun.

we are just different.

By: Ingolf Stern Tue, 11 Feb 2014 17:54:19 +0000 this will not happen: any change based on new information getting into people’s minds.

that we can somehow effect change by “waking up” each other is silliness.

pointing out things in internet comments sections, discovering hidden relationships, missed clues, and covert motives and then outing them to the people on the web simply does not have any effect.

people can’t do anything, or they won’t.

i know, as does everyone reading these articles here, that 911 was an inside job and so was 7-7, that newtown and sandy hook are false flag psyops, that the london olympics was illuminatti ritual, and on and on and on…

but there are not levers for us to grab, no persons around whose neck we can get our hands.

what? vote? really?

the only thing we can do is opt the hell out – don’t borrow money or watch tv or participate in their cruel, hateful matrix.

but our neighbors are fully engaged, and that prevents our effort from having an efffect.

tragedy of the commons – my actions have no effect because of the power of numbers.

so trying to “wake us up” becomes mere griping and exhortation – “YOU PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP!” – it does no good.

By: susi learn Sat, 14 Dec 2013 01:00:50 +0000 i also felt that timothy mcveigh was a victim of mind control.

By: Rich Tue, 04 Jun 2013 03:33:03 +0000 Great Article. I have a question. … I recently read some of your interviews with Ellis Medavoy with Matrix Revealed. If main stream news is thoroughly infiltrated and fake, how much so is alternative media and internet news as well? I would think the methods in which Medavoy employed with Newspapers would be easily incorporated into internet and alternative media. There is very little source siting and so many “secret” insider sources.

I already knew much of network TV and Newspapers were mind control fronts of the elite. I recently have stepped back and really gave pause to what I was taking in. My assessment is much of the Big Alternative media (especially these patriot type *insert info giant here*) is leading internet saps around like a hog with a ring their noses. They are inducing fear and hence paralysis instead of thriving for the masses. No real solutions. This makes me think on an Old Testament scripture:

And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were IN OUR OWN SITE as grasshoppers, AND SO WE WERE IN THEIR SITE. Numbers 13:33

No take in what this scripture really says…. Who really have the power, the power inside us that they are deathly afraid we will discover. Your writings on “creative consciousness” is similar to what I am talking about. We are kept off balance so we cannot tap into this.

By: Mike Mon, 04 Mar 2013 16:18:07 +0000 Great article are you aware that FaceBook has blocked this article from being shared. They say it is spamy or dangerous…


Hi Mike,

thanks for attempting to share via FB.

yes. see …

By: Charlie Bates Sat, 12 Jan 2013 19:39:23 +0000 Two minor, but hopefully useful contributions. I heard an initial radio report (Fox or ABC, not sure which) that stated the mother of adam Lanza had been shot to death with a .22 caliber rifle, which to my knowledge has not been mentioned since. As an aside, I’m old enough to remember that people ALWAYS turned off their televisions, or at least offered to, when visitors came calling. On a more positive side, perhaps this will bring together a nexus of online investigators who can pool informational sources from across the world.

By: ask? Thu, 10 Jan 2013 03:22:56 +0000 Propaganda works on the willing subjects that can’t think for themselves.
Please if you haven’t already done this article, do one on United States House Select Committee on Assassinations and remember Congress only seals theories for 50 years..

By: S Barringer Thu, 03 Jan 2013 00:28:38 +0000 Geez, I wish every American would read this article. But, they’re too busy watching TV, getting more mezmerized and brain-washed and they seem to prefer that to anything they could possibly choose to do. The truth is here in this article, but few will likely get to read it, or be willing to if exposed to it.

By: Todd Wed, 02 Jan 2013 18:01:44 +0000 Right on brother. Glad I found this blog- Just want to give my support for a great article with a plethora of truth… You, Sir are now bookmarked.
