Comments on: The insane parade: Obama, guns, psychiatric drugs, Adam Lanza, Asperger’s Fri, 21 Dec 2012 17:27:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alan Boyd Fri, 21 Dec 2012 17:27:41 +0000 Anyone who consults with a psychiatrist should have his head examined.

By: Genie Fri, 21 Dec 2012 16:37:30 +0000 The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour:

By: harry Fri, 21 Dec 2012 08:12:23 +0000 I thank you, sir, for the reference on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to treat stroke victims. I think that your writings are very clear and persuasive. I’ll be sure to keep your website bookmarked.

By: cognitive psycho (@redcitroen) Fri, 21 Dec 2012 02:29:14 +0000 Psychiatry is a mind control cult hiding in plain sight within the so-called medical field. Medicine is a physical science. No entity called a psyche can be described not does such a thing exist. Hence, psychiatry is the study of nothing.

By: skunkbear Thu, 20 Dec 2012 17:53:41 +0000 “Psychiatry is a non-science parading as truth. Nothing abut (sic) it is true.”

Nailed it! As my psychology professor told me in college, psychology is nothing more than the study of various theories.

And, yes, I do know there is a difference between psychology and psychiatry; to wit, psychiatrists are medical doctors who also try to explain human behavior through psychology, which is still just based on opinions and not factual science. Ironically, it is these “doctors” who are the ones who prescribe the evil drugs that have been scientifically proven to cause damage to the victim’s – I mean patient’s – brain.

And it is done only because a collective group of theorists agree it is acceptable.

It is sickening to watch these self proclaimed “mental health experts” on TV pronouncing what was wrong with Lanza and yet not a single one of them had ever spent one second with the kid.

By: Lyn Leahz Thu, 20 Dec 2012 16:32:19 +0000 If you want my opinion..I think Lanza’s mom tried to get him help and the government gave him money and offered him psychiatric help. Upon the help, I think they probably hypnotized him and fed his mind things such as, “Your mother hates you and loves the chldren….” and probably told him to kill the children…. they brainwashed him, so to speak…seeing him as the perfect candidate because of his hatred for the kids because he felt his mom loved them more. I think this whole thing was orchestrated by gov’t thugs.
