Comments on: When dreaming breaks through the chains of mind control Mon, 10 Jul 2017 16:44:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Helena J Ackley Mon, 10 Jul 2017 16:44:05 +0000 Jon, about dreams, Helena Ackley age 92 here again. (after 2 comments on Part one, Jack
True.) I had 5 guiding dreams, the first 2 came up out of myself, and were washing up my own garbage. Third was pivotal, and had a spiritual aspect in control. It was only then I read my first of Jung, and recognized this was known by someone else too. It was like therapy, but on my own, and against Nay-Sayers. It too inner work of 3 to 4 years to work my way through all each dream showed me about myself. After t he pivotal dream, the other two were of what I called a spiritual reality. They came with psychic ability, after a childhood with undeniable miracles. I found psychic ability and power to backfire on me, and renounced it. But after the 5th dream, I realized, this was spiritual power and functioning, it could not be renounced, but I had to learn how to use it as it was invested in me to be used. That was, for the benefit of all it touched, including me, and beyond my knowledge. I live this way, and have lived this way for many years now.

By: Eliza Wed, 26 Dec 2012 15:01:13 +0000 I was excited to read the description of seeing inside to see/perceive illnesses in the body as tangled knots of thread and then detangling them. I have been doing that myself for a few years, now, and I never knew anyone else did that! It is very effective and mysterious. It took me awhile to believe it was real, too. I appreciate the description of teasing out how the “layers” appear, and how difficult it is to explain in words, something like this.

For me, my experience has been that first I “am moved to” or decide to see or look inside the body (mine or someone else’s). To be open to the images. Then, the images come to me (that is what it feels like). I don’t feel that I consciously decide to perceive it as “threads.” In fact, sometimes I perceive it differently (though yes, the colors). Sometimes it appears as shards or splinters, and I draw them out. Sometimes it appears as a hard ball, and I vaporize it. Sometimes it appears as a raw and painful mass, and I soothe it by application of something — all of this is mental and it feels automatic. It is three-dimensional and yes, you can be in the space and see in all directions at once if you choose to. Sometimes there are sounds as well as colors and also emotions (but emotions are not what we think they are).

But very hard to describe in words.

By: Ortho Wed, 26 Dec 2012 01:38:06 +0000 Matter doesn’t really exist!

That statement is sure to upset a lot of people…

By: Bonnie Tue, 25 Dec 2012 19:27:30 +0000 …no alleged science knows the workings of the Mind or the interaction between the mind and the physical body. Try as hard science may, it will NEVER find Mind or Spirit, as long as they refuse to admit /. acknowledge that there is MORE than the 5 Senses.

THe Wisdom Schools of the Ancients, were destroyed by the religions, but they have come back in these Times. And they taught /teach that the Life Force / Energy is separate from the physical body. This Energy, part and parcel of an Eternal Force, with All That Is,- ALL THAT EXISTS- aka THE Creator, does NOT need rest as does the physical body.

The fact is that, this Energy Packet called Soul separates from the physical body, AND TRAVELS IN OTHER PLACES / LEVELS / TIMES while the Human Body rests.

And Dreams are the lingering memory of the various Travels during the night, all squashed together, so that the Human is confused thinking it is just one piece reaction of the brain of events in aperson’s life.

What Psychology, mistakenly, calls the “Subconscious, ” is actually,the connection to the Eternal Life Force.

By: The Jack True Interview, Part 1 Tue, 25 Dec 2012 19:25:24 +0000 […] Latest Jack True article on Jon Rappoport’s Blog […]

By: Cape Breton News and Views_World Alternative News Headlines « An Online Home For Cape Breton Islanders Tue, 25 Dec 2012 11:19:44 +0000 […] When Dreaming Breaks Through Mind Control […]

By: Frank Sperlich Tue, 25 Dec 2012 09:41:48 +0000 could this be true that this will open a stargate into a parallel dimension with enough implements of our desire that we notice it and be satisfied or will it bring another set of desires which will go on for eternity?

By: Paul Tue, 25 Dec 2012 06:34:25 +0000 I have the same question as Scott. I would like to buy the Jack True material now, and the expensive CD later.



By: m_asteram Tue, 25 Dec 2012 06:15:12 +0000 With all due respect, I disagree strongly with a fundamental claim at the beginning of the essay: That we can all do this, that we can all achieve the paranormal. No, not all humans can. Only those humans who have a soul can achieve it, and there is no requirement that one have a soul in order to inhabit a human body. All that is required is the life force. No soul needed. A worm does not need a soul, and a human body does not either.

In addition, in order to access the paranormal, one must not only have a soul, but one must be connected to it, not disconnected from it.

So I’d say that knocks “all” down to about 1/4 to 1/3 of the present living human population. If that. Those without a soul will never be able to access the paranormal, period.

By: Wendy Sun, 23 Dec 2012 16:50:16 +0000 The information in this article could just be the answer to my life-long search for release from the horrible grasp of mind control.

Recently I started doing something similar to the visualizations mentioned in your article. I wondered where it might take me, if anywhere, and if the time and effort were even worth it, but the people I share it with really seem to get positive results. I even have a back log of requests!

For the first time in 56 years I have a sense of real hope that there is a very personal way for me to break out from the mental chains that have held me captive for so long, in a way that benefits many, doing something I love to do.

Thank you for the most wonderful Christmas Present ever!

Take care,
