Comments on: Murder in the medical Matrix: the FDA Fri, 04 Oct 2013 01:23:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Just Say No to GMO Hemp! | Live Free, Live Natural Fri, 04 Oct 2013 01:23:46 +0000 […] “…the FDA is fully aware that the drugs it certifies as safe have been killing Americans at the rate of 100,000 per year.” (Jon Rappoport) […]

By: Murder in the medical Matrix: the FDA | Independent News Hub Mon, 08 Apr 2013 05:18:38 +0000 […] Full article here […]

By: Just Say No to GMO Hemp! - Waking Times : Waking Times Fri, 08 Feb 2013 00:38:24 +0000 […] “…the FDA is fully aware that the drugs it certifies as safe have been killing Americans at the rate of 100,000 per year.” (Jon Rappoport) […]

By: Ian MacLeod Sun, 06 Jan 2013 20:25:17 +0000 Just more Depopulation Agenda attacks on the U.S. and the rest of the world. Until more of us wake up and start fighting back in the infowar, they will use absolutely EVERYTHING as a weapon against us AND make us pay for the privilege of being murdered by them! Take this information to your doctor(s) and tell him that he either needs to refute them or tell you he won’t use this garbage anymore. Hell, leave flyers or info sheets on your neighbor’s doors! If this information gets outs out, enough people will get pissed off enough to fight back in the infowar. If not, they’ll kill us off piece by piece. It’s that simple.


By: cptnemo7029 Sun, 06 Jan 2013 13:55:05 +0000 Reblogged this on Samurai Warriors Of Miyamoto Musashi and commented:
Every action begins in the mind. Everything from getting out of bed, to closing your eyes. The mind is the seat of all action. Once you start to
tinker” with this finely tuned mechanism bad things will happen. Martial Arts helps you to develop your body, mind and spirit. Get off the the Couch and into action!

By: Kathleen Robinson Tue, 01 Jan 2013 15:28:07 +0000 Thank you, Jon, for your wonderful work. The information you have presented is exactly the reason why I started going to a holistic MD rather than my previous “mainstream” one who freely dispenses harmful prescriptions. Let us pray that in 2013 the deeds of the FDA will come to light so that at least some of those 100,000 lives will be saved.

By: toanangel Tue, 01 Jan 2013 14:15:31 +0000 Your are wisely conservative to limit the deaths the FDA is responsible for to 100,000, and not take into account the over 2,000,000 deaths PER YEAR in the USA, from chemotherapy, conveniently blamed on a ‘battle against cancer. Nor the unnecessary deaths of millions of AIDS patients with DNA chain terminators.

While federal agency employees could speak up, they are fully to blame, because they report their compilations to panels that are represented by the scientists and doctors from the respective pharmaceutical company, who seek and then approve their drugs.

However, the only time the federal employees and their police state powers of the FDA are proactive in their protective actions are when they discredit independent doctors, scientists and labs, and block proven or experimental remedies that show promise or actually work to eliminate degenerative dis-ease.

I, Charles Pixley, was imprisoned in the 1990’s for making available a proven, known and highly effective homeopathic cure for cancer called 714X, which has been used by MILLIONS of people world wide, WITHOUT a single side effect. (look it up)

If, for example, there were a genuine concern for cost containment, Homeopathic remedies have shown for centuries to be the most effective front line treatment for a myriad of health disturbances. Also, which were grand fathered into the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, when it was enacted back in circa 1902, are vilified, as having no scientific evidence, which could not be further from the Truth.

All the major pharmaceutical giants have their headquarters in Basel Switzerland, making them out of reach of the IRS and moreover would question, how many Swiss bank accounts have been set up for Congress people, Presidents, Judges, and others who were in a position to benefit the pharmaceutical cartel members.

Members of Congress with very few exceptions have any training, nor understanding of the Healing Arts, yet are responsible for legislation that affects the health of the nation.

When We The People, finally awake from our slumber and CLEAN HOUSE, would offer my idea of REFORM, which is to have an Eclectic approach and panels, from every branch of the Healing Arts, at all the major approval agencies, FDA, NIH, CDC, and WHO, responsible for oversight and approval of the offerings from the Materia Medica of their respective school.

Thank you Jon, for your stalwart effort to create awareness and ultimately save the lives of MILLIONS!

By: Kevin Sun, 30 Dec 2012 18:34:39 +0000 Dear Jon:

Thank you for your due diligence to ferret out the misdeeds of our Federal Agencies.

I wish I had an answer as to how we the people can create some sort of justice for all of the victims of the Big Pharma poisoning that the American public is exposed to.

We must wrap our minds around the fact that certain people with out an enlightened soul are willing to murder and thieve from the general population, in order to attain to the illusion that materialism means anything.

In the end the richest man on this planet shares the same fate as the poorest, in the end you can take nothing with you into the next life, and that which seemed in your imagined mind as a display of attainment, has now become a millstone about your neck that drags your soul into hell.

Love & Blessings

Kevin J. Crum

By: Bill Fri, 28 Dec 2012 16:52:59 +0000 Atta Boy, Jon, you are truly the right man in the right place, as i myself, having worked in medical profession, I noticed ridiculous claims of cures if you lived 5yrs longer than they thought you would. 85% of oncologist will not even take their own cancer treatments so what does that tell you .The “eugenics” program is working fabulously for them!!! By the way, what cures have they ever come up with other than altering your symptoms?

By: cognitive psycho (@redcitroen) Fri, 28 Dec 2012 03:29:54 +0000 chilling, in wales. same thing. hard to believe.
