Comments on: Sandy Hook: Aleister Crowley, interview freak-show, police audio Sat, 25 Aug 2018 10:37:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Philip Sat, 25 Aug 2018 10:37:24 +0000 GET READY. Woordpress will shut this site down as they did fellowshipoftheminds. Censorship is the order of the day.

By: Justmeh Mon, 19 Jun 2017 16:36:38 +0000 Watchful Eye…. I hope you downloaded those YouTube videos because EVERY SINGLE ONE that I clicked on has been REMOVED from YouTube.

By: Aleister Crowley « Sun, 10 Feb 2013 15:57:08 +0000 […] Sandy Hook: Aleister Crowley, interview freak-show, police audio ( […]

By: rdbob Tue, 01 Jan 2013 17:38:58 +0000 The United States government now owns all newspapers, television news agencies. It is now possible for our rogue government to pull off news stories that are completely false the realism of an actual event. One such recent event is the Sandy Hook Massacre. Why was this event staged as a movie in preparation to disarm the American people by taking away or disannulling the 2nd. Amendment.
1. Why are Police and emergency personnel milling around without purpose like taking a break, fire and ambulances with no dead bodies just mass confusion?
2. Are these photos of people that are already or have been missing for years verified by the government altered news propagandists?
3. Main character Adam Lanza. Why are there are no recent photographs of Adam Lanza no paper trail of any public records? Adam was stated to be 20 years of age. By the news propagandists own account of the storyline, Adam this fictional character is 18 instead of 20. Adam drove a car that was not his or his mothers. How did the gun he used to commit the murderers get locked in the trunk of this car outside the Sandy Hook School? Why the police did not give information of who owns the car, except it was not Nancy Lanza’s? How did Adam drive someone’s car enter the school kill 26 people shoot himself 27th. How did Adam Lanza take the gun out to the car while dead and lock it in the trunk? Why do police not know who’s the owner of the car? How did Adam who is dead inside Sandy Hook School put the gun in the trunk while police state he was dead inside the school? Why are there are no government records that show Adam was ever more than a fictional son of a C.I.A. agent and not a live individual.
4. Is Nancy Lanza a fictional character as was her fictional son Adam Lanza? No government paper trail to show these fictional characters ever lived. Are there any recent photos, or recent records, nothing no proof?
5. Are these pictures of dead children and teachers are missing or exploited children of years past not recent victims? Why does ATF have no gun records showing Nancy Lanza ever bought or owned a gun?
6. Why is there absolutely not a single factual account of any persons dying at Sandy Hook School? Why are there no dead bodies were show or taken from the school? Why is there no video from Sandy Hook School showing any carnage or any one dead? Why has no government news propagandist photos ever been shown? Why do all the police, firemen and people appear calm and every allowed to walk around the crime scene? All the actors were a cacophony of people aimlessly milling around the movie set.
7. Why did police radio transmission clearly stated there were 3 people involved? Why was Adam Lanza the fictional fall guy? Why were 2 other perps allowed to go free?

8. Why are there 27 dead people and we still do not have a single photograph proving anyone died? Why is there not a single picture of any dead bodies? People heard this false flag scenario on major government owned propaganda news media Fox, NBC, ABC, and CBS all of which belong to the U.S. rogue government. Why have many weeks passed and not a single shred of proof of any dead children or teachers not one photograph, no medical proof, nothing? Why are there 27 closed casket funerals not a single dead human being shown? Why are there 27 dead and we are not shown 1 dead person? Why is there absolutely no factual irrefutable evidence except the account by the rogue government’s propagandist reporters? Why are there no morgue pictures, no video carnage of the killer(s), no photos of 1 dead person sold to the American people without any proof?
9. Why has there been no video camera footage from inside the Sandy Hook School? Why is there not any proof this happened other than actors milling about a school?

10. Why was Adam Lanza or Nancy Lanza’s bodies not shown? Nancy Lanza was not at the School why did the news media not show her dead inside the house?

11. Why will the news media that are government owned news propagandists, stoolies, tools, and stooges thumbs downers not show proof of just 1 dead person connected with Sandy Hook’s massacre? Isn’t this story told by government owned propagandists, really about the massacre of free thinking of human intelligence ever perpetrated by this cancerous government owned news propagandists? Why does this deny common sense?
12. Can’t one always tell the government propagandists, the thumb downers, never offer proof or a solution, only ridicule, harassment? Isn’t this is further proof of a cover-up by the stoolies, stooges, thumb downers, tools of this rogue Anti-American government? Does not the very fact these people never use common sense to question anything but take total acceptance without facts or proof shows they are the problem or part of the takeover by the government? Shouldn’t we as citizens require proof of this scenario other than the word and lies of the false prophets?

By: Anonymous Tue, 01 Jan 2013 02:34:07 +0000 I can’t believe the emotionlessness of this woman. I have seen videos of children that were murdered 20 years ago, and the parents still go into fits of uncontrollable crying. Understandably. This is too unbelievable. What about the other two apprehended shooters? We demand answers!

By: Alan Boyd Mon, 31 Dec 2012 00:08:01 +0000 Many of these missing details could be easily cleared up. For example – were the families of the “killed” children really residents of Newtown ? Presumably we do have a list of the victims – so the local property tax records could give instant answers (assuming they were home owners) and may also provide details as to when their homes (and other property(ies) were purchased. I would start with Robbie -is he real ? The family names we have and their legitimacy of their residence (or even existence) can be verified. Assuming they really lived in Newtown, their neighbors could be contacted to see if they knew of the little kids who were murdered. If I had a person in my office with the spare time, I might even start this project myself.


Newtown Shooting Victims’ Names Released [Full List]
Posted: December 15, 2012

The children listed as victims of the shooting in Newtown have been officially identified. Of the 20 children killed in the school rampage, eight were boys and 12 were girls. Four were born in 2005. The remaining 16 were born in 2006.

Their names and birthdates are:

Charlotte Bacon, 2/22/2006
Daniel Barden, 9/25/2005
Olivia Engel, 7/18/2006
Josephine Gay, 12/11/2005
Ana M Marquez-Greene, 4/4/2006
Dylan Hockley, 3/8/2006
Madeleine F Hsu, 7/10/2006
Catherine V Hubbard – 6/8/2006
Chase Kowalski, 10/31/2005
Jesse Lewis, 6/30/2006
James Mattioli, 3/22/2006
Grace McDonnell, 11/4/2005
Emilie Parker, 5/12/2006
Jack Pinto, 5/6/2006
Noah Pozner, 11/20/2006
Caroline Previdi, 9/7/2006
Jessica Rekos, 5/10/2006
Avielle Richman, 10/17/2006
Benjamin Wheeler, 9/12/2006
Allison N Wyatt, 7/3/2006

Adults listed as Sandy Hook Elementary victims were identified as well:

Rachel Davino, 7/17/1983
Dawn Hochsprung, 6/28/1965
Anne Marie Murphy, 7/25/1960
Lauren Russeau, 6/8/1982
Mary Sherlach, 2/11/1956
Victoria Soto, 11/04/1985

By: Sheila Aliens Sun, 30 Dec 2012 11:40:45 +0000 Mystery Man in Woods Handcuffed by Newtown Police: SOLVED

By: Mayan apocalypse survivor Sun, 30 Dec 2012 09:47:29 +0000 It’s becoming clear that no matter what blood is shed or carnage (real or simulated transpires) there will never be any accountability to anyone. I’m beginning to wonder if anyone has died in this operation. It seems to a complete psyops event top to bottom, and all the smiling glowing , cheerful “family members” seems to have gotten a hefty pay rate for their efforts. I swear some of them look like they’re stifling laughter. Look at their eyes. They’re very joyous in their work.

By: brad Sun, 30 Dec 2012 09:33:20 +0000 Interesting that the largest massacre took place but yet Sandy Hook will reopen in January. How many months was Columbine closed for it’s 13 murders? Several several several months… not a few weeks. My what a quick blood bath that was to clean up! How many injured at Sandy Hook? The story has now changed to 3 since this question arose (unnamed of course).

By: brad Sun, 30 Dec 2012 08:43:33 +0000 What about this information:
The actor, Gene Rosen, that was used. Here’s his information: .
Here’s his audition tape:
AND here is Nancy Grace wanting to burst in laughter at him:

Who hired this guy and why? Well..we know why. No one seems disturbed by this?

No bullet holes in any of the school’s windows?
No crime scene photos?
The joke of an Examiner? I know you saw the footage, crazy!
Not one shed tear from ANY parent.
The public giving donations and reaching out and no “thank you’s”? How convenient for the police audio to be unclear.
The ‘professional’ looking photos of the kids that are dead

Oh and interesting, it only took 10 days to find out that Nancy Lanza was not the dead teacher in the classroom — in fact, she was at home!

Less than a week of your sweet Noah getting shot up 11 times, having NO chin or left hand any longer (allegedly) this lady looks composed.. she says she is NUMB..but numb means to look well slept, well kept, well spoken, unemotional.. actually functions better than most people I know? Lookin good Mrs.Mommy Pozner:
This is not the definition of NUMB. It’s the definition of BS.

Here’s a sad attempt at tears..but yet NO tears? A staged house to boot: This is the only video with remote attempt to even cry. The dad sure looks uncomfy by the sad attempt of the wife.

Obama’s Fast & Furious project. Scandals of the past. This is one sick nation. We treat our people poor and live off of fear and stupidity.

I could go on,but I know you that you most likely have all the details of what is seriously in error. The RIP Victoria Soto Facebook made 4 days prior to her death.. I don’t know how true that is but something to consider.

The anonymous girl that was the only survivor out of 16 students is suing the district but the attorney has to ASK for permission to sue?The attorney states she didn’t see anything..just “heard”. Thought she was the last standing?There is no student nor will there be a lawsuit. More made up drama to pretend this is real.

This is sick, and what’s even more sick.. the mere mention that you find this event to be false you are labled an insensitive jerk. Society in whole is frightening. So people believe this? If they believe, no one still feels concerned for our kids’ safety? We have reached the twilight zone.
