Comments on: Matrix governments pretend to be real Fri, 18 Jan 2013 03:34:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: bigorange Fri, 18 Jan 2013 03:34:05 +0000 Mind Control Overview and Head Tilting

*The supercomputers are dependent on satellite mm laser entry into left cerebellum lobe and trying to override your left cerebrum and left neocortex transmissions(right-side body controls). The Chemtrails we all see in the sky put nano-fibers and BIOAPI and ions in the atmosphere and when ingested or inhaled turn your brain cell synapses into like a circuit board. This left cerebellum laser sends the forwarding information using these BIOAPI modified synapses and granule cells to the nervous system.The lasers which enter thru the top right of skull to right cerebrum and right neocortex are the main controllers of higher thought processing and send the thought voice with various options for your control. Thought voice can also be sent thru cheekbones and TMJ area(V2K). These lasers lock you in the creative and dreamy side of the mind. While the logical and reasoning side is limited and the computer sends the artificial cognitive model(see blog for NSA Tactics for Thinking). In short, the laser to left cerebellum must be blocked by silk, vcr tape, tin foil, buttons, magnets, copper,copper screen or all. Perps usually stiffen neck on entry to prevent side to side movement. If no blockers are available, the tilting of head to the right messes up all laser entries and controls of right neocortex. By leaning head on hand or tilting head this will disrupt download. You should hear a slight pop in your left ear and you have disabled laser momentarily. The other primary key is the access to the hypothalamus which creates all likes and dislikes and therefore controlling effort and quitting points. This is how they control your use of tv remote, buying decisions, driving decisions and work efforts. The nose must be covered and top of skull with metal, tin foil, silk or vcr tape or something to block access to this vital organ. I have effectively restricted these areas before and the perps have gone to nano laser and acupuncture points. You must then cover eyebrows and ears with something or just grow hair over these areas. Hair restricts thermal infrared imaging and access to these areas which appear cool relative to rest of body therefore making it hard to locate precise acupuncture points. For lung and stomach points I wear a leather jacket or vest or shield with an aluminum cooking sheet or copper platter. When receiving a bad thought pattern or forced anxiety just tilt your head to one side and the feed is broken.

*Take a close look at the entry points into the brain in this brain cross section MRI. The article shows them to be the center of lower forehead, rear of skull and the ear:

By: bigorange Thu, 10 Jan 2013 06:24:28 +0000 The NWO’s Golden Calf and the Final Judgment

* Posted by Big Orange on January 8, 2013 at 11:24pm
* View Blog

On October 31, 2003, while Americans walked their children trick or treating, the CBS Evening News report went unwatched. Dan Rather reported that the FDA had decided clone milk and meat was safe for consumption. This Halloween night satan and the nwo played one of the final tricks ever on humanity and God’s creation.The grevious mistakes already made by animal cloning and the effects on those who eat clone meat is a ticking timebomb. While scientists race to create a CJD resistant vaccine for cloned milk and meat, the prions we have already eaten lay dorment waiting to attack the brain. There is no known cure for CJD,vCJD or BSE and these diseases will be fatal to consumers years after ingestion. These nazi eugenicists could achieve their goal of mass genocide ten or twenty years in the future and there be no smoking gun. They have known about BSE since 1996 and probably planned cloning to complete their plans. Top cloned bulls are used to breed normal cows and the strain on this DNA will assuredly cause new diseases. Only the coming Judgment can fix these wrongs.

This may not seem like a big deal to some but see what the nwo does to keep control of the food and what happened after the movie Food Inc. and this report.

Did you see the four horsemen statue behind the womans head and actually only three were in the shot? Bush, the first horseman, had already came. The hired nsa satanists killed Michael Jackson just days after this report. The poor soul had been like us and sleep deprived for months and was drugged to death right when a diversion was needed. Michael Jackson was mind controlled and dragged through the mud for years.

The suffering that all of us endure has led me to the book of Job many times. The 39th chapter details the wonder of Gods’ creations from goats to ostriches and how only He can control the uncontrollable. God’s power and wisdom as Creator and Preserver of the physical and animal world is absolute and will not be tampered with. The ancient pagans worshipped bulls and cows and the golden calf built by the nwo is an especially heinous sin. Their rejection of God’s sovereignty over nature is a major cause for the Final Judgment.

“Look on every one who is proud and bring him low; and tread down the wicked in their place. Hide them in the dust together; and bind their faces in secret. Then will I confess thee that thine own right hand can save thee.” Job 40:12-14

Job suffered more than I ever have and I take solace in reading how he endured. Any TI who doesn’t know the Lord Jesus Christ just repent and make him Lord of your life and escape the wrath coming on all the world. The release of the burden of your sins and to miss the hour of trial and escape hell will make all we have endured worth it. The greatest comfort we all could have is the last point of the “Sermon on the Mount” :

“Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” Matthew 5:11-12

By: James Jesse Tue, 08 Jan 2013 21:20:11 +0000 Powerful! & To the Point!

By: david Mon, 07 Jan 2013 11:18:10 +0000 the moon landings must have happened they left equipment up there that is still functioning to this day e.g. laser reflectors. however the photo’s they supposedly brought back with them are so obviously fakes I think the acromyn NASA is never a straight answer

By: Bonnie Sun, 06 Jan 2013 18:06:35 +0000 You know, it’s true, but still shocking!

That’s NOT us, Human Beings! It’s some kind of Aliens that are NOT Native to this Planet.

Where is the Love, NOT sex, love of the Heart and Soul!? Compassion. Cooperation with each other? Mercy? Honor?

But, unfortunately, we, Humans are caught in their net. We’ve been taught and sent down the wrong road for so long!

THE God help us!

By: Anonymous Sat, 05 Jan 2013 07:31:48 +0000 I love this sh#t man, this is America.

By: Peter McBride Sat, 05 Jan 2013 06:42:39 +0000 What interests me in the whole “follow the money” trail is the NASA story. I, like others, believe that NASA not only faked Apollo, but the Shuttle, International Space Station and Mars… along with all the other “Space Agencies”. Jon, it would be interesting to know your thoughts on this.

By: Bildo Fri, 04 Jan 2013 20:53:51 +0000 Since United States is not a country, the people in it’s employ don’t need to listen to what the people, within our landmass, have to say. United States is a foreign-owned, bankrupt corporation. Not an actual government.
The “dollar”, Federal Reserve Note(FRN), we use today is nothing more than a “promise to pay”. It came about in 1933 with the US bankruptcy. You can search for United States Bankruptcy of 1933, or go here: or here:

United States Inc is bordering on default in it’s bankruptcy. If you claim the status of US citizen/person/subject then you, your children, and your possessions have been pledged as collateral for the debt.

By: Lise from Maine Fri, 04 Jan 2013 19:32:04 +0000 Hi!

Do you suppose that this government makes money by imprisoning people?

Something to think about.

Thank you!

By: Pete Weaver Fri, 04 Jan 2013 17:37:18 +0000 Wow. That was freakin awesome. It’s like what everyone knows in their hearts, but never puts into words. Blunt, brutally honest and spot on. I love it!
