Comments on: Ready? Let’s pretend Collectivism doesn’t exist Tue, 08 Jan 2013 11:39:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Beth James Smith Tue, 08 Jan 2013 11:39:25 +0000 Just ask Denmark citizens. Collectivism destroys human will to succeed at anything. You swim along like trout in a stream and never grow above or sink below the masses. You are like an amoeba. You must fit in and never taste the real thrill of success or pride of accomplishment on your own lest you get cut off from the safety net of conformity . What a life. A hopeless one.

By: Golden Conscience Mon, 07 Jan 2013 06:28:13 +0000 That whole post was one long money shot on lsd. Clarified a lot of thoughts i’ve had lately.

By: hammer Mon, 07 Jan 2013 00:49:25 +0000 “Then, when everything’s ready, and our glorious leaders sense the moment has arrived, we can all step out into full view and declare we are one with Marx and Lenin.”
For a guy who is so thorough with mind control, I am surprised by your casual misuse of Marx and Lenin. I think that you confuse the collective with fascism and authoritarianism. Marx, Engles, Lenin, Trosky, Kropotkin, Bukunin, Marti and in present time Chavez and Morales have and do advocate collectives, communes and co-operatives with creativity and initiative as a main part of the project. In Venezuela they call it protagonism. It is the push to creative and constructive criticism and production. Private property and personal property are not the same. Wealth from rent or inheritance or interest is not the same as productive wealth.

Russia and China used Marxist ideology to build industrial states that to some extend can withstand the demands of Western Imperialism. These governments created pride and safety from conquest for their peoples. Castro has done the same.

That we are headed toward a christian police state is strong possibility, but to confuse that with Marxism plays into the hands of the oligarchs by removing our most powerful tool for understanding their war on us.

By: Bonnie Sun, 06 Jan 2013 03:55:43 +0000 JON! WOW! THIS is your BEST article EVER(they’re all beautifully written, tho)!!!! Yes,Collectivism WILL be the downfall of us all, willingly, as being observed-you so poignantly have put it out here. After seeing “The Hunger Games” and I get bombarded with petitions to save this and protect that, I have to think “collectively” THEY are using us to limit our enjoyment to save it all for THEMSELVES. Just ONE example beyond yours. The collective “love” ideas are flowing all over the place too. I’m a smillin’ and YOU’RE the BEST-thank you, sir. xoxo Bonnie

By: hybridrogue1 Sun, 06 Jan 2013 00:05:46 +0000 Splendid satire…especially the ‘Money Shot’ scene at the end.

Seems some Swift spirit swept into your room Jon.

