Comments on: Alan Dershowitz is now a Woody Allen parody Thu, 02 May 2013 09:15:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: A Concerned Citizen Thu, 02 May 2013 09:15:03 +0000 Alan Dershowitz is a complete fraud and now, a running joke. It a shame that the law students at Harvard, which is about 1000 times more competitive than it was when Dershowitz must be subjected to the ranting of crack pot who believes his own press. “The Famous Criminal Law in the World”, really, in China, Russia, Latin America, the former Soviet bloc Slavic countries, Africa, etc. That tactics used in the Finkelstein debate- interrupting, repeating “Right?” “Right” would have him held in contempt. The O.J. Trial was the first long running realty show- in a court room away from cameras, Dershowitz would be shredded for interrupting, making theoretical arguments with no basis in fact, and so. As far as his Zionist rants and blind defense of Israel are concerned, the world (except for the US) has condemned the Gaza settlements as violating the Geneva Convention. Time is not on Israel’s side (and definitely not on Dershowitz’s side)- with the US as Israel’s only ally- is inevitable that the Zionist state will soon face its hostile neighbors alone. With the US currently provides a mind-blogging $3.1 billion to Israel as well as military support- meanwhile stateside, the economy is moribund, the voting base which is increasingly younger, non-white, and mystified why they should pay for something the Germans did 70 plus years ago. Dershowitz is a “Criminal lawyer” alright- As the Feinstein interview showed, he is criminally myopic, self centered and, well, delusional.

By: gaybird Fri, 11 Jan 2013 02:34:58 +0000 So great! Alan D. playing America’s Favorite Pedophile (Woody Allen)! American vaudeville at it’s best.

By: Mar Wed, 09 Jan 2013 23:59:31 +0000 Alan Dershowitz is an egomaniac who is very full of himself. Such a man is a useful tool in today’s America. The scary part is that there are people who do actually listen to him.

By: hybridrogue1 Wed, 09 Jan 2013 12:47:43 +0000 Personally, I see Dershowitz as one of the truly scariest people on the planet.

To think this creep has a voice that is listened to is frightening.

That’s life in the Big Blue Penal Colony…


By: sofdmc Wed, 09 Jan 2013 12:10:58 +0000 Check out the youtube video ‘Piers Morgan and guests call for shooting Alex Jones’, and the guests called on some time after Alan Dershowitz who advocated violence against Alex Jones and his family.

By: sofdmc Wed, 09 Jan 2013 12:00:01 +0000 This advocate for torture called for violence against Alex Jones and his family. I have saved the youtube AJ channel video of this disgusting man on hard drive as well as on backup and I urge everyone else, inside and outside the United States to do the same, on hard drive and on a separate back up not connected in any way to the internet that might allow remote access and deletion.

That way even if they shut down the internet, he and the witches shown on either side cannot escape prosecution with maximum extent under Common Law in a future court with judges appointed by the citizenry.

By: Alan Dershowitz is now a Woody Allen parody « The Surf Report Wed, 09 Jan 2013 04:58:32 +0000 […] […]
