Comments on: Alex Jones: Best Night of Television Ever Sat, 12 Jan 2013 02:22:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Piers Morgan And Alex Jones Fight On National TV, Which One Was Crude? Video Inside - Page 3 (politics) Sat, 12 Jan 2013 02:22:55 +0000 […] the next county. You hit them with the truth so hard they never recover. That’s the goal.…levision-ever/ The State has never been created by a "social contract"; it has always been born in […]

By: Mccrackin Brian Fri, 11 Jan 2013 07:20:45 +0000 alex is a complex enigma . who could argue about how much he has done to bring out so much info. to so many people. he has certainly shaken a lot of slumbering listeners to their libertarian/patriotic roots, i.e.. what is going on in this country and so the world? then on the other hand is his adolescent, junior high school level ranting and posturing and then his dramatic turning on the anger and getting pointed and intimidating about defending his gun ownership rights. is this really doing the 2nd amendment rights interests a lot of good? is this what we really need in this debate?, what about simply ‘god given, constitutionally protected right to self defense’? intended, as he did cover, for our protection from tyrannical government? what about asking that tavistock inst. flunky ‘pervs-more-guns’ to attain a constitutional amendment if you want to disarm the general public in this country?, globalist slime!, where is alex’s intelligent augment about the ‘lone nutters’ going back to the kennedys and m.l.k. assassinations, who believes these were ‘lone nutters’ ? how many unanswered, inconsistent, falsely answered questions ,betraying out right lies attend these ‘mass shootings’? while the tavistockian main stream propaganda machine drones on. all a pack of filthy liars. all in on the trauma based, mass mind control ,problem /reaction /solution dialect, herding the sheeple into surrender to big brother, will this happen without a shot? i don’t think so, will it be televised? ,will ‘i’ll bomb ya’ hit the kill switch and disconnect this fancy bit of technology just before the chemtrails start spewing some lethal shit left over or rather upgraded from the nazi/jewish holocaust ? maybe some of the shit rummy sold sadham for gassing kurds, remember?, who is alex working for when he just acts the fool and loses his cool? pervs-more-guns made him look like an unstable ignorant adolescent and a poster child for the twisted logic of the gun grabbers, you get what i’m saying? if he can’t handle the big time ‘cnn’s central studios’ then get somebody in these places of mass exposure who can talk the real talk ,and not come away justifying the gun grabbers view. ‘i know you been working real hard alex’, ‘what i want to know is who are you working for’?

here is the kind of ammo alex has provided the likes of ass kissing, main stream spin machine, propaganda ministers like con-man o’brien.
‘oh yuck yuck yuck, how funny these proponents of the 2nd amendment are, these are the kind of ‘nut jobs’ who are looking to keep their guns’, sorry jon i really love your work going back further than your present day readers know,
but i am serious when i ask ,’who you working for alex?’, with all the hyped up, emotionally charged, vitriolic spewing you are not doing us, gun rights advocates any favors, or the cause any find good! is this the message alex got across to con-man’s millions of viewers, great ,just great, we need this like we need a hole in our heads.
i’m curious as to any response you might have to these criticisms i and the similar ones by others being leveled here, thank you. b.mcc.

By: gaybird Fri, 11 Jan 2013 02:13:16 +0000 I’m so glad Alex kicked ass. If anything it woke a few more people up and we are going to need every jack-man we can get to join together. It’s becoming clearer daily how important each and every individual is in deciding our future. I’m really proud of both Jon and Alex for stepping up. See CGreen’s channel on youtube for another voice that’s strong, clear and joined with Jon and Alex. They really can’t win if we stand together, as individuals with a common purpose – LIBERTY AND FREEDOM FOR ALL.

By: MrJK2367 Thu, 10 Jan 2013 07:17:21 +0000 I completely agree. I also agree that it is not time for “civility” in the info war.

Thank you Jon, and thanks for writing with a voice that is enjoyable to read.

By: skunkbear Thu, 10 Jan 2013 01:28:52 +0000 To those who argue that we need to be calm and just argue the facts fail to understand that facts, logic, reasoning, and historic perspectives are simply not relevant to Piers Morgan and his audience. If these factors were of importance to them gun control would never even be an issue.

What we are dealing with – and I mean this literally – are lunatics. The gun grabbers simply cannot be reasoned with on any level. They are strictly emotional dolts. Therefore Alex’s aggressive behavior will neither convince nor chase away further the anti-gun zealots.

But what Alex’s no retreat/no surrender performance did do was rally the troops! Which we have been longing for for so long! And for which Conservatism Inc. and its talking heads and the NRA have failed us so miserably.

The libs have declared war on us in the inofwar — not we on them. But if that is what they want then we must fight it to victory in the infowar. No quarter; no statute of limitations on their crimes against our rights.

By: Ron Thu, 10 Jan 2013 01:15:01 +0000 @hybridrogue1 – No one said chit chat, those are your words and quit trying to be like Piers by summing up what we mean in such simple terms.
You dont sell a message by yelling, you use intelligence and beat the guy at his own game, get it..

By: heather Wed, 09 Jan 2013 22:10:39 +0000 texas succession movement was growing because of the obama reelection, it will explode if gun control is passed.

By: FaintCryOfFreedom Wed, 09 Jan 2013 21:23:51 +0000 Love Alex Jones but have yet to watch this takedown, but I will! There is a reason I don’t watch TV news anymore. Actually, the only news worth listening to is Al Jazeera and that’s pretty pathetic when you think about it -that here in the supposed “land of the free & home of the brave” we citizens have become nothing more than mere pawns in the globalists’ games of take-over, ramrod, disinformation, propaganda, and parasitic life-lines to Washington, DC. It started a long time ago, and certainly accelerated under GWB’s reign of terror. Go back & watch MM’s “Fahrenheit 9/11”. It becomes sickeningly clear how right-on he was, now that we have the benefit of retrospect. And STILL people believe the BS coming out of Washington. When O renewed NDAA, he drove home the message -for those who are actually listening. We are living in a fascist, totalitarian dictatorship. Our Fed Govt is beyond corrupt ->it’s abusive & parasitic, and it’s getting more so with each passing day. America is a joke. For those of you who wonder what we on the so-called “fringe” are talking about, just look at how MM was vilified in the wake of Fahrenheit 9/11. How about Jesse Ventura, who was at one time the darling of the fascist elite -until he began unabashedly exposing their lies & cover-ups. Then they set on him like a pack of stealthy wolves & have quietly started a whisper campaign questioning his sanity. Remember when GWB told us to not tolerate conspiracy theories in the wake of 9/11? LOL, he forgot to mention that the fed govt’s ENTIRE “official” retelling of that event was utter BS. They were even successful at keeping the protests after our 2000 Prez “election” from being seen by the majority of Americans. Many of us weren’t even aware that on GWB’s first inauguration, all those citizens took the streets in protest at the hijacking of our Democracy.

Hold onto your hats, ladies & gents, because it’s about to get worse. There is a grand design behind the call to disarm Americans & if you don’t know what it is, then you deserve the fascism coming your way. There is another financial crash looming on the horizon & things are about to get real ugly up in here.

By: The Libertybelle Wed, 09 Jan 2013 21:13:41 +0000 HUZZAH! Thank you Alex, for your courage and justified outrage! Alex expressed perfectly exactly how I and many, many other Patriots feel right now…we’re done and the elites need to know how we really feel. The time for civil debate is past.

By: Jon Rappoport ~ Alex Jones: Best Night Of Television Ever « Spartan of Truth Wed, 09 Jan 2013 20:59:19 +0000 […] nomorefakenews | January 8 2013 […]
