Comments on: This what I want to hear Obama say about guns Sat, 16 Feb 2013 15:06:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Sat, 16 Feb 2013 15:06:43 +0000 The “gun” is not the problem. It is the person standing behind it. We have raised a society that has no respect for others or their property. The ideas of honest hard work and the value of a human life are foreign to many. Legislation will not change this. The gun is just a tool and as with all tools it is the proper training of the operator that makes the difference.

By: All You Need To Know On Gun Control: Gun Control Fact And Fantasy Wed, 23 Jan 2013 21:52:05 +0000 […] ) […]

By: Bare Tue, 22 Jan 2013 00:23:52 +0000 It’s never about guns; it’s always about gun parts. What part of the gun will they object to next? The barrel? The trigger?

By: joe peace Mon, 21 Jan 2013 18:10:11 +0000 The idea that there is, “not a peep” about gang gun violence could not be more false. That being said it has predictably become a popular, “dog whistle” retort by many on the right because of it’s implied racial implications. Also predicitable is the response by many of the cute little puppies on the right.. who hear the dog whistle… and stop licking their own asses for just long enough to start an essentially thoughtless thread like this.

What these puppies fail to recognize is the simple notion that much of the proposed legislation on gun safety is in fact a very specific, direct, and focused attempt to reduce gun violece IN ALL COMMUNITIES of the United States…including those in urban communities where gang gun violence is without question a major problem.

For instance…the specific proposed legislation requiring backround checks on ALL purchases of firearms including purchases at gun shows (a measure opposed by many on the right)is a very specific attempt to limit the availability of firearms to ALL individuals with criminal backrounds. This would include limiting the availablity of guns to gang members.

Under the current laws a gang member with a criminal backround can walk into a gun show and legally purchase multiple firearms without any backround check. Here are some pesky facts about gun shows purchases by ATF:

In 2000, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) published the “Following the Gun” report.[18] The ATF analyzed more than 1,530 trafficking investigations over a two-and-a-half-year period and found gun shows to be the second leading source of illegally diverted guns in the nation. “Straw purchasing was the most common channel in trafficking investigations.”[19] These investigations involved a total of 84,128 firearms that had been diverted from legal to illegal commerce. All told, the report identified more than 26,000 firearms that had been illegally trafficked through gun shows in 212 separate investigations. The report stated that: “A prior review of ATF gun show investigations shows that prohibited persons, such as convicted felons and juveniles, do personally buy firearms at gun shows and gun shows are sources of firearms that are trafficked to such prohibited persons. The gun show review found that firearms were diverted at and through gun shows by straw purchasers, unregulated private sellers, and licensed dealers. Felons were associated with selling or purchasing firearms in 46 percent of the gun show investigations. Firearms that were illegally diverted at or through gun shows were recovered in subsequent crimes, including homicide and robbery, in more than a third of the gun show investigations.”

26 thousand firearms purchased at gun shows… were used for illegal activities by criminals. Those illegal activities include the use of guns by gang members. The proposed legislation on requiring backround checks on all purchases is a direct attempt to limit the availibility of guns to all criminals…including gang members.

Another thoughtless and predictable retort by the right will undoubtedly be, “tell me again how criminals follow laws”… and while there is a shred of logic to this argument… my retort to them in this specific case is, “Tell me why you are 100% complicit and willing to sell over 28,00 firearms to known criminals…and if there was a way to make it more difficult for those 28,000 guns to be purchased by criminals…why would you vehemently oppose that legislation’?

Using the logic of the right the only conclusion I can come to is those on the right must support the use of guns by gangs.

By: Paul Mon, 21 Jan 2013 16:47:36 +0000 Maybe teachers should spend more time teaching about the Constitution, and its Amendments, and less time on social equality. You can’t have the latter without the former.
As to statistics, let’s overlay a map of murders with guns over a map of the red and blue states.

By: Arem Lemmer Mon, 21 Jan 2013 16:32:36 +0000 “PERFECT!” — and I don’t even own a firearm …

By: Wilson Beatingo Sun, 20 Jan 2013 23:27:40 +0000 ….What about the criminals who know how and can make their own guns…How can us citizens defend ourselves against that? I have friends, good law-abiding citizens, who know how to build guns. What more for the evil minded criminals who also have this knowledge?

By: Barring Sun, 20 Jan 2013 19:27:40 +0000 ….And what about the Fort Hood massacre? Has everyone forgotten about this one already? Just workplace violence? Mr. President?

By: Clarity Fri, 18 Jan 2013 00:43:31 +0000 Just came across this newsletter posting in my inbox.
H.R. 226: Plan is “to reduce the number of privately owned weapons”

By: Uncle Chuck Thu, 17 Jan 2013 20:41:30 +0000 So, Joe; After all that, what is YOUR suggestion(s) to reduce the killings in America?
