Comments on: Salvador Dali versus The Matrix Fri, 25 Jan 2013 17:24:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Fri, 25 Jan 2013 17:24:42 +0000 Enjoyed your form about Internationalists. Many people don’t get
they’re found in every party in the USA and the world. Why they don’t,
hell if I know. Agree with you that “Free Will” and math don’t go
together. Keep up the great work Sir.

By: Anonymous Fri, 18 Jan 2013 22:18:15 +0000 I knew Dali with 71 years of age with Gala to her end in 1982 of a 7 year period also have unedited recording when I screened self made movie self love new years eve 1975 at St. Regis hotel in Manhatten. Come here to visit me and I can show you the true side of Dali and we can open a museum matrix that Doctor Infinity can reveal for the world he loved and left in 1989.

By: Spenc Fri, 18 Jan 2013 17:01:04 +0000 e.e.cummings was poetry’s answer to Dali. Moderation is not a well used descriptor in my world.

By: Spenc Fri, 18 Jan 2013 16:59:09 +0000 superb. I am floored

By: George LoBuono Thu, 17 Jan 2013 18:46:56 +0000 Dali and Picasso were friends in Paris before Gen. Franco did his surly coup, using Nazi and Mussolini soldiers and planes to help it. Picasso fled to France but Dali stayed in Spain under a semi-fascist dictatorship. So, he head to navigate the brutal, censoring regime in Spain and couldn’t really say what he thought about it. HIs film clip of a pig running down a transparent plastic film tunnel pretty much says what he thought about Franco, in my opinion. To speak in riddles and symbolic eccentrectities was the only way to portray the existential dilemma of life under a dictator who’d taken fascist help. Dali also thought that the extra dimensions of consciousness, clearly portrayed in his work, allowed people to exceed the constraints of elite greed and brutality. His seeming portrayal of Kaiser Wilhelm I alone and tiny on a landscape, pondering his great European war (WWI) irrespective of its brutal consequences for innocent lives, places it all in context.

By: Mr. Mojo Tue, 15 Jan 2013 20:28:40 +0000 Great article and insight. I also visited the “House of Dali” in St. Pete. On my oath I received a “contact high” just looking at his work(s). I think Dali realized “the challenge” was his passion. Everyone spends too much time investigating this or that when we should all be busy creating. After all, we ARE the creators.

By: cape breton,cape breton island,cape breton nova scotia,nova scotia « Global-Cape Breton-Nova Scotia Tue, 15 Jan 2013 10:20:20 +0000 […] Salvador Dali Vs The Matrix […]

By: Outsider Tue, 15 Jan 2013 01:13:16 +0000 A brilliant review and very inspiring. There is hope for all aspiring artists. Thank You!

By: infinitecontactee Sun, 13 Jan 2013 03:24:34 +0000 No dilly dally with Dali! Visiting the museum in St. Petersburg FL about 7 years ago was literally a creative epiphany for me – it’s as if something about his work was a call of the wild to venture into the creative parts of my own imagination, to boldly go where I’d never gone before. Funny, people “believe” they are made in the Creator’s image and likeness, yet so many of us are sadly out of touch with what that really entails, being more content with limitations, molds, and pre-determined patterns. An idea the New World Order likes very much – the confinement of creativity in its cage, its one-size-fits-all worldview. But then when someone comes along like Dali, or there is an urge to bust loose like he did, and you understand that creativity and imagination are where the juicy productive solutions are, you also become the odd man out. But that is far better than the mundane alternative! Hats off to Dali and everyone else who repeatedly gives a creative peck from the inside of the eggshell, cracking it, breaking it open, finally breaking free. Free at last… This would be a great area for the hundredth monkey principle to swing into action.

By: John Smartt Sat, 12 Jan 2013 22:38:21 +0000 love the part about looking real and being wild. i’ve found the inside/out of that to be true. for example, if you try to listen to coltrane’s meditations, it’s noise (wild). but if you release your hold on the conventional, you are thrown into an enlivened sense of the present moment (looks real).
