Comments on: Breaking: New York creates psychiatric police state Wed, 19 Jun 2019 12:42:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dom Ramsey Sat, 28 Jun 2014 09:25:37 +0000 George, I’m a former fed and you are 100% correct at how this will be used. This is a form of the new tyranny taking shape in this country. It actually discourages people from seeking help when they feel depressed because if you do the entire “system” turns against you, alienates you and can often times be turned against you to criminalize you. America is a very dangerous place for someone with depression.. I would love to share with you a horror story about how this all can turn very bad for innocent people but there isn’t the space here… perhaps I will have to write up some of the more horrific things the federal government is currently doing to people that they (not doctors) deem mentally unstable.

By: Dom Ramsey Sat, 28 Jun 2014 09:20:56 +0000 You got that right.

By: rrrviii Wed, 06 Feb 2013 11:03:18 +0000 Great Reporting Mr. Rappoport. If that is ok with you, I added a link to your article at my sight.

Keep lifting the Curtain. TY

By: Rockerchic4God Tue, 22 Jan 2013 08:38:40 +0000 I am a mental health paraprofessional, been in the field 10 years. There are very simple ways to discern sociopaths from garden-variety depressed people that mean no harm to anyone. Psychological tests are VERY accurate. The problem is, virtually no mental health emergency or public outpatient facility uses them. Why? Because if a patient is ASPD (antisocial personality disorder, or called “psychopath” in the old days) THERE IS NO MEDICAL TREATMENT/CURE FOR THAT, AND THEY ARE OFTEN VIOLENT. If they’re labeled “Bipolar” or “Schizoaffective” they get psych meds – which only work for actual Bipolars and Psychotic disorders! It’s the drug companies pushing the mass misdiagnoses! That’s the problem!

By: Anonymous Fri, 18 Jan 2013 15:18:39 +0000 I believe that it is the policy of most Local and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies that the Officers see a psychiatrist after any traumatic situation they are involved in (i.e. shooting, hostage situation, etc). I would think that they would often be prescribed one of the SSRI for anxiety, stress, or any of a slough of other issues that would accompany a tragedy.

Would this and other laws of this ilk cause the Officer to lose their weapons and jobs? They do put themselves into some violent situations as part of their job, so a propensity for violence behavior is there; even if used in the ‘good’ .

I wonder if the Law Makers have thought of that?

By: George LoBuono Thu, 17 Jan 2013 19:12:43 +0000 The law is a disgrace. How many people have felt like ending it all, at least at some point? Would you want the government to have to be informed of you as a supposedly violent threat to society for merely having pondered ending your own life? This law will be cited as a threat to good, thorough counseling. Some people will fear that a Big Brother file will be compiled on them, ready to be used if they become too vocal or troublesome in later years. For people living in a society that rewards banking sociopaths and warfare with huge amounts of money, to feel as though life isn’t worth living at early, yet-unmatured stages of their lives, isn’t dangerous. Instead, it may be a sign of a deeper intellect. New York must eliminate the suicide aspect. More money for free counseling, not for Homeland Security, which could compile lists of the emotionally vulnerable!

By: Lise from Maine Wed, 16 Jan 2013 18:04:30 +0000 Hi!


Read the book called “Unhinged” by Dr. Daniel J. Carlat who admits that psychiatrists do NOT know what they are doing, and additionally, the influence of the pharmaceutical companies in prescribing drugs by doctors especially when there is NO evidence to support a diagnosis.

Great book!

Lise from Maine, a former licensed clinician.


Thanks for the tip, Lise!

Unhinged: The Trouble with Psychiatry – A Doctor’s Revelations about a Profession in Crisis

By: Sherry Nickels Wed, 16 Jan 2013 14:13:42 +0000 The practice of psychiatry is a shame anyway and should be done away with. They do far more harm than good.

By: freedom007 Wed, 16 Jan 2013 13:02:39 +0000 Gruesome – similar to former Soviet Union circumstances!

But some hope lies in the natural imperfection of all human plots and plans, in the fact that the people who keep such a system running will just be people all the same – remember there even were real humans within Nazi organizations, secretly trying to limit harm and to sabotage ! – and last but not least in the increasing limitation of money, tech and employees available for civilian State institutions, as Globalist macro-economy hast long started to fail, caused by natural limitation of fuel (oil) supply, Nature desasters which eat off surplus money and working-hours, and basic errors woven into both its administrative and ideological system.

Moreover, reader, prepare for the Unimaginable to become real: perhaps the fact you become an underdog by having some psych diagnosis, no matter if this “disorder” may be really present or a medical fake, will later turn into an advantage, making the Last (within present society pattern) the First (who, angered to the bone, will take a major part in some future Revolution changing the System upside down)…

US citizens with a “psych diagnosis” know that FUTURE WANTS YOU. throw your pills away (see:, make of your justified anger some good fuel for pursuing your own happiness and your ideals, try to build up some rural life far off the real psych ward which is Globalist city life, and learn to fight with bare hands or with a stick… in time you´ll need it.

By: Sammy Wed, 16 Jan 2013 12:41:46 +0000 Were all these “supposed” shooters gun owners? Where did they get the guns used in their killings? Government wants the upper-hand even it means usurping the Constitution. Government wants all the guns. They are drunk with power! States should know better! Shame on the people if they let this under-handed law pass! The new world order is in every level of government. BEWARE! WAKE UP!
