Comments on: How television will shape the new gun-culture in America Mon, 26 May 2014 14:51:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Elliot Roger, Santa Barbara killer: parallels and | Mon, 26 May 2014 14:51:47 +0000 […] agendas which are claimed to be crucial to maintaining the cohesion of the new emerging society: wall-to-wall gun control and massive/invasive/toxic psychiatric care across every stratum of the […]

By: Elliot Roger, Santa Barbara killer: parallels and numbers | Inside the Washington Beltway Mon, 26 May 2014 14:29:09 +0000 […] agendas which are claimed to be crucial to maintaining the cohesion of the new emerging society: wall-to-wall gun control and massive/invasive/toxic psychiatric care across every stratum of the […]

By: Elliot Roger, Santa Barbara killer: parallels and numbers « Jon Rappoport's Blog Mon, 26 May 2014 05:24:00 +0000 […] agendas which are claimed to be crucial to maintaining the cohesion of the new emerging society: wall-to-wall gun control and massive/invasive/toxic psychiatric care across every stratum of the […]

By: jawanzasankofa Sun, 20 Jan 2013 19:32:16 +0000 TV, Internet will be mandatory in all homes, the miseducation system makes this the new normal – the group mentally is in full effect

By: seedwomyn Sat, 19 Jan 2013 20:53:45 +0000 I stopped watching force-fed-trivial-fare (aka TV) back during the OJ Simpson trial. It has only been recently that I have had opportunity to laugh at commercials which are almost as humorous as cartoons of the 50’s use to be, but there are some I have no clue as to what they are selling. Knowing that the other mindless drivel interspersed between the commercials hasn’t gotten any better now than it was before tells me that I haven’t really missed anything for the past 20 years. I think the OJ trial was the start of all these ‘reality’ shows.

But when I try to tell my friends that what they are watching on the one eyed monster is not real, but contrived propaganda, they won’t believe me or argue against it saying that the news I get on the internet is equally as bogus and “you can’t trust anything you hear, see or read.”

I have learned to become my own investigative re-viewer, especially when it comes to the ‘Managed Disease Care’ industry. Being an alternative healing facilitator, I just simply follow the money to see who has the most to lose and who has the biggest agenda. We have to advocate for ourselves in these times. We have all we need within our being to heal ourselves and to discern that which is not beneficial to us.

By: Chippos Fri, 18 Jan 2013 22:38:25 +0000 One person not watching the hypnoblast contrivance, knowing it’s all a BIG LIE doesn’t cancel out millions who think it harmless and rather like its’ gibberish. When I challenge the official lies to my “friends” I marvel at the inability to have an independent MIND from the orthodox versions. Most people die in hospitals under medical treatment [called “care”] and if the experts tell you something is bad it’s probably not. Caveat emptor. Beware of public servants.

By: Marks2Much Fri, 18 Jan 2013 08:23:07 +0000 I intensely dislike guns, but realize that their presence represents the proverbial genie out of the bottle. They’re here to stay until mankind manages to evolve into higher thinking creatures. Even so, knowing that guns will never be fully taken away, there’s still no goddamned reason for people to own semi and automatic weapons. Hell, why not let people own tanks, howitzers and surface to air missiles? Music next door too loud. Boom! Not anymore.

Even though the concept of standing up to government tyranny (as much as it’s desperately needed) has merit, the government will always outgun and have superior technology to confront threats anyway.

We don’t let just anyone handle heavy machinery, just as we don’t permit anyone to fly a plane without regulations. So, let’s put some perspective into all this fear porn about guns being taken away. Some weapons simply don’t belong in the hands of the public.

If anything, time better spent would involve energy devoted toward restricting the money that flows into campaigns and working toward public financing of all elections. Treat the causes, not the symptoms of what’s really wrong. Then a well armed militia (with “sensible” guns, instead of blatant mass-killing weapons) wouldn’t need to be called up with all its fears of gun confiscation.

By: Garry Puffer Thu, 17 Jan 2013 22:35:49 +0000 This is a brilliant essay. It fairly begs to be expanded into a book.

By: name Thu, 17 Jan 2013 19:43:39 +0000 Americans need to turn off the TV and stop letting it think for them. Unfortunately that will never happen because nobody wants to think for themselves, it’s too scary! So we will end up in tyranny and it truly will be Hell on Earth. All you have to do is read the Talmud to see the future for the non “chosen” people…..

Not that it matters, people won’t listen.

By: amerikagulag Thu, 17 Jan 2013 17:51:27 +0000 As long as people still give the “stupid box” (TV) any of their time, their weak minds will be influenced by it. But once you understand that there is absolutely nothing you NEED on tv, you’ve won. Once you turn off the ‘stupid box’, you take their power away. Give it a try.
