Comments on: How psychology undermined Western civilization Mon, 11 Feb 2013 23:08:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jim Fennell Mon, 11 Feb 2013 23:08:52 +0000 I recommend a book by Dr. Tana Dineen titled “Manufacturing Victims”, ‘what the psychology industry is doing to people.’ ( published by Rober Davies Multimedia Publishing Co.)


Manufacturing Victims: What the Psychology Industry Is Doing to People

By: Michael F Rivero Fri, 08 Feb 2013 15:04:56 +0000 The part missing from this article is that the medications used to treat “:psychiatric disorders” mainly SSRIs, have a long history if causing extreme acts of violence and suicide. 90% of the mass shooters being waved around to justify a gun ban were either on or withdrawing from prescription anti-depressants. See for case studies


“SSRIs” causing extreme acts of violence and suicide is covered in other articles…

Yes, in addition to



By: Drunken Sailor Thu, 07 Feb 2013 03:47:59 +0000 I love this. Although I strongly disagree with the premise that there is no such thing as mental illness, I fully agree that psychology and especially psych drugs are over relied upon to correct problems that have nothing to do with mental illness in many, many cases.

By: Magnus Göller Mon, 04 Feb 2013 01:57:56 +0000 Just found that above:

“I hope Mr. Rappoport will turn his eagle eyes on the issue of the diminishment of the Arts in Western society–particularly in the US. I speak, of course, about Art that has the power to elevate and rectify. How did we ever allow the Arts to become so debased that we confuse the mindless, violent, pornographic counterfeits of our “Entertainment Industry” with the life-sustaining nourishment of a Shakespeare, a Rembrandt, a Mozart, Picasso, the Brontes, Thoreau, Anna Akhmatova, etc.?”

Only one word against that.

“…particularly in the US” is not right. It’s everywhere in “the West”. Britain, France, Germany, you name it.

We see a decline, a decadence to the extreme in all arts since the end of the First World War. The twenties brought some shake-off. The main question I’ve been pondering on for years is: How and Why?

By: Magnus Göller Mon, 04 Feb 2013 01:38:46 +0000 Dear Jon,

this piece is, again, one I should be loudly lauding. Even though not quite everything (very little) in it purports exactly what I think. As Your potential translator, it cannot be mine to set more praise.

Most of it, the core of it, can hardly be better expressed.

I would thus again gladly stand for a viable German translation.

As before, first published by myself on my website only.

Of course, if You grant me permission therefore again, all other publishing rights of my version shall be, as for the afore done, the texts correctly given, my name therewith, be worldwide Yours without any fee or further questions.

Yesternight I was with an old friend, and he endorsed me to tell You more or less that. After I had said: “Der Mann ist ein As!”

(“That man is an ace.” A quite colloquial saying in German.)

It will, with Your admission, take me a few hours again. But it will certainly be worth that bit of time.

Greetings, best wishes,


By: dawnatilla Sat, 02 Feb 2013 01:15:58 +0000 BRILLIANT JON~!~~

By: Dutch Fri, 01 Feb 2013 17:33:27 +0000 This article is about 99% spot on. I despise psychiatry which is as flagrant and dangerous to our minds and our society as any weapon of mass destruction. I also agree that psychology is, to a great extent, the ugly stepsister of psychiatry, with many parallels. Furthermore, most psychologists I’ve encountered harbor their own deep issues, and use their judgements of others as a defense against facing their own malfunctions.

That said, it remains true that if you are going to attack something from a scientific perspective then you owe it to yourself and others to be true and consistent in your application of scientific principles. This is why I hate psychiatry. It pretends to be ‘scientific’ but uses non-scientific arguments and non-existent metrics to force drugs upon you that have significant detrimental effects on you that CAN be proven and measured scientifically. We can also scientifically measure the number of psychiatrists that commit acts of sexual misconduct with patients, and in so doing find that it is 10 times the per capita figures of any other medical discipline. For this reason I am for imprisoning or executing all psychiatrists tomorrow. As for psychologists, the numbers are only slightly better. And its pretty obvious that most are in it for satiating their powerlust and feelings of inadequacy by spending all day telling OTHER people what’s wrong with THEM.

But where I get lost is the assertion that there is no scientific basis behind the study of psychology. This is where this changes from being a fact based discussion to a shoot-the-messenger-fest. Yes there are many low grade people in and drawn to the field of psychology. Yes Freud and others have floated tragically wrong theories. But this in no way compromises the scientific reality behind real and legitimate psychological conditions, or the absolute fact of their existence. To be as blunt as John is, claiming otherwise is a flat out lie. And it can be proven in one word: stress.

Have you never heard this word? Are you not aware what it means? Have you never felt it yourself? Stress is at the core of every psychological condition (the legit ones anyway). Stress is a verifiable tangible thing, written into our genetic code. There are stress genes, and stress is quickly being realized to be at the core of some epigenetic mutations in the study of genetics and genomics. This basically means that experiencing mental and physical stress can and does physically change our body, sometimes permanently. It IS true (who doesn’t already know this deep down). It CAN be measured and quantified. And its not even that hard to grasp. It is an evolutionary defense mechanism. When we put ourselves in positions that challenge our instinctive tendencies, our body alerts us. Consider the compulsive gambler who mortgages the house to bet on the Super Bowl. He has put his shelter, food security, family stability and more at risk. We all understand that it would be logical that he would have a few restless nights. This is a verifiable and measurable reaction to the stress of putting so much at risk. And has direct and measurable effects on his physical health. Similarly we would not be surprised if after a few sleepless nights, he asked himself “why am I doing this?” “What is wrong with me that I have put so much at risk just to indulge a compulsion”. At which point he might be inclined to seek insight about the self destructive pattern of behavior he is engaging in. Should he be FORCED to? NO. Should he simply be given pills to dull the stress? No. But if he chooses to take a scientific approach to explain his pattern of behavior, what is wrong with that? In so doing he would find that similar patterns of behavior exist in alcoholics, sex addicts, etc. PRECISE AND MEASURABLE patterns of behavior, well documented for decades. Or he may be discover the trait of self loathing often found in vegetarians, anorexics or some Type-As. Again PRECISE, MEASURABLE and REPRODUCIBLE patterns. And in all of these people the evidence of physiological impacts of stress gene action can be verified and quantified completely and scientifically through gene expression, and correlated to these conditions. It is an absolute fact.

So what am I saying? Am I absolving the fields of psychiatry or psychology? Not even kind of. What i am attempting to do is accurately draw the lines between fact and fiction in response to Johns failure to do so. ‘Science’ is not some tool we can call on when we need it, and ignore when we don’t. There are rules, and facts, and without proper acknowledgement of what they are, we all end up on Prozac and shopping for carbon credits. Your mind body connection is protected by a genetic alert system that manifests itself as stress. Disrupt the balance and both your mental and physical state are compromised. The manner in which they are compromised is scientifically verifiable. The impacts on your mental state are scientifically verifiable (don’t you feel crappy when you get a cold? Its no different). The patterns among the general population in how these stress reactions manifests themselves are stark and easily recognizable. Because we are all human. And there is most certainly value in being cognizant of what these patterns are, so as to address the causes and remedy your health. In this regard psychology is valid and accurate as a scientific discipline. Just much less so as a theraputic practice.

Does this mean you need some koo-koo bird, sexual predator psychologist to help you work through it? Or some mind-altering psychiatric drug. Of course not. As John correctly asserts, you have to act to change yourself. But there is no crime in the fact that someone did a thousand case studies of people struggling with the same things, in order to help you do this. And all the koo-koos in the field don’t negate the scientific reality, veracity or usefulness of this manner of scientific study. I would not recommend anyone go to any of these quacks EVER. But there is value in studying the consistent patterns of behavior in people struggling with common stressors. Far more than “sending your mind out to the stars”. I say this only in the interest of preserving the truth and scientific integrity. Beware those who make blanket assertions and call them ‘science’. Or counter them with equally vague mysticism. No matter how much you want to believe them. This is the worst psychological crime you can commit. Its called deception. And your disdain of it is probably what led you to agree with even John’s disingenuous arguments. BE CAREFUL. Only the TRUE truth will set you free…

By: James Fri, 01 Feb 2013 04:29:54 +0000 Great eye opener. “Everything is a matter of perspective and intent”, and these people have a very jaded perspective. I have been with [roommates] a double PhD. psychotherapist for 12 years and she will never get it. I see what worked in the old days, philosophy and spirituality were the reality and still are!! My PhD honey can only go 2 dimensions and any more is woowoo. Great article , I see so much more now. Thank You

By: derek longley Thu, 31 Jan 2013 21:24:02 +0000 as a very small 4 year old I watched as they took my mother away and electrocuted her brain….it took her about 20 years to get it back….as a 20 year old I watched as they took my best friend away and put her in a drug cloud for almost a year….not even allowing us, her friends from school to visit her…I don´t think she ever recovered….
I warn everyone I meet now……be careful of the mindeaters!

By: Anthony Migchels Thu, 31 Jan 2013 10:48:48 +0000 hats off Mr. Rappoport, you certainly are voice of reason.
