Comments on: Newsflash to psychiatry: a human being is not a thing Sat, 02 Feb 2013 22:36:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Newsflash to psychiatry: a human being is not a thing - RV News Today Sat, 02 Feb 2013 22:36:53 +0000 […] by Jon Rappoport, NoMoreFakeNews: […]

By: babylovet Fri, 01 Feb 2013 22:26:04 +0000 Are these behaviorists so dense they are unable to see the inherent contradiction of their position? If everything is controlled (by the Machine God?), then so are they, and therefore their propositions have no independent validity whatsoever.

The Mysterium Tremedum, which must deeply disturb their sleep, is that freedom is real, human creation is real, and that it takes a lot of consistent and cruel effort to rob humans of this inherent gift.

By: Jon Rappoport ~ Newsflash To Psychiatry: A Human Being Is Not A Thing | Shift Frequency Fri, 01 Feb 2013 13:44:14 +0000 […] nomorefakenews | January 31 2013 […]

By: MachtNichts Fri, 01 Feb 2013 08:23:29 +0000 It seems like that all those so-called experts, scientists, brain researchers are already working under Pavlovian conditions themselves. I give you money, you give me required results. Sure they would like to impose their findings on to the rest of us. The greed of small pharma and co. knows no bounds.

Ernest Holmes said in “The Science of Mind” – A Philosophy, a Faith, a Way of Life – (not to be confused with todays mental sciences):

“The next great bridge that psychology must cross is a recognition that what is called your subjective mind and my subjective mind is merely the place where Universal Subjectivity, the Creative Medium itself, reacts to our personal use of it.” (1938)

Let ‘them’ try, they won’t prevail!

By: Spire Fri, 01 Feb 2013 08:16:37 +0000 update to above entry, which is neutralized by something i just found out. there’s such a thing called “anti-authority disorder.” pleading the 5th doesn’t have a chance.

By: Greg Fri, 01 Feb 2013 04:54:39 +0000 “Club of Controllers” I like that.

Money is NOT the root of all evil, the LUST FOR CONTROL is. Money is simply a means to that end. Thanks largely to the efforts of Sigmund Freud and his little weasel of a nephew, Edward Bernays, the so called “societal elite” have done what no army could ever do– make people beg for their own subjugation.

By: hybridrogue1 Fri, 01 Feb 2013 01:26:31 +0000 Yes..Social Engineering. Put it in a google search and you will see how it is misframed for the general viewing audience. It does not speak to it as you and I do Jon, it has an entirely bogus definition having to do with some incomprehensible topic…

They even attempt to put the term itself down the memory hole.

Did you ever read Art and Artist by Otto Rank? It was the inspiration for Ernest Becker’s THE FEAR OF DEATH. Both are worth reading.
Rank was “exiled” for opposing his master Freud and dismissing his Oedipus Complex bullshit. He ended up in the US where he actually helped people through dialog – philosophy, rather than listening to a “patient” in silence and writing notes. He engaged them in their ideas. And extraordinary man.


By: joanie Fri, 01 Feb 2013 01:07:22 +0000 Jon,

To clarify, we’re not our bodies nor our brains. The body (hardware) is a vehicle providing the means for consciousness, pure energy. We’re innate, infinity energy, but our bodies we surely are not…

Think of your favorite machine – it does not operation without a power source, be it a hand crank, battery, current received from a wall outlet or the sun. Solar = soul, the part separate from the body that is energy. How many times people admit to not “really” writing a book or being responsible for words stated or artwork in some form (where did that come from I don’t know, I’ve no “training”) – they were describing energy passing through, consciously expressed in physical form and utilizing their body.

This is why human beings (not all) supersede machines, because we are the compassionate souls within the body. And, that is why the feeling less controllers desire people of the same, “empty shells” to be controlled. Persons unaware of this reality of consciousness are easily hijacked, manipulated in every which way, performing just like machines. The majority are more than just asleep, they’re lacking clarity in understanding within their body is the power, energy aka consciousness, and could be operating, expressing in a free manner, rather than “handled”. Though one must awaken to that detail on their own just like people have to grow into learning how to drive a car. The awakening process – after the desire (who am I) comes a responsibility…

Though we souls must humbly accept we’re only co-creators because no “matter” how hard we try, we’re lacking the ability in providing true originality – we can only duplicate from what already exists, provided by the source. “If you can imagine it, you can create it” – true to the extend we’re only duplicators because you can’t get something from nothing…

And finally, what the controllers can’t comprehend, the source is more powerful than they and in the end they’re still losers.

Thank you for the opportunity…

By: Spire Thu, 31 Jan 2013 23:18:52 +0000 in order to avoid the trickery of the questions — doesn’t matter what your answer is since there is a contingency response to any contingency; open your mouth, you will probably be busted —
Why not claim the 5th Amendment? And never answer these freaks. Just do the 5th, or is that gone, too? And fuck the idea that a shrink’s office automatically nullifies that option.

By: hammerbag Thu, 31 Jan 2013 21:01:24 +0000 one of professor lee ross’s students said to me at stanford: the goal of psychology is to predict and control behaviour.

yes, at stanford it was.

i will write about stanford soon.

i know those scary guys better than they think I do 🙂

caroline c.
