Comments on: 10 things the media don’t want to discover about Sandy Hook Wed, 10 Jun 2015 22:44:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: V.E.G. Wed, 10 Jun 2015 22:44:39 +0000 They should called the heroes: Six Teachers plus One Young Lad!

By: V.E.G. Mon, 16 Sep 2013 20:50:27 +0000 The only hero in Sandy Hook is of Ural-Altaic origin, was Ted Varga!

By: Greg Mon, 06 May 2013 00:52:16 +0000 There could have been a conspiracy. Do you remember this video The video was supposedly uploaded by Adam Lanza December 13. In that video there is a reference to the book “Lords of the 2112″ and Daniel Marion Mitchel Jr is the books author or so we are lead to believe. I belive it may have been written by Adam Lanza. I did a search on google for the name Daniel Marion Mitchel and came up with this link:

It’s a cached page about another book by Daniel Marion Mitchel named “Rape Train: How We Drove Sissy Gatlin Insane”. Both books are garbage but it might hold clue and I thought the public should be aware of it’s existence. It could just be another part of the hoax or it could be real. If it’s real, then there could have been more that one person involved in the Sandy Hook shooting. What do you think? Here’s the description from his book. Read it and decide for yourself…..

“The words of this story, as is the case in my other stories, are intentionally directed towards a select group, a limited audience. When you read the words, you will know who you are. You will know this was writing by your programmers and stalkers. This is not about book sales, it is about creating a legacy, an urban legend. We hope to be renown as maverick criminal masterminds, the first of our kind in history. There are yet no laws against what we do. Ethically? Who cares about ethics, we fucking hate the world you have created and will do any and everything in our power to make you hurt the way we do. If you don’t like the morality of how we are provoking the mentally ill to act out, don’t blame us, blame the world in which we live. If you read this, go insane, and commit suicidal atrocities, that’s your problem. Don’t go crying to your local police department or filing with IC3. It’s all legal, so fuck off. We have a right to be angry, you have created your happiness upon the foundation of our blood and spiritual rape. You trade the souls of men and children to serve your sick homage to Satan and control over society. We will destroy you through by waging our subversive war through the very same means you have used to enslave our ancestors: Media and Mind Control techniques. Retroactive collusion created through temporal illusions: They always laugh when I tell them that the moments they think they remember from last month, were only put into their minds just yesterday. Why do you so adamantly believe that your memories are immune from being re-written by some entity much more advanced than yourself? How do you know for a certainty anything that happened 121 days ago, let alone anything that happened while you were last sleeping, is real? Who’s the mosquito whispering in your ear while you dream away your real life? Are you really awake? Knock knock. I am knocking at your door in the middle of the night. Can you hear me? I am the Rape Train coming to reprogram your subconscious mind.”

By: Anonymous Wed, 20 Feb 2013 21:07:14 +0000 Just tried posting this to Facebook and it was blocked.

By: Anonymous Mon, 18 Feb 2013 10:15:03 +0000 tried to share this on FB but it has a blocked link! fkin NWO!!!

By: Dan Norman Thu, 14 Feb 2013 19:27:53 +0000 Is the fluoride working that good we can’t see the obvous anymore?

By: Aristotle Lives Thu, 14 Feb 2013 01:38:39 +0000 Check this and it will raise your eyebrows to the top of your head:

Adam Lanza registered as dead ONE DAY BEFORE THE SHOOTING !!!!????

By: den Tue, 12 Feb 2013 21:32:32 +0000 Is the father of the shooter, Peter Lanza, dead now? I can not find that news anywhere.

By: azgirl7 Mon, 11 Feb 2013 19:15:44 +0000 Gee, what happens when ‘the children’ can’t be protected in their own homes by their parents, rather than at school, the mall or the movies?
And what makes Sasha and Malia so much more precious than our children? Sickening hypocrisy!

By: Mari Sun, 10 Feb 2013 14:42:48 +0000 Preach it Jon! I’m with you. Well mostly. Here is my concern. Re; Meds. I agree that most psychiatric drugs are over prescribed. I agree that in most cases they are prescribed without any additional emotional, behavioral oversight that would aid the individual through a difficult emotional time. I agree that most of these drugs are rushed to market to compete with expiring drug patents in order to capture a very lucrative market.

The ever broadening definition of mental illness is not encouraging. Especially, as it can be used to limit the choices of perfectly normal human beings.

I also know that not every person responds the same to every medication and that the consumer must exercise discretion and intelligence before taking any medicine.

I have taken three different anti depressant medications in the past 18 years for brief periods of time. In each instance they saved my life. Two of the medicines became intolerable for me after I leveled out of deep, soul crushing sadness. I weaned off of each respectively.

That sucked. I did experience hideous anger and aggression in the process despite the doctor saying I would not. I knew I was not insane and so I supported my detox with herbs and exercise to ameliorate the situation. I took responsibility for my choices.

I have recently weaned off my last anti depressant with no problems whatsoever. I know I will never require an anti-depressant again. I’ve dug and explored and explored some more the whys of what made me spiral in the past. My monsters and I sit down to coffee every morning. We are on speaking terms.

I do not believe I am the only one who has had this experience. Sometimes chamomile tea can be just the ticket along with deep breathing to calm a body down. Sometimes something stronger is required. Every culture at every point in time has had something stronger when it is warranted.

I think the pharmaceutical/psychiatric industry needs a major over haul too. By and large it does not have people’s best interests at heart. Although, I do believe many doctors do and the patient must work to find the best ones. It is work but not impossible. People spend more time shopping for cars than physicians.

In the argument against meds and an out of control drug industry I think it is important to make sure that individuals in emotional/psychic pain are not made to feel weak or open to manipulation or idiotic.

Best Regards,

