Comments on: Are we all living inside a virtual simulation? Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:40:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Clive Hetherington Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:40:32 +0000 “In order to live inside a Matrix or universe of our own making, we would have to produce, in ourselves, an extraordinary level of amnesia about what we did.”

In a matrix the people are real and it would be difficult to manipulate them to the degree of amnesia required to make them forget. In a simulation where everything is generated and rendered by software and every one would be an accurate copy of someone else then . . .

1. We’d end up going through the time we built the simulation.
2. You can manipulate people directly to ‘fudge’ around the macro observable evidence that they are in a simulation.

For Example, ‘IF’ we are in a simulation then our future selves will have had to collect vast amounts of data to accurate simulate copies of themselves ‘IF’ we are these people then at some point we would find ourselves having all data about ourselves vacuumed up. Oppps . . . WE DO

AND the ‘excuse’ for having to collect all of this data was initiated by an attack on two ‘important’ buildings all the details of which are anomalous to a high degree!! Simulation software orchestrated perhaps?.

I’ve read pages you have written here about the 9/11 anomalies Jon and yet here you have a page speculating on simulation but you couldn’t join the dots to an event which is an excuse to collect data on everyone that WAS ALREADY GOING TO BE COLLECTED because it was for the simulation we are in. This is how a simulation designer would disguise the data collection. You move the reason for a massive data collection sideways – in this way you retain the accuracy (you HAVE a data collection) BUT you disguise what it is REALLY for.

Copied people accurately living out someone else’s life would exhibit pseudo freewill, their behaviours, thinking, beliefs, the decisions they make and so on will all be FIXED to the person whose life they are living through. So, more evidence that we are in a simulation AND are being managed to NOT think of the stupidly obvious is that confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance are EXACTLY what you’d expect a copied population to exhibit.

So, how come we’ve masses of research on confirmation bias BUT once again there is a complete failure to join the dots?

The two points of evidence that I describe above are what I call STRUCTURAL anomalies – things you simply CANNOT hide in a simulation and yet on all simulation argument and simulation hypothesis web sites you are emphatically told OR there is an automatic engrained assumption that there will be no glitches or anomalies. This is quite frankly delusional AND is further evidence of the general feeblemindedness AKA direct management by simulation software of all information related to ‘earth as a simulation’ project possibilities.

For the above expanded read:

I’ve almost 40 pages discussing the simulation argument AND a I also present a lot of reasoning lines leading to MACRO observable evidence.

A summary of the readily observable evidence I present on earlier pages is here:

Jon we are in a simulation, simulating people already in a Matrix – this is partially why there is so much confusion.

This page here sums up the Matrix long long con:

By: emath Sun, 26 May 2013 14:56:15 +0000 Read Jay Alfred’s book Brain and Realities published in 2006, arguing that the universe is a simulated virtual reality. Also see discussion on Unexplained Are we living inside a Brain? A lot of this was discussed years ago.

By: Rob Sun, 17 Feb 2013 19:05:40 +0000 Provoking read…

Just one thing re: “It is clear that at deep levels, propaganda turns into self-propaganda. In order to live inside a Matrix or universe of our own making, we would have to produce, in ourselves, an extraordinary level of amnesia about what we did. Otherwise we would know. We would walk around knowing full well we had designed our own illusion, and the whole thing would fall apart.”

If the amnesia faded and we began knowing the nature of things then this knowing would be to us like a memory. In knowing the nature of things we know who it is that we are and why we are… This could be called an awakening. I find it easy to believe that were we as advanced as the creation of such a system suggests then a fail safe has been installed, the system will not fail in the event of even mass awakening. What’s more… if we did awaken and know today as we knew then then we know that the system will not fail because we would see it’s specific purpose and should the system roll up and cease as though it never existed but we remain then it has not failed but has succeeded because if there were a fail safe then surely it would be that the system stays secure until the last soul awakens. This being it’s sole purpose. In seeing who we really are we cannot help but see the connection that holds us all together and in this we understand that awakening is a walk. When we awaken we step into the steps of those who awakened earlier as others will step into ours in time.

We awaken and begin imagining a better world.

By: Study Suggests We’re Living Inside a Virtual Simulation | Conscious Life News Sun, 17 Feb 2013 01:42:16 +0000 […] By Jon Rappoport […]

By: GRAEME Fri, 15 Feb 2013 07:48:10 +0000 Planck Time is 10-43 Second
A Tenth of a Thousandth of a Millionth of a Billionth of a Trillionth of a Second after the “Big Bang”

By: Notes Along the Path Thu, 14 Feb 2013 03:24:30 +0000 Hi Jon,
I’m on WordPress, too, but would it be all right if I posted this piece at my blog, as a guest post, with a link back to wherever you’d like?

By: Are we all living inside a virtual simulation? « consciousshift2012 Wed, 13 Feb 2013 16:19:27 +0000 […] A study out of Bonn University has led to a new round of speculation about the nature of the universe. Read on….. […]

By: Robert Hutwohl Wed, 13 Feb 2013 03:56:46 +0000 Jon, where can I read about the original Bonn University study which you are referring to?

By: jeff Wed, 13 Feb 2013 01:07:08 +0000 […] this type of illogical thinking would leave a demonic power(if there be a satan, which i believe in) able to use some techno-savvy stunts to impress the masses and at the same time would also enable them to turn both logic and rationalitiy upon us by saying that we agreed to this possibility of “self-creation” or “alien-creation” or some newly “self-shown hybrid creation of men” coming forth and demonstrating some sort of high science(or hollywood trick) and thereby would be able to demand that we give up God and our guns on the premise that all is a false construct of our self-created universe. the masses would take this shit hook line and sinker, and how john would you combat it after you yourself had suggested that the theory was a very possible reality of the universe. i think that we need to remember God front and center or even our morality and conscience will be able to be defined as false construsts in a self-created video game that is now to be self-admittedly reprogrammed for some supposed better reality such a soviet style socialism, after which point creation itself(mainly humanity) will be attacked whole-sale by the demons pretending to be our enlightened brethren in this gian hoax. this “reality” is every bit as possible even using the “anything is possible” mondset. in fact, even more so, since it agrees with all of mankinds history and its beliefs in a true God and the evil that opposes that true God. so regardless of scientific complications and math possibilities, we need to keep the SOVEREIGN GOD of franklin, jefferson, henry, adams, and washington FRONT AND CENTER.

By: TK Mon, 11 Feb 2013 22:09:04 +0000 Most are scared of simplicity while complexity is the handicap: answers are always simple. Unless anyone of you here are able to make sense to an ‘average’ person on this ‘planet,’ you knowledge is another form of ‘the Earth is flat’ temporary idiocy.

Superiority and Separation do run everything, including ‘famous’ individualism/collectivism: that’s the essence of our reality in any form. Death is an exit from here for us all. But while you are alive here, you are as ‘progressed’ as your ability to ‘resist/destroy’ Separation and Superiority – that’s the purpose of live i.e. not “to stay alive as long as possible” or alter a reality by making “gold from stone.”
