Comments on: Is Christopher Dorner another psychiatric killer? Sun, 17 Feb 2013 17:10:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Winston Sun, 17 Feb 2013 17:10:01 +0000 Dorner is a classic, textbook example of the occasional violent end result of workplace mobbing (look it up).

The reason no doctors come forward with medical data on users of psychotropic drugs like SSRIs is because it is ILLEGAL to do so. Even if the user “goes postal” and dies during the rampage his medical data is, CONVENIENTLY for Big Pharma, NOT legal to release. THAT needs to change!

Anyone who commits a violent act, either upon others or themselves, should have their medical privacy waved with respect to what psychotropic drugs they may have been taking. That seems entirely reasonable and nothing more than common sense to me. But Big Pharma certainly wouldn’t want that because it would likely reveal that a large percentage of our huge suicide problem and many if not all of the rampage shootings are due to the side effects of massively over-prescribed psychotropic medications.

By: Carl Toersbijns (@carltoersbijns) Sat, 16 Feb 2013 19:27:21 +0000 There is always more to the story than ever revealed ~ Dorner’s death should open up a Pandora’s box of questions why the LAPD didn’t identify triggers that could have saved lives.. In addition where is the family when he is going through all this emotion and spiraled staircase to madness and anger?

By: Andrea Fri, 15 Feb 2013 21:38:03 +0000 The CT scans and MRI’s could also scramble the brain that operates electro-magnetically in addition to the football concussions. Andrea

By: Anonymous Thu, 14 Feb 2013 07:33:09 +0000 by Zen Gardner

This Dorner situation is just too obvious. It’s clearly a Sandy Hook for drones and will certainly keep morphing into more useful police state images and enemy branding. They can’t help themselves.

After all, never let a good crisis go to waste.

Now we have a rogue cop (assuming all this really happened or is happening) being hunted down amidst the general population. Who’s gonna be next? Get used to it, people. This is the first of many. We are officially in a fascist gulag..the barbed wire can’t be far behind.

“Tell a big enough lie…” And the American people bought it. Again.

The Osama BombaRama Imprint

They were supposedly looking for the lanky turbaned fellow with the magic cell phone in Afghan caves to kick off the decimation and occupation of the resource rich strategic middle east. This has taken almost 13 years to not accomplish since we’re still there, and has deliberately bled into several countries and drained the US economy like a vampire.

As designed.

See the similarity in the manhunt meme? While CNN could find and interview the notorious CIA asset Bin Laden, the world’s mightiest military and intelligence network couldn’t find this so-called mastermind in the rocky hills of nowhere. Now a so-called rogue cop is escaping the most policed “free” nation in the world.

Get the imprint? Rogue ex-cops (and implied ex-military, militia, gun “nuts”, truthers, etc. etc.) hiding and ambushing our poor, innocent law enforcement officers. OMG…bring on the drones! Good thing we have all this high tech surveillance, eh? Maybe we need more, the mass mind cries.

And it’s much more than that. It’s the internalization of the enemy. The target is now officially here. They’ve been working towards this a long time since the Oklahoma City false flag op, and now with DHS terror lists going as far as listing Ron Paul supporters and people with more than 5 days of food it’s gone absolutely insane.

But who’s looking?

People consciously and subconsciously think they can’t afford to open their eyes. The conditioning is too strong and constant, and the fear of retribution for even speaking up against what’s going on is escalating by the day. All by design. Welcome to the police state of fear. The polarization has been going on for decades, carefully marginalizing anything with brains enough to challenge the system, and now it’s moving into full blown totalitarianism.

The Osama bin Hidin’ Meme

The picture of the renegade terrorist who could strike at any time is a very strong fear imprint. Think of the DC shootings. Now fabricated mad gunmen mowing down our children. This is just another psyop in a very long list of deliberately staged terrifying events to condition the mass mind to not just be afraid, but to look for help from their “authorities”..the same ones who are now trying to take their last line of personal defense away, their guns.

You can just imagine this new meme being played out by these manipulators at will. Just as they did with the Gulf of Tonkin non-incident to start the murderous demolition of Vietnam. All they have to do is say such and such an event happened, something totally made up or easily staged, and that the culprit is so and so. No judge, no jury, just pointed, shrill accusations backed by the complicit criminal media rat bastards. They’ve done this for ages and it’s always worked on the general populace.

Next come the community snitches as the paranoia gets whipped up into a frenzy. Not a nice scenario but history bears me out.


I’m just trying to point out the subtle yet obvious methodology of the cryptocrats, the shifty lying snakes who rule during this last ride of the wicked.

Fear is the biggest enemy. Don’t let any of their machinations intimidate or cower you. It’s then that you become a voluntary victim and prisoner in their matrix of hate. No one has to be subject to that.

Be smart, be vigilant, but most of all be conscious and led by heart, truth and love.

And don’t stare at this stuff too long. Time spent dwelling on anything becomes a form of fascination and the unwary can get some tentacles start to drag them into a wrong state of mind and heart. Keep up with what you need to keep up with, but always make the fun and fascinating and wonderful your main dish. I might sound severe in the way I sound off on some of this crap they’re pulling, but I laugh heartily throughout the day and am one happy chappy.

Hope you are too!

And screw the bastards! They ain’t gettin’ my loyalty through fear and intimidation.

They can’t fool any of us when infinite consciousness lights our way! Celebrate that!

Love always, Zen

By: Prattle On, Boyo Wed, 13 Feb 2013 22:40:42 +0000 Responding to Jim Fennell’s question – the barrage of psych evals given to law enforcement, or, for that matter, any government employee in law enforcement, in no way is a gauge of, or determination of mental health or lack thereof. There is no known test on the planet that will be able to successfully predict if or when an individual will snap. Case in point: the female astronaut that went ape-shit crazy and attempted to kill her ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend. There is just no way to know definitively what motivates any given person to go off the deep end.

By: Concerned Wed, 13 Feb 2013 19:33:39 +0000 I had just commented on another blog that I had seen different versions of this “manifesto”…and was beginning to wonder if one of the articles about a “redacted” version was fabricated. The one mentioned a number of politicians and celebrities by name, and seemed almost designed to keep those stuck in the left/right dichotomy endlessly arguing about the “other side” instead of the wrongdoings by the LAPD. Thoughts anyone?

By: Astrid Lindgren Tue, 12 Feb 2013 16:52:52 +0000 Jon,
what the mass media proclaims as the manifesto, is a made-up document. The original manifesto is much shorter and very much to the point. Dorner published it via his FB page, then few hours later a much longer document was pushed on the public by the mass media as “the” manifesto.
Please see “Thunder Child”‘s comment with the links to the actual document.
In brief, the orginal manifesto reads as one coherent fluid statement. The vocabulary, the style are consistent throughout the whole text.

The made-up forgery adds 12 (!) extra pages at the end.
The vocabulary, the style and most definitely the message of the addition are all different from the original. A child can sense that.
The main effect of the addition – complete disorientation of the reader and the dilution of the original message.
Btw, a very sloppy work by the writer.

Please check the original via the ThunderChild’s comment links.


By: Is Christopher Dorner another psychiatric killer? - Pod Shelter Tue, 12 Feb 2013 02:37:39 +0000 […] [Source] […]

By: Thunder Child Tue, 12 Feb 2013 02:28:01 +0000 This is not the original manifesto, this is all made up crap by the LAPD/DHS. He talks nothing of health or politics in his original manifesto, it was all added to make him look crazy. I grabbed the original PDF when he posted it. Here is a link to the original as well as a side by side analysis of the original and faked version.



By: Chris Tue, 12 Feb 2013 00:50:00 +0000 Lt Dorner was not depressed. Angered, let down, yes. Depressed? NO
