Comments on: Update: a perspective on Facebook shutting down my links Thu, 21 Mar 2013 01:47:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lauren Rogers Thu, 21 Mar 2013 01:47:35 +0000 now i know why your links wouldn’t work in my yahoo email! FB did the same thing to me, shutting me down over and over. I finally gave it up for over 2 years, but, a lot of weird things happen with censorship happen there! Trolls all over, fake profiles.. I was “friends” with over 8 fake people, giving out a lot of personal information. Guess what? Even after i reported them, I see that many of them are still there.

By: Denise Mon, 18 Mar 2013 23:38:39 +0000 Really maddening and foul smelling that Facebook takes the liberty of deciding what is “spammy” for your own postings to your own community of friends.


Hi Denise. Thank for attempting to share.

By: D. Smith Sun, 10 Mar 2013 20:10:20 +0000 I don’t belong (never did . . . yay!) to facelessbook and maybe others should unjoin or whatever it’s called in cyberspeak. It’s as bad as wiki now – someone blocks you instead of just changing your message. I also don’t tweet because I don’t want to twitter. Always sounds like people are having convulsions. Online piracy is far from dead. Keep posting stuff Jon, and I pass it off wherever I can. I’ve posted lots of stuff of yours on my forum in the past few months since I’ve found your blog. I feel the same as you do about a lot of issues today.

Thanks for all you do. It’s much appreciated.

By: bleak Fri, 22 Feb 2013 04:10:14 +0000 I, for another one, am grateful you’re here, Jon. I am not a writer but I love good investigative journalism. You and Amber Lyon are today’s hero’s like Woodward and Bernstein were once. Or “Woodstein” as they are known ha ha. Love that movie, All The President’s Men. And Gary Webb, RIP. Thanks!

By: Trinity Thu, 21 Feb 2013 15:58:54 +0000 To all reading Jon … a while back, I purchased the transformation series (mp3) and didn’t know what to expect. I can only say it’s been a great investment. I listened to the lectures while jogging and Jon’s perspective is well articulated. As his articles, he is thought provoking and has come up with the specific exercises that are worth their weight in gold.

Cheers to all,

By: marty golubow Thu, 21 Feb 2013 14:06:46 +0000 Youth is wasted on the young….older but wiser adults are hopefully better? We all need to bring ourselves to bare…truth & integrity….the signers of the Declaration of Independence never lied! Why is it so many important politicians are hypocrites? Writers like you see into the logic of speech….but the words in speech don’t reflect the true meanings laid out to the public….What do you feel about those logical writers?

By: vicfedorov Thu, 21 Feb 2013 06:09:18 +0000 I cant believe they censored you. Cant even dignify such. Could be your piece on Obama Speech, got a bit too personal and the democratic party, I think, has been in a mode of attacking those who get personal, and have status, or prestige. Sometimes, I see people contolling their own destiny in their own mind regarding opposition. Sometimes good people hzabitually take on so much, they fall victim to oppression, by those less good, who cant relate to the zeal of doing good. Any quick perusal by fb would show complaints to be slander, and for fb to go forward without crippling itself with immorality, isnt the sensibiity of honest corporation, but corrupted corporation, and in many ways, fb is a wholesome improvement upon myspace, and reduced the angry and stupid

By: cognitive psycho (@CarolineYVR) Thu, 21 Feb 2013 04:26:07 +0000 Your excellent writing continues to thrill. Thank you. I will look in your store.

I am in a weird spot. I am fully half nuts, but in a spiritual/religious way. Since, well, December. Just sayin’.

I feel courage when I see people like you just doing the work day after day after day. FOR FREE. And I will say that with some fake money from a fake Bank called Chase!

Off pharma since the fall, I find I have a marvelous mind, and am now almost a hermit as a response…I can only stomach people who breathe fire.

I am now translating a bit, from broken English to good English, for a Crimean writer (in Russian) who picks apart what he calls western media lies in cellphone videos that are meant to show the police being good and the people deserving to be killed and so on. The sort CNN uses as news footage these days, probably. No pay, and he might be a bad guy for all I know. But his words are correct, and he’s cute, too. So, come get me CIA.

On FB, I cannot friend anyone, and someone told me she tried to tag my name in something (there were other names too) and FB said she couldn’t do it…because I have friends in Indonesia and Syria. This is now a bad thing to do?

Yours is a good idea on how to handle FB. I think a better social media site will erupt eventually. I like the fake Ukrainian FB, which is A frank replica, but with good modifcations. They even let us join.

Thanks again.

By: Cindi Burkey Thu, 21 Feb 2013 04:01:54 +0000 I believe I found you when I was trying to figure out what the hell was going wrong with the vote on Prop 37.
Really glad I did.

Have had problems commenting on your site, and when I click the “like” button to like your site with Blogger, nothing happens.
But, I like it.
