With that said, I have been researching mind control because of all the recent purported false-flag events like Aurora and Sandy Hook. It is my belief that what we are witnessing (and have been for long while) are repeated cases of the robotic control of a person’s mind by an outside source. The death of Chris Kyle is the case that pushed it over the top for me. Let me explain.
With Sandy Hook came the latest and greatest threat to our Constitution this country has ever faced. Many oath keepers, citizens and patriots will not stand for it and are prepared to fight. Therefore, I became highly suspicious of the death of Mr. Kyle not only because of the circumstances, but because of who Chris Kyle was. Namely, the most effective sniper in US military history (!!!). Was that a freakin coincidence or what?
I believe his death (as well as that of Keith Ratliff, another outspoken gun advocate) were made as examples of what could and would happen to anyone who gets in the way of their wannabe fascist government. So the person who killed Mr. Kyle, Eddie Ray Routh, was nothing less than a programmed killer, a Manchurian Candidate. So were James Holmes and Adam Lanza (if Lanza had a part in it at all that is) and so many others too numerous to mention.
What led me to this “theory” was watching a video of Cathy O’Brien, the former victim of the MKUltra program gone whistle blower with her husband and rescuer, Mark Phillips. Before watching “Mind Control Out of Control-Cathy O’Brien,” I had no idea of the depth and sophistication that went into the MKUltra operation.
BTW, I’d like to add a film to the list of Rebel films: Black Sunday directed by none other than John Frankenheimer, who also directed… The Manchurian Candidate. But this is silly and it’s all a coincidence, right? Thanks and keep up the good work.
]]>Your piece today on psyche-Iatry has been emailed to my father. He is 82, a retired pediatric surgeon, as I may have said a few times.
He thinks that my mom and he created a women like me, who is brilliant and unstable.
It is my fervent wish that my father fully understands what happened to medicine while he quietly did his job. By the way, he always favored the older drugs by habit, yet had been assuming that the newer ones are ‘better.”
I had asked him about barbiturates, and he said they were great! I asked, why gone? He said he assumed the SSRIs had replaced barbies because they were better.
So, he is highly educable, and once he groks what’s happened to my mind as a result of brain, maybe even liver/metabolic alterations to my tissues, he will join me morally in my fight to have the FDA dismantled by hand by its workers, those who knew.
Or not! I’ve got an appt at a neurology/epilepsy clinic and will be reporting through one medium or another as my attempt to self-treat for PsychotropoGenic Mind Fuck proceeds. I do think there is hope; I have read about using Carnitine, Tramodol, and even Alleve, along with nurtitional stuff, to get a grip on this process.
Hang in there, I think the streams are convergning. You work is the river, and the streams are finding you.
Indeed, every athlete who shoots his girlfriend probably had Vicodin the day before.
I think the famous director, Mr. Scott, who jumped off the bridge in Pedro a while ago was a Vicodin case. The quotes by his friends in the papers said he had been having hip or lower back trouble, and that he was especially effusive in the days leading up to his death.
]]>Hammering people’s awareness into squares, not to be deviated from has most people going along to get along. Oh, you can’t do that, what if everybody else would. Conformity all around? What a nightmare.
I’m happy, I don’t have to use a wash board anymore to get my laundry done or to read at night without a candle. Technology has it’s advantages. But it only goes so far. When Prof. Julian Savulescu states that creating ‘designer babies’ is almost a moral obligation to parents to provide ethically better children, I wonder what kind of ethics he is talking about. I also wonder if bitchin’ Sitchin was right when he said that we have been tampered with.
]]>Let me know!
Jack Bailey
[email address withheld]