Comments on: What’s behind Whole Foods’ decision to label GMOs in their stores? Fri, 07 Nov 2014 00:48:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rastafari Fri, 07 Nov 2014 00:48:04 +0000 It’s tempting to “take them to court” but after 20 years in courtrooms plus 5 more years of real research, I promise that the courts are corrupt.

So many many people choose to eat poison. They know what it is, and they still eat it.

The courts, even if not corrupt, cannot change the consciousness of people that give their children gmo-poison or eat it themselves.

These courts cannot change the farmers who grow this shyte.

But we, as knowing individuals, can change what we do.


And, no supporting those who support GMO.

Boycott grocery stores. Eat simple, buy direct from farmers that don, ‘t feed GMO. It’s not easy but is possible.


By: Paper bags & Shrink labels Thu, 21 Mar 2013 04:00:31 +0000 I would to like you all readers come on which are help to you clear your query…

By: Temper Tantrum, ‘Racing for the Exits,’ and GOM… | Conservative Compass Tue, 19 Mar 2013 18:14:31 +0000 […] Read the rest of the article here… […]

By: What’s behind Whole Foods’ decision to label GMOs in their stores? | Sedona Dreams Mon, 18 Mar 2013 15:55:48 +0000 […] Click : (Here) […]

By: gigi Wed, 13 Mar 2013 20:23:42 +0000 I have been organic, since I was 13 years old and now 56. Never had any fast food and only eaten high quality foods. I know my stuff. Well, I find this has gotten corrupt just like everything, that is worth something in life. I find it easiler than most to rummage through all this mess than the people just finding health food. I believe I am right in saying that at least for now the things they have not GMO’ ed are the expensive healthier things, but give them time they will find a way to do so. LOL
An example would be Goji Berries……….

By: fred Wed, 13 Mar 2013 14:53:55 +0000 Isn’t it true that some time in ancient history man created government for one purpose only, to protect individual rights. Shouldn’t they protect each of us from predatory corporations, ie corpses with no soul? If they are protecting our enemies then they gotta go, and soon or we’ll be done. GMO’s are an extinction level event.

By: Itznotme Wed, 13 Mar 2013 12:55:32 +0000 Jon – Great site! I tried to post this on Facebook via your share link and Facebook blocked it, saying it was dangerous or unsafe. I filed a complaint with them and am awaiting a response.


Thanks. Yes, see …

By: Thinker Wed, 13 Mar 2013 07:31:20 +0000 There is also the issue of undisclosed ingredients. Even organic products one would assume would not have undisclosed ingredients, sometimes do. I bought an apple oatmeal from Nature’s Path and when I realized it tasted odd I wrote the company and asked if there were any undisclosed ingredients, to which they replied (their) ‘supplier uses a proprietary recipe’.
That is doublespeak for bs and putting crap in your food, while you pay for organic and the assumption it’s an honest product. And of course I told them this and assured them I would never buy any of their products again.
Same thing with ‘proprietary’ labeling in supplements, that hides the amounts. The other ripoff is vitamin makers using gmos, and stearates which block absorption. I’m an old pro in this area, the health industry has been usurped by scammers. And the sheeps just buy, assuming they no longer have to think, just because the store has a brand name.
Meanwhile these stores are stocking more and more product from the big evil – odwalla and evolution are owned by who? is it coke or some other big corp I can’t remember. Dumb people who buy without asking questions are making it hard for the rest of us.Buy from small companies, not front companies that are really big biz. Buy organic only.
Think, the FDA just made it legal to put Aspartame in milk, with NO labeling.
For people who Think, email companies, be clear, ask if there are undisclosed ingredients, or gmos if it doesn’t say organic.
As for whole foods and other so called health stores, I believe their gmo games are to distract from the even bigger situation, if you catch my drift. Seriously, 2018. lol.

You’re a good human Jon, know that I do my part, It’s a group effort or failure. Thanks.

By: doug girard Wed, 13 Mar 2013 04:44:52 +0000 2018? wow whole paycheck way to go. look it is a landed gentry crowd who can afford to shop at whole foods, so what they do will have minimal impact on overall sales of gmo foods, and the public’s access to them. i managed a small health food store back before whole foods even existed. most of those companies whose products we carried have been sold to coke or kraft or some other conglomerate. money always wins no matter the arena, and with airborne movement of gmo seeds it will not be long before organic has very little meaning. the game is over and whole foods will do what the investment capital tells it to do. they are not good guys in all this, they are wise capitalists. what did you expect, food purity for your money?

By: HARV Wed, 13 Mar 2013 03:33:56 +0000 Who really thinks we have 5 years left in this White Western Matrix?
