Comments on: Bloomberg hits the jackpot: NYC students can’t read, write, or do arithmetic Thu, 21 Mar 2013 01:34:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Education Links: March 20, 2013 | Kernels of Wheat Thu, 21 Mar 2013 01:34:17 +0000 […] Bloomberg hits the jackpot: NYC students can’t read, write, or do arithmetic from John Rappoport […]

By: farmerboggs Tue, 19 Mar 2013 15:55:08 +0000 As a home school mom I can say that part of the problem with public school is that the kids are bored. Bored because they can not use what they learn. Writing papers for nothing but a grade is not inspiring -reading books they have no interest in is dull, learning math they can only apply in theroy is pointless.

There is nothing in the school system that can provide a hands on approach to learning or respond to a kid as an individual so why the surprise when the kids and schools fail?

Don’t be surprised when a lot of kids get out of school and educate themselves though. Just because the schools failed, doesn’t mean the kids won’t teach themselves at the first opprotunity they can get. I did.

By: jaleel shakir Sun, 17 Mar 2013 16:27:06 +0000 Every thing is by design in America.

By: Anonymous Thu, 14 Mar 2013 23:50:57 +0000 check out how many teachers are on fcebook all day and you’ll understand why the kids arent learning anything

By: The New Jesuit Pope – Show Notes March 14th 2013 | Freedom's Wings Politics Thu, 14 Mar 2013 21:08:57 +0000 […] NY students suck!… […]

By: Italics Mine Thu, 14 Mar 2013 18:29:57 +0000 If 80% of the students are not properly prepared for a life career, then how do the taxpayers sue those responsible? How do the students sue those responsible?

By: ed Thu, 14 Mar 2013 18:09:20 +0000 These same uneducated students will soon be encouraged to become “registered” voters in the “United States” and petite jury trial members in Federal “District” courts. Do you think they will be able to meet the qualifications specified below?

If a prospective federal juror is unable to read and understand this sentence: “Sections 81 – 131 of this chapter show the territorial composition of districts and divisions by counties as of January 1, 1945,” then that juror “is unable to read, write, and understand the English language with a degree of proficiency sufficient to fill out satisfactorily the juror qualification form,” and is disqualified.

Every person involved in any matter involving federal grand and petit jurors must at a minimum be able to read and understand this sentence: “Sections 81 – 131 of this chapter show the territorial composition of districts and divisions by counties as of January 1, 1945.”

By: sickandtired Thu, 14 Mar 2013 16:16:04 +0000 Saw your blog today about FB. Jon when I copied and pasted the blog, the nomorefakenews hyper link was allowed. although in the past I have tried to just link it on its own and not as part of your blog and it wouldn’t. As a matter of fact I tried both methods, nomorefakenews and your blog and neither worked. I wrote a complaint to FB. Although I hate using this word “whatever” – it’s appropriate because pasting your column was a workaround. I see someone else here did the same thing.

By: Daniel Moore Thu, 14 Mar 2013 06:32:15 +0000 I retired from teaching high school ten years ago. I got out just in time. I liked teaching English and special ed., but the interference from bureaucrats and administrators at all levels up to the federal was becoming overbearing. Teaching to “standards”, which mandate every fact taught, robs the teachers of flexibility and creativity. Of course, students must be taught basic skills but they must also be taught how to think. Many of you are right regarding parents. If they aren’t involved or aren’t there, discipline and self-respect are often missing. Social engineering and teaching to tests won’t educate our youth.

By: Rayvencall Thu, 14 Mar 2013 05:39:11 +0000 Great article! I posted the entire article on FB It was the only way I could get in posted. I did include the link. If this is unacceptable please let me know and I will delete it.


