Comments on: Can you trust Whole Foods? Tue, 26 Mar 2013 18:55:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: HT Tue, 26 Mar 2013 18:55:33 +0000 Hi Jon,

Today, March 26, 2013, I happened to see a new episode of Dr. Oz’s show. Whole Foods’ CEO was being interviewed and he stated Whole Foods is all for labeling GMO’s – LIES!! Whole Foods was one of MANY corporations who attacked and ultimately caused the failure of a recent California state proposition to label GMO’s.

And Dr. Oz isn’t innocent about the issues on GMO’s vs. Organic. Here’s an article about his attack on organic farmers,
“Dr. Oz Viciously Attacks Organic Foods and Farmers Markets.”

Thank you for providing a forum for people to shine the light of truth on high profile people who pretend to have our best interest at heart.


By: Kurt Wed, 20 Mar 2013 16:43:12 +0000 There is an alternative to Whole Foods and they have a very clear policy regarding GMO foods. Trader Joes is a low cost alternative grocer in my area and I perused their website to find their stance on GMO foods and I found it:

They state in bold on the page :”we do not allow GMO ingredients in our private label products (anything with Trader Joe’s, Trader Jose’s, Trader Ming’s, etc. on the label).”

And further down the page, they also state : “We’re unable to make the same claims for branded products (products not in the Trader Joe’s label).

Organic products, regardless of brand, are by definition non-GMO.”

Interesting stance. I like Trader Joes and I was wondering if anyone else was familiar with them and their GMO policies?

By: Temper Tantrum, ‘Racing for the Exits,’ and GOM… | Conservative Compass Tue, 19 Mar 2013 18:14:35 +0000 […] Read the entire article here. […]

By: kristinshay Sun, 17 Mar 2013 20:49:54 +0000 Reblogged this on Dr. Kristin's Fitness Rx and commented:
Sometimes the truth hurts. Please read.

By: Greg Sat, 16 Mar 2013 08:10:03 +0000 Can’t trust WF! They want 5 years because they know within that time a state labeling law will eventually be enacted and by making this public statement now they are hoping to save face and gain re-acceptance of those they alienated. I was on the front-lines during the CA prop 37 campaign and FOREVER WF has lost me as a customer. They are another self-serving corporate entity. Don’t be fooled!


Thanks. See also…

YES ON 37′S BIGGEST SUPPORTER WAS… MONSANTO. How Political Elites Win In The Matrix

By: Kimberly Usher Fri, 15 Mar 2013 03:16:11 +0000 Jon , Am sorry to have to tell all this, but you the feeling cause you do this everyday…If you want more on the Meatloafer let me know. I can get all the names and identities. I was walking in a daze for days when I figured this out, and am not on the fence any more!!!

.”For me OCA lost any credibility back when they came out with their Internet Myths email about HR 875 (House Bill for S510). Penned by Judith McGreary for OCA, it claimed there were no provisions in HR 875 that would affect family farms, f…armers markets or numer…ous other pertinent issues.”
“The so called “Organic” Consumer’s Association released this response….
… after activists started calling them out for their Merck and Rockefeller funding after finding it a little fishy that they would attack Whole Foods so much rather than Monsanto, who they claim to be against, especially considering Whole Foods is probably Monsanto’s largest competition…. they are the country’s largest distributor of organic, non-gmo foods, and they lead efforts all over the world to promote organic farming. The OCA just released another Whole Foods attack piece(also promoted on the “Millions against Monsanto” facebook page) and I inquired again about their funding before I was banned from the group and my comments were deleted. ”
See More

By: Lisa Fri, 15 Mar 2013 03:14:36 +0000 Please note, FB will not let me post your article link, calling it “spam.”


Hi Lisa, thanks for attempting to share.



By: Kimberly Usher Fri, 15 Mar 2013 03:10:58 +0000 See More Remember... So instead we expose Millions Against Monsanto an Organic Consumers Assc. page. This is why all the people in those groups were asleep and did not fight the fake food safety laws.. They were also the ones who deleted the Jon Stewart expose Monsanto's Bill S.510 page that was getting 17,000 hits a day. We almost stopped this bill. But these JERKS had a monopoly on the info..."Don't Worry there Is the Tester Amendment" BS... FB can have alot of liars on it. Could someone who is a memeber of the Millions Against Monsanto pages Please post this on their page. I no longer am a friend to them as I knew this already. After they encouraged people to NOT get in touch w/Congress over the Fake Food Safty Laws... Nice to have a special FB page to keep the info handy... LOL!/pages/S510-Fax-says-Millions-Against-Monsanto-is-an-Arm-of-Monsanto-to-fool-us/134104806645896?filter=1]]> Sorry Jon, but cannot trust OCA either…They also are the Millions Against Monsanto on FB… Their game is to give a little to get alot. All lip service.

Sign one of their petitions and get hounded by them for donations. They are sucking away the resoruces for real change! They were silent on the fake food safety bill. Claimed the Testor ammendment will save the day. Senator Testor I recently learned is Meatloaf the musician…. There are alot of actors in our gov. and society some in dual roles. Just like Mr. Smith. But at least you knew in the Matrix who Smith was!

“In cooperation with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and others, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund financed The Unfinished Agenda, a societal transformation “eco-totalitarian” blueprint for the U.S. “…
“Today, the Environmental Grantmakers …As…sociation (EGA), created by the Rockefeller Family Fund in 1985, represents 225 foundations and is an affinity group of the Council on Foundations.[3] It is described by the American Land Rights Association (ALRA) as “a cartel of eco-money” that “lavishes millions on eco-agitators.” This “cartel,” through its “hundreds of millions” controls the environmental activist movement to carry out Agenda 21. Money is also appropriated through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to government schools to create an “environmentally literate public” to produce “a public that accepts the Green Gospel uncritically.”[4]

The First interview with Norman Dodd was by Dr Stan Monteith shortly before Mr. Dodd Passed away. He reveals the hidden truth about the Tax Exempt Foundations as chief investigator in The Reece Commitee Report authorized by Congress. This i…s about The Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford Foundations who since the turn of the century have set out to influence and manipulate the education and morals of not only the USA but Countries Globally. Reduced standards of Education and sexual promiscuity of today have their roots in these Foundations. He states that the foundations were very influential in instigating conflicts around the world. “This may be one of the most important videos you will ever see”

Tax Exempt Foundations The Enemy Within – Norman Dodd Dr Stan Monteith MR Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations- A Hidden Global agenda…this is more then 50 minutes and is complete…

The more we look the more we see ♥See More

So instead we expose Millions Against Monsanto an Organic Consumers Assc. page.
This is why all the people in those groups were asleep and did not fight the fake food safety laws.. They were also the ones who deleted the origin…al Jon Stewart expose Monsanto’s Bill S.510 page that was getting 17,000 hits a day. We almost stopped this bill. But these JERKS had a monopoly on the info…”Don’t Worry there Is the Tester Amendment” BS… FB can have alot of liars on it.
Could someone who is a memeber of the Millions Against Monsanto pages Please post this on their page. I no longer am a friend to them as I knew this already. After they encouraged people to NOT get in touch w/Congress over the Fake Food Safty Laws…

Nice to have a special FB page to keep the info handy… LOL!/pages/S510-Fax-says-Millions-Against-Monsanto-is-an-Arm-of-Monsanto-to-fool-us/134104806645896?filter=1

By: Lisa Fri, 15 Mar 2013 03:07:53 +0000 Contrary to popular belief, organic does not necessarily mean non-GMO, if the gene mutation is derived from a natural substance. The word out now is that the large corporate organic companies that are now taking over the organic arena (many organic farmers just cannot afford the huge certification fees that are now demanded), are using a natural fungus spliced into the organic seeds they use, and which “pests” do not like to eat. The question is, what does this fungus do to us?

By: tally Thu, 14 Mar 2013 19:13:22 +0000 I do not trust whole foods at all. Further there are already companies online and farmers online with grassfed beef, and organically fed pigs, chickens and turkeys! Also companies such as Trader Joes and Sprouts who are already carrying labeled items saying NON GMO right now! Abandon Whole Foods, shop at the Natural News store, The Green Polka Dot Box, even Costco has foods labeled Organic and Non GMO, as does Mothers Markets. Not to mention the organic markets and the organic farmers local to each city in the USA! Join a cow share, join a farm share they are often called CSA! Support the NON GMO Organic farmers! . WE DONT NEED WHOLE FOODS! 305 million people can make or break a business just by their shopping choices, make the choice for yourself and your family to live free and chose to eat healthy non gmo, organic foods! Do it today you and your family are worth the effort and oh yea if you think eating healthy cost more it really doesn’t, because if you make the effort to join a share program it actually cost less than the grocery store, not to mention the fact that you and your family will have little to no doctor bills, because good health starts with what we put in our mouths! Good luck to all!
