Comments on: The moving arc of Internet censorship Mon, 25 Mar 2013 20:31:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Mon, 25 Mar 2013 20:31:57 +0000 Earth Clinic’s readers have been testing and developing folk remedies, with contributions of complementary and alternative medicine treatments from health experts in every part of the world, since 1999. They’ve been sent some of the most exciting holistic treatments to date – dozens of restorative remedies, plus natural cures for cancer, fibromyalgia, back pain and better than 350 other diseases and conditions!

By: Serin Tue, 19 Mar 2013 18:49:31 +0000 Deleted my FB account in 2008. Really deleted it. Not just “deactivated” (with all the info intact). No, deleted every friend, every wall post etc (this was before FB became INSANE with nonsense info – was mostly just photos & the wall and occasional groups).

Never been happier.

Now I am forced to interact with people face to face if they want to have a conversation. And you know what? It’s completely awesome.
You want to tell me about all the new stuff going on in your life? Tell me in person.

And yes, google is just as fucked privacy wise. I’ve had my gmail account broken into before and e-mails spread publicly so watch out for that bull. I know googles “selling point” is how you _never_ have to delete anything. (which completely fucked me over). So I only keep necessary emails and delete the rest.

About google mail – I signed up for a conference for work with my work e-mail & work credit card.
Received an email in my GMAIL account – addressed to my _Boss_ with all confirmation info including address & credit card number.
I never ONCE mentioned the word “gmail” anywhere on the application for the conference (I checked). So the company decided to send all this private information to a random gmail account because it happened to contain my name.

Honestly…..I don’t even know anymore.

By: The Moving Arc of Internet Censorship | Eric Peters Autos Sat, 16 Mar 2013 14:47:25 +0000 […] Rappoport JON RAPPOPORT’S BLOG March 14, […]

By: Gudrun B Sat, 16 Mar 2013 05:40:41 +0000 i post a few lines from your blogs here and there on fb and take out part of the name… fill in …. and ad the missing parts at the end
my “brain friends” will know what to do – the others would not know what happened if they read your stuff 🙂
natural selection?
but i get warnings when trying to open especially natural healing web sites It is not just fb censorship !

By: Bill F. Fri, 15 Mar 2013 19:36:26 +0000 Perhaps I’m just being defensive because I use Twitter and Facebook to fill my info addiction, but to think that you’re out of the Matrix by not using Twitter and Facebook is extreme wishful thinking. Better get off the internet all together, throw the smart phone into the river, as well as anything else connecting you to the digital database of modern society. And if it’s not possible to get out of the Matrix, what’s the point of making symbolic gestures of boycotting Facebook and such? Certainly one should limit themselves and refrain from becoming one of the Borg, but as evidenced by my typing this right now, Big Brother is more ubiquitous than even Orwell’s imagination predicted.

By: Jon Rappoport ~ The Moving Arc Of Internet Censorship | Shift Frequency Fri, 15 Mar 2013 16:11:35 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport’s blog March 14 2014 […]

By: JerseyCynic Fri, 15 Mar 2013 16:05:18 +0000

“The Likes data are public information.”

be careful what you like!!

help me….I’m falling further down the sink, I mean rabbit hole!!


“On Facebook, people can share the things they like—like bands, brands, sports teams, public figures, etc. By using Login with Facebook on third party sites, people can take their Likes and interests with them around the web—to have more personalized experiences.”

Like – means you like “it” – what “is” “it” about “it” that you “like”

let’s see…..

what is “is”?


nice reporting jon. makes me want to get rid of the FB account also.
makes me just want to shut everything off. I think I will.

By: Chris Fri, 15 Mar 2013 05:47:52 +0000 What trips me out about twitter is that mega celebs use it, all of them. Or damn near. But why? To me, they don’t need or wanna sit around and tweet. They’re rich! They’re working! (doing drugs, partying) so why do they need twitter?! I really think its because millions and millions of robots actually care about what cereal labron James just munched on. It’s a global distraction. Or a nation wide hey look! While they steal a fry from our plate (all our damn money).

By: Chris Fri, 15 Mar 2013 05:41:04 +0000 I just started school (community college) and I’m gonna be 21 in May so I guess you can say I sat around being a bum for a few years before deciding to get into school.. Point is.. Im sitting in class and all I see are kids on their iPhones. On Facebook. Scrolling hopelessly. Mine is away, theirs is on their desk. I think.. Why pay for classes just to sit like a statute glued to Facebook? Then go home and get on Facebook? It’s slavery. I deleted mine a few years ago, sick of all the memes and idiots posting inspirational posts after a good sh*t. Also, it irks me that kids rather sit on their phone than strike a conversation… Zombies, indeed.

By: Kimberly Usher Fri, 15 Mar 2013 02:51:06 +0000 Aloha Mr. Jon Rapopport !
Liked this post, and wanted to delete my FB acct. ASAP. Jumped the gun though. LOL Need to stay on to fight the good fight!
So I went onto FB and tried to only post this “Jon even without the http:// no posting… Here was my message to FB.
“This is not a link. Only 3 words with 2 dots. The Neural Network needs to learn this is not a threat, only words to convey a message on internet censorship of not being able to post the link here. Facebook learns along the way just as humans do. Please allow posting of this article to scold and inform actions of the FDA to send letters of malfeasance to those who like what someone has to say or their stuff. I would also like to see instead of “liked your link; liked your stuff…Sounds more fun to me. After all isn’t Facebook supposed to fun? Fun sharing, caring and learning to forgive and go on. That is what life is. And to deny life for others because, a few do not want to have fun in a loving way with others, then I think a human needs to step in, and reprogram FBs nueral sensors, who fall for trollish censors…. Thanks Nice talking to Ya!”

AS FOR THE FDA it can believe anything and that’s the law. Here is the law. (Sorry for all my commentary, but needed)
People think that our courts will take care of it all in the end. (courts are all messed up…see Lawless America on FB…have put together 3tera bits of testemony from all over the country…Taking this to congress and editing for the Documentary now…Areal life Docu-Drama with all the thrills of defeat and very little victory for the people…check it out!))

“things” like in our basic codes and laws; instead of death or serious harm it will be changed to belief by these people of Monsanto. Seizures will begin 190 days after signing…Seizures of organics for sure, they are already raiding farms in confidence. Wake up, and doubt this people…That factory chicken farm is one of many they know harms people, and have done nothing.


(a) In General- Section 304(h)(1)(A) (21 U.S.C. 334(h)(1)(A)) is amended by–

(1) striking `credible evidence or information indicating’ and inserting `reason to believe’; and

(2) striking `presents a threat of serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals’ and inserting `is adulterated or misbranded under section 403(w)’.

(b) Regulations- Not later than 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall issue an interim final rule amending subpart K of part 1 of title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, to implement the amendment made by this section.

(c) Effective Date- The amendment made by this section shall take effect 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act.

Why does this matter?..

.When you are affected by something in the bill and take it to court you can’t win because the law says the governments position is always correct, and you can show all the proof in the world the damages but it is not allowed to stand because the Government does not believe.

Here we see our inability to remedy the situation.

The Feast Act (house) and Food Safety Bill (dsenate) There is an ammendment in it to change our basic laws in the United States Code and The Federal Laws making the rules by opinion . The opinions of the revolving door Monsanto people who are inbedded in our government. AND THEY DO NOT TAKE PRISONERS. Write your reps now cause it will be voted on this week.

Wondering why this part of the bill is intriging?
