Comments on: James Holmes, and how the CIA hid their MKULTRA mind-control program Wed, 26 Aug 2015 19:49:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: bioslave2 Wed, 26 Aug 2015 19:49:49 +0000 Wait. I thought Holmes was a programmed assassin, a la the near-field communication chip that MURI scientists (and, no doubt, others within different university networks across the country, as these things go) have been creating (you know, the ‘psychic soldier’?).

By: The Open MKULTRA Drugging of James Holmes | Jon Rappoport Media Tue, 24 Jun 2014 12:48:11 +0000 […]… […]

By: Terry Parker Jr. Tue, 04 Feb 2014 03:34:27 +0000 As a unwitting subject, it appears we have further MK-ULTRA activity in Toronto, Ontario. Medical records and X-ray at discloses unauthorized covert lobotomy and brain implant experimentation, (Dec.9,1969 & Jan, 27,1972, at 14 & 16 years of age) without informed consent, nor parental knowledge, while under the guise of treating epilepsy. (ie-“scar tissue removal”) Not only does this information correlate with Manchurian Candidate developmental research, according to the Mind Stealers by Samuel Chavkin, and The Mind Manipulators by Alan Scheflin, it also correlates with the CIA MK-ULTRA project of psychosurgical and brain implant research, upon unwitting subjects. Those subjects being myself, and other children who suffer epilepsy at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children. Dr. Harold Joseph Hoffman is noted for having 15,741 children under his care between 1964-1998. It would be fair to suggest that anywhere between 10% to 1/3, have been exploited for unauthorized brain surgical research. (1500-5000 children) Seems MK-ULTRA is alive and well, with the blessing of the College of Physicians & Surgeons, Ontario Health Professions Board, Toronto police, OPP, RCMP, and our elected members of parliament. Not to exclude a HSC Patient’s words of a “on-going problem”.

By: MK Ultra: CIA’s Dark Secret of Mind Control Over the Culture | Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Agency of Massachusetts Sun, 24 Nov 2013 14:39:49 +0000 […] James Holmes, and how the CIA hid the MKULTRA mind-control program | by Jon Rappoport | March 20, 2013 | […]

By: Fred Wed, 09 Oct 2013 04:46:45 +0000 Nsa has restarted the mkultra program and is using it to harass me a technology known as voice to skull. I have proof bought an emf detector which constantly goes off. Also in Ohio a plaintiff won a case on this very issue where the judge ordered the defendant to stop harassing the plaintiff using electronic means there are a ton of people being harassed this way it could be a very large class action I’m being harassed because I filed over 800 suits against the government while incarcerated on copyright infringement charges.

By: Joe Bradley Mon, 01 Apr 2013 04:44:55 +0000 For the truth about current top-secret US psychotronic weapons using EEG cloning, why Colonel Aquino at the NSA is the leader of The Temple of Set (an offshoot of The Church of Satan), and what Putin meant when he said in Forbes that his, “new psychotronic weapons will replace the atom bomb,” see former Dept. of Defense scientist and whistleblower , Dr. Robert Duncan’s book on Amazon- or google “The Matrix Deciphered” for a free read. It’s true.

By: Revolution for Victory News Today | James Holmes, and how the CIA hid their MKULTRA mind-control program Sun, 31 Mar 2013 14:14:11 +0000 […] James Holmes, and how the CIA hid their MKULTRA mind-control program […]

By: James Weatherford Wed, 27 Mar 2013 17:17:28 +0000 For a real fright re. MKULTRA, check out “Trance-Formation America”, by Cathy Obrien and Mark Phillips.

By: It is interesting to note how the mainstream media is “handling” these mass shootings in general: With blatant contempt for the freedom-lover, and utter disdain for the U.S. Constitution. | Family Survival Protocol Mon, 25 Mar 2013 21:48:20 +0000 […] the wake of new information indicating that James Holmes (the alleged “Aurora shooter”) will be given “truth serum” in order to extract a confession or other information regarding the shooting, it is interesting to […]

By: TODAYS Breaking NEWS HEADLINES | count down to zero-time Sat, 23 Mar 2013 19:55:26 +0000 […] James Holmes, and how the CIA hid the MKULTRA mind-control program  […]
