Comments on: Monsanto proves that corporations don’t run the government Sun, 03 Jan 2016 00:53:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: JackFrost Sun, 03 Jan 2016 00:53:55 +0000 Most if not all our rights/freedoms have been from civil disobedience […] and by civil disobidence I mean peaceful/non violent protests such as sit ins where you and many others refuse to work.


That’s how our 40 hr work week formed and pensions created. The basis of welfare which then was truly for the needy and disabled but now they just hand it over to almost any bozo off the street.

We’d actually have MORE welfare available to Americans if we stopped catering to illegals and instead encourage Mexico to do better.

Big corporations DO love Big Government for many resons.

1: They get favors and give favors such as the mysterious Windows 98 NSA Key

2: Big Corporations like Monsanto can afford eaisly and do hire more attornys to pay for larger legal cases and do the crime anyways.

3: Big Corporations can put out smaller business done by you because you (unless you’re a paid agent then forget anything I mentioned if you read this far since you either hacve yuntold protection or they will remove you when they see you are useless)P . because you can’t pay the high court fees where you only have one maybe two lawyers. Monsanto has enough to sustain a small militia.

If Monsanto don’t want to obey water restrictions they will just pay the 500$ fine like it’s a fishing license.

By: Leah Mon, 03 Mar 2014 16:49:26 +0000 Wait a minute…..are you THE Linus Pauling? The one that died in 1994?

By: Jon Rappoport ~ The Monsanto Protection Act Isn’t Just A Slimy Move By A Huge Corporation. It’s A Collaborative Effort | Shift Frequency Thu, 28 Mar 2013 15:11:47 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport March 27 2013 […]

By: secret Thu, 28 Mar 2013 13:05:59 +0000 This article is another distinction without a difference. It describes the process by which corporations control the world and mistakenly assumes their is a separation between Government and Corporations.

A very long time ago the controllers realized it’s much easier to gain control of the process from the beginning. From congressman and senators to heads of government agencies, and all the way to the presidents and leaders of the world’s governments, The corperations are able to get thier people in.
They already work for the corporations long before they get “elected”. There is no need to try and bribe a congressman these days. They are already vetted before they get the job.

The head of the FDA does not have the same philosophy as Monsanto because he is paid off. He has the same philosophy because he is one of them.

By: Jerry Thu, 28 Mar 2013 08:56:20 +0000 AIPAC owns congress and the executive as well as the supreme court.

The Jews own AIPAC and control the major corporations in this world to include the media and hollywood.

There are no countries, as such.

Borders mean nothing to Jewish money and influence.

By: Thinker Thu, 28 Mar 2013 04:33:46 +0000 True, true and TRUE. When the majority from BOTH parties voted for the NDAA, we knew, once and for all, just what corrupt traitors these phony ‘representatives’ are. They killed our most basic rights, now they are involved in poisoning if not outright killing our food supply.

We might also add about 2/3 of the population to the grouping given the ignorance of the mass not only allows all of this, but funds it by ignorance, often purposeful ignorance. It’s time to shake others awake, every chance we get. Call those restaurants you don’t go to anymore because they only use crap gmos, and tell them that.

Tell others to stop buying new tech that’s only a better govt spy device. Stop buying fluoride toothpaste. Tell them about the NDAA. Whatever. Talk the facts and don’t back down.

This article nails it Down, it should be shared with everyone, everywhere, repetitiously. Thanks Jon.

By: Moji Thu, 28 Mar 2013 03:21:05 +0000 But wait… the government IS a corporation!

By: Jon Rappoport ~ Monsanto proves that corporations don’t run the government | Laura Bruno's Blog Thu, 28 Mar 2013 01:30:21 +0000 […] Monsanto proves that corporations don’t run the government […]

By: Linus Pauling Wed, 27 Mar 2013 22:16:20 +0000 Jon, you have hit the nail in the head. Politicians are as evil as big business, only that they do not have the business acumen that their partners in crime have.
We have to fight also against the stupidity and moral degradation ( greed, avarice, materialism) existing all around us because that is the nourishment which politicians, banksters and big business CEOs feed from.

By: p3 Wed, 27 Mar 2013 20:29:56 +0000 hi jon,
corporate administrative code enforcement regime is our modern day high tech slave system. who, who, what, when and how of human genetic manipulation is the answer to the riddle of human life. back to the future all over again! breaking the programing is most important and most difficult. like sitting in the bodhimandala and manifesting transformation bodies to the limits of empty space. the earth school is a real ball buster.(if you would like) put on your armor, pick up your sword and shield; slay the demons of greed, anger and stupidity(of our own mind) and be a light unto the world.
