Comments on: It was nice knowing you, America Wed, 10 Apr 2013 04:27:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Erin Wed, 10 Apr 2013 04:27:27 +0000 Poignantly written.

We have to remember that even though a ridiculous majority of those who serve in the system are corrupt beyond all hope, there are still a minority therein who maintain a sense of common human decency. Granted, their positions are worthless because any thinking person knows that the idea of changing the system from within is a fallacy.

As Gandhi once said, we must (as individuals) BECOME the change we want to see.

By: Jon Rappoport — It was nice knowing you, America Mon, 08 Apr 2013 15:02:37 +0000 […] […]

By: Rappoport: It was nice knowing you, America | The Federal Observer Sun, 07 Apr 2013 18:39:44 +0000 […] by Jon Rappoport and published at, April 6, […]

By: hybridrogue1 Sun, 07 Apr 2013 17:10:07 +0000 Ummn..yea, what they said. Lol

‘Cept for PHONEHENGE…I ne’er got no spinal injuries, never a concussion from getting thrown from a bike….whattaya gonna do, close yourself up in a padded box and pump oxygen in?
That is just oh so 21st century dood.

Ya either live ’till ya die, or there is no use living. Aye?
Hard knocks growz hard rocks.

But seriously, I can think of no people more deserving of the fate they have created for themselves than the Amerikans. “Ye reap what ye sow”…and all that.


By: spinchatter5 Sun, 07 Apr 2013 17:03:18 +0000 I really don’t understand this essay. You rail against the “collectivist”, but don’t really even see that as the real problem. Seems to me the real problem is unabashed greed. You have the puppets (US Govt) and the puppet masters (Wall Street and major corporations) that act only to enrich themselves as whatever cost to the public. I don’t see how collectivism has anything to do with it really.

By: Harry Berry Sun, 07 Apr 2013 12:52:26 +0000 I get $1000 a month working and I had taken food stamps to survive. The good paying jobs had went overseas. I’ve talked to many blind, obedient sheep that are made to conform to an orwellian society. Only sheep follow the herd. Many would drink cyanide if the government told them.

By: SoFDMC Sun, 07 Apr 2013 12:51:12 +0000 The tragedy is that a lot of things seem to not go your way when you choose to live the life of an individual. I am a very direct person by nature who doesn’t have time for BS, so I have a hard time going for job interviews where the interviewer plays these games where they purposely try to piss you off with dumb questions.

My response is like, do you really want me for this job or you enjoy wasting my time?

And evidently people around me are like shocked when I tell them that, but this is how society has been structured, to bend down and allow oneself to be victimized and fooled around with by someone who society has perceived he has more ‘value’ than you. The ‘smart’ ones know how to take advantage of it. I personally can’t stand it.

But most people go along with this because the collective mentality is the carrot and stick that has been trained into them since childhood by the trash propaganda system they call public education. They should just rename it ‘obedience school’ because that’s what it is.

And you need that job for the money to feed yourself. It doesn’t help that people around me tell me I need to conform to get that job, in the name of survival. Being a true individual in this sick, insane ridden, messed up society is probably one of the hardest things to do and is easier said than done.

By: SoFDMC Sun, 07 Apr 2013 12:25:25 +0000 “With eyes averted, the populace studiously ignores the figure standing in the wings: The individual… who refuses to join the crippled parade. Why would he join it? For the barely traceable comfort of a wan washed-out hope?”

Jon Rappoport has this amazing insight that’s hard to fathom. I can identify very well with the picture painted by his words like the quote above.

By: IndividualAudienceMember Sun, 07 Apr 2013 03:21:32 +0000 If a person got a severe injury from Slip N Slide, I think maybe they were worse than retarded. Idiotic, and trying, maybe?

And lawn darts? Yeesh, “Americans have become a society obsessed with this idiotic notion of “safety.””

Or,… some people should stay away from trees or else falling apples and sharp sticks might end their ignorance of the dangers of living?

“Tree forts, dirt clod wars,…Banana seat bikes” ???

Gosh, you’ve GOT to be kidding, you just about summed up the joy of my childhood (and many others) in one paragraph

Are BB guns even legal these days?
If so, I feel sorry for American Helots, er, I mean, American children.

Also, ” In America, we retreat like cowards to our caves with our guns and cans of beans. We’ve been deftly turned against each other, rendered impotent and convinced that anarchy is freedom.”

Wow, if that wasn’t the biggest LOAD I’ve ever seen written.
Ignorance is blissful, I guess?

What Is Anarchy?

One other thing.
king edward seems like just that.
Not all People are push-overs and going along to get along.
It’s “funny” how king edward and those of his kind take this perspective.
They often confuse ‘informing others’ with that of ‘bitching and complaining’… I doubt they will ever see the difference. Or understand the meaning of the word, multi-tasking. I wonder if they get paid for typing such discouraging words?

Anyway, Jon Rappoport, your writing is excellent! Every single thing I’ve read so far is extremely insightful.

By: Anonymous Sun, 07 Apr 2013 02:18:14 +0000 Jon,
This is one of the best articles I’ve read in a long time, your spot on and people better get a clue and wake up to this dystopian world we live in. Keep up your great work!
