Comments on: Google Glass: obedience to the Matrix Sat, 20 Apr 2013 06:51:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Justin Sat, 20 Apr 2013 06:51:28 +0000 Lol! very cute and very true. I heard you loud and clear on those movies comments. Hollywood making more unoriginal dreck out of “ideas” ripped off of dreck that was made after original movies.

I myself can’t stand movies or television anymore, precisely because of this uninspired dreck rubbish of remaking the same beaten to death ideas. I know there isn’t really anything else for them to make movies about but still, I’m tired of their melodramatic shallow dreck nobody could care about if they tried.

Cheers for the blog!

By: Gina Wed, 17 Apr 2013 14:19:23 +0000 Jon – would love to see copies of this blog post made and handed out at the next Google Glass Ted talk. That would cause some significant spontaneous combustion amongst the audience members, me thinks…

By: C. Burkey Tue, 16 Apr 2013 01:24:17 +0000 @bleak
Yeah..9/11 really did a number on us all in a day. Shock and awe indeed. That, followed by days, weeks, months and years of androids dishing out a version of reality via the airwaves that normal people surely should have known was bogus, but was never recognized as bogus by anyone in public life except, maybe, Charlie Sheen. And who listens to him?

By: Google Glass: obedience to the Matrix – LifeWise Mon, 15 Apr 2013 01:04:07 +0000 […] View original article here […]

By: bleak Mon, 15 Apr 2013 00:06:11 +0000 Yes, Vietnam. I grew up watching it. And I think 9/11 did as much damage to the “group-think” in one day as the entire Vietnam war. It all stems from the Project Monarch/MKUltra programs, I believe.

Also in this article, you perfectly describe what could commence in the very near future if we capitulate to compulsory RFID’s and/or vaccines.

By: Outsider Mon, 15 Apr 2013 00:02:55 +0000 Earth changes could put a major block on Glass such as the next Carrington Event caused by Coronal Mass Ejections (CME/Solar Flares).

I liked Bladerunner but the film was based on a Philip K Dick novel ‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?’ I agree with the article author in that Bladerunner is a better movie because the source material is of a much higher standard as it written by the acclaimed science fiction writer Philip K Dick – Whilst not having seen Prometheus I am led to believe from reviews the movie was written to explain the message of the ruling elite of the planet in an entertaining way to program the viewers for the New World Order. Link to older NWO plans below:

However I differ in that my personal view is that the message of Prometheus is to push the viewers to accept the powers of the New World Order and about humans role in society under it’s reptilian masters. Some are not yet ready to accept but more people will awaken to this aspect of reality:

However regarding robots and machines in the media I’ve found the work of Dr Joseph Chiappalone MD interesting, his work is not for everyone but for those who are interested it is worth further study:

By: Google Glass: Obedience to the Matrix | The Freedom Report Sun, 14 Apr 2013 23:20:56 +0000 […] Google Glass: obedience to the Matrix […]

By: Cato Sun, 14 Apr 2013 23:14:34 +0000 To D. K. Berg: Your complaint is not with capitalism (which no longer exists in this country), it is with totalitarianism and all its nasty little children. We are currently living under its latest child, an increasingly Marxist dictatorship run by corporatists with Obama as their chosen spokesperson. Marxist dictatorships are, in practice, always run for the elites, not, God forbid, the little people, who simply wouldn’t know what to to with all that swag.

Let us not forget that Herr Hitler founded a party with deep socialist (i.e., Marxist) grounding, patterned in many ways after Mussolini’s Fascist Party; Mussolini had been a devoted socialist, but never a Communist. They were both nationalist, and as such, could never be internationalist, i.e. Communist. That remained their primary distinction. They later found it easier to become allied with big business, to butter their bread, and produce some giveaways for the little people. For Hitler, it was Volkswagen (the original); for Mussolini, it was the original Fiat 500… And so it goes.

Your suggestions reek of individualism, which the system is designed to suppress in favor of major corporations and the military-industrial state, which must fight against terrorism all all costs, including individual liberty. Avoid monetary transactions? Why, that might starve the Fed, from whom all blessings flow. No cell phone or electronic devices for 24 hours? You are clearly a madman, that might cause someone to actually read something, or even think for himself, if the educational system has left him with that ability. Help a neighbor? No–you didn’t build that. The State did.

By: D.K.Berg Sun, 14 Apr 2013 18:07:08 +0000 F#@k capitalism. Be a real human and actually grow some real food for your self and family in real dirt. Help a neighbor actually build a shed with tools. Avoid all electronic devices for 24 hours. Go to a state or national park and hike a few miles without your cell phone. Canoe down a local river without your cell phone. Try actually living for a day without making any monetary transactions. It might be fun.

By: Google Glass: obedience to the Matrix | Sun, 14 Apr 2013 17:44:48 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport […]
