Comments on: Down in the psyche of the individual, there still burns a flame Wed, 24 Apr 2013 20:12:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: bleak (@bleak) Wed, 24 Apr 2013 20:12:36 +0000 I think a word is missing. It’s in the third paragraph below. I put the word in brackets and CAPS. If I’m wrong, just block me. Joking.

“He would be forced to unseal his own tomb where the central undisturbed flame burns. He would gain entrance to his inner sanctum. He would feel alive in a way he had forgotten was possible. He would shrug off the folds of the mass, the group, the organization, and step out of the shadows.”

“The hammering pulse of his own blood would make him ready for action.”

“Much better, he concedes, [THAN] to support and exalt all the structures of the world that hold his mind in thrall, that keep him in contact with his false self, that mirror his gift for deception.”

By: shinyshinystar Thu, 18 Apr 2013 12:54:28 +0000 Reblogged this on shinyshinystar and commented:
Good morning. Read this with your coffee. <3

By: shinyshinystar Thu, 18 Apr 2013 12:53:45 +0000 Stirring and courageous, I shared excessively. <3

By: Gold Bullish or Bearish - Page 36 - Traders Laboratory - 12054 Wed, 17 Apr 2013 15:50:48 +0000 […] […]

By: algistd Wed, 17 Apr 2013 12:10:48 +0000 The world as we know it, is an illusion. It is based on lies and deceit. What is an illusion you ask. I will use something simple. We tell our children that santa claus is real, yet we know that it is a lie. They believe because they “TRUST AND BELIEVE” what we tell them is true, so they believe. We actually conspire ourselves against them to make them believe that it is real. So in essence we are all co-conspirators against our childeren. So for anyone who doesn’t believe in conspiracies think about that one. (33Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True). Or what about the person who has a cheating spouse. The relationship is based on trust and a belief that the spouse is being honest and truthful. Even though that person thinks their marriage is real, they are in a sense living a lie or an illusion because it is now based on a lie.
Basically the world as we know it works the same way. We trust and believe that what are we are told is the truth every day, because we trust and beLIEve that the people we elected to lead us care about us. This beLIEf could not be further from the truth. The fact is that the people who lead us only care about profiting from us any which way than they can. This includes lying, cheating, steeling, conspiring against us and even killing us. To understand why, people need to see that the world is run by a bunch of psychopaths. Have you ever heard the phrase “good guys finish last” or “it’s a dog eat dog world”. Where do think all the bad guys are? Basically we have a world run by a bunch of Bernie Madoff type characters. The most ruthless migrate to the top of the food chain. They are the elite, the top executives and politicians. They dictate policies and others just follow for profit. They have no morals (empathy) whatsoever. Just look around you. The rich are getting richer, the planet is being destroyed (they write the laws which allow their corporations to that and we let them do that), there are wars all the time (who do you think profits from all these wars) and people are starving all over the world. This just didn’t happen by chance, it is all by design. They run this planet like a business, because they believe they own it and you are considered a useless bottom feeder to them. Until you come to that realization you will never truly understand what is going on in this world.
If you are a free thinker you will have no problem with finding the truth, however many people whose beliefs are fixed (tied to a fence post) will have hard time believing some of this. I just ask that you have an open mind.

Most everything you think is real, is really an illusion (based on lies ).
It is nothing more that a huge sting operation, a big con job and we have all been duped.
Now is the time to see the world as it truly is.

    -Our world is run by a psychopathic bloodline that goes back millenniums.
    -the worlds monetary system is a “ponzi scheme”.
    -Technologies for FREE CLEAN ENERGY have been suppressed to maintain humanity in a state of slavery.
    -Cures for cancer have been suppressed, allowing people to die for profit. I call that murder.
    -Our food supply has been contaminated with toxins intentionally and has been devoid ( completely lacking; destitute or empty ) of nutrition through processes such as pasteurization, homogenization and irradiation causing an epidemic of illnesses.  
    -War is for profit and you are not free, ( ). You are fighting the wrong people for your freedom. We have been duped into murdering innocent people for the control and the enslavement of those psychopaths. Fact is we are only free to conform.
    -The people you think care about you, are actually part of the con to profit of off your misery.
    -Much of history has been re-written.
The list goes on and on – it is truly endless – everything you know and have been taught is basically a lie.

The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The human mind simply has not
come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.
J. Edgar Hoover, as quoted in The Elks Magazine
(August 1956).

By: Down in the psyche of the individual, there still burns a flame – LifeWise Wed, 17 Apr 2013 00:24:30 +0000 […] View original article here […]

By: rathbonez Tue, 16 Apr 2013 23:30:08 +0000 Please, this spot ons it. It is all tied together, creating the pulse and frantic desire to try to KNOW everything, to see everything, so much so that everyone realizes there is too much to know so they settle for knowing nothing. glance at the vacant look in most people’s eyes as they drive their cars talking upon their cell phones, walking and talking on their cell phones, sitting next to someone, agreeing with what they heard earlier on the news….its invasion of the body snatchers!!
“They do everything they humanly can to snuff out the inner flame. Being dead is part of the code of their fraternity.”
Strength training for the mind, meditation, eliminates most of this.

By: Down in the psyche of the individual, there still burns a flame | Jon Rappoport’s Blog | Cold Reality News Report Tue, 16 Apr 2013 17:54:57 +0000 […]… […]

By: Vytautas Kerbelis Tue, 16 Apr 2013 17:20:56 +0000 You remind me of the Iron Lady 45 minute interview in Russia Gorby allowed to be censor free March 31, 1987 expressed world up against their nuclear power which is used as the big stick to control. Your right to have an open mind is admirable being realistic of course is superior to wishes.

By: Jon Rappoport ~ Down In The Psyche Of The Individual, There Still Burns A Flame | Shift Frequency Tue, 16 Apr 2013 16:12:29 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport’s Blog April 15 2013 […]
