Comments on: Is the Boston pressure-cooker bomb a lie and a hoax? Thu, 16 Jan 2014 21:23:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Video: Boston Marathon Bomb Simulators Exposed « Memory Hole Thu, 16 Jan 2014 21:23:04 +0000 […] a broad lateral distribution of shrapnel.(Comment on pressure cookers based on Jon Rappoport, “Is the Boston Pressure Cooker Bomb a Lie and a Hoax?” Jon Rappoport’s Blog, April 17, […]

By: Nicola Sun, 28 Apr 2013 10:48:00 +0000 If these pressure cookers were so heavy & packed, why isn’t the shoulder straps weighing down on their shoulders and younger brother only holding bag with one strap, no weight in their bags at all, plus blown bag wrong colour, so much wrong with this storyline why are ppl so gullible?

By: dgleich Fri, 26 Apr 2013 11:17:53 +0000 something that hit me when i saw the two brothers with the backpacks on in the videos they showed… pressure cookers are big and round, but the backpacks were FLAT….. wouldnt they have been stuck way out with a pressure cooker inside of them??? why were they so flat looking???? that hit me right away the first time they showed the video. very curious about that fact.

By: pov Mon, 22 Apr 2013 15:07:44 +0000 Remember HS chemistry classes? In a container with a lid, an explosion will almost always blow the lid off rather than exit in all directions.

By: Witnessing Boston’s Mass Casualty Event « Memory Hole Mon, 22 Apr 2013 14:11:49 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport, “Is the Boston Pressure Cooker Bomb a Lie and a Hoax?” Jon Rappoport’s Blog, April 17, […]

By: Anonymous Sun, 21 Apr 2013 03:26:21 +0000 fist of all, this guy was on fbi tracking. they blew it just like 9-11 when they had advanced knowledge and choose to ignore (anyone remember peal harbour). so russia sent us video of this guy and the fbi again — like in sept 11 bombings — choose to ignore it. so, i have so much faith in this group of idiots. so, they corner the 2 bombers, and, one comes at them, runs out of bullets, 3 of them tackle the older brother (no explosive vest,on as reported by fbi).

By: Anonymous Sun, 21 Apr 2013 03:15:13 +0000 first of all, you have two bombers cornered. one shoots, runs out of ammo: you tackle him with 3 cops — he has no vest on that fbi reports. and, u run like little bitches when a suv approaches. there were, as reported, over 50 cops in the area. 3 cops with SSGS in their shotguns would of totally destroyed the suv. if u dont beleive, me go out and shoot this cartridge. so, he gets away from the scene — no backup. are u guys for real? no dogs tracking the suspect? neighbor finds him passed out in boat. but, instead of picking him up quietly, make a big flash grenade presence and shoot 20-rounds into a boat [when] we want answers from the suspect. maybe someone should loose their job because the Russians had video and sent to usa of older brother training in alqueda camps. us interviewed old brother said he was no threat. somebody better start asking Questions to homeland security. makes me laugh when they talk about no escape plan with 20 more bombs at their residence. they weren’t going anywhere. it could of been the bruins or the sox.

By: Malcolm McIntyre Sun, 21 Apr 2013 01:15:15 +0000 Gina’s quote validated here:

By: freetoairphoenix Sat, 20 Apr 2013 05:27:22 +0000 Anyone else wonder what’s going on with the “cowboy hat” (Carlos Arredondo) hero? Now, if you just had your legs blown off (and some claim he’s an Afghan vet with already missing legs) with your tibia sticking out, muscles mangled- with ALL of the emergency responders, DHS, police around- WHY, why? is THIS guy, on the scene carting him around in a wheelchair?? do any of you have spare wheelchairs sitting around-Shouldn’t he be arrested?? Aren’t you NOT supposed to move someone who’s been injured? And he’s the media “darling”- coincidentally, he lit himself on fire they say in revolt of the war or something. He’s just very suspicious to me. He was right at the finish line.. and wheedled himself into the spotlight.

By: Richard Balducci, Archeo-Occultologist Sat, 20 Apr 2013 03:02:08 +0000 Does anyone have information concerning the exact location of the finish line @ the Boston Marathon? In other words, has the finish line ALWAYS been @ the same location every year? This is important because the finish line for the 117th (9 x 13 = 117) Boston Marathon is located at 666 Boylston Street! (Occult Signature, anyone?!)
