Comments on: Boston: locking down the city where the American Revolution was born Thu, 25 Apr 2013 22:15:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Elizheva Lau Thu, 25 Apr 2013 22:15:43 +0000 End the Military-industrial complex, which is destroying this country as it seeks to enrich itself.

By: Andy Wed, 24 Apr 2013 20:12:13 +0000 Brilliant article. Notice also the change of wind in the Boston bombing video. The international flags go from limp to lively (as the smoke begins to billow out) and back to limp again. What makes the wind blow, and where does it come from?

By: pfc Mon, 22 Apr 2013 05:02:12 +0000 I am reminded of the scene in “The Great Escape” when the Gestapo ordered all the German citizens on the ground so they could easily identify and shoot the escaping Allied POW….

By: babylovet Sun, 21 Apr 2013 18:44:23 +0000 Reportedly, swat teams were going house to house in Watertown, MA gaining entrance in to people’s homes without search warrants. After a suspect who posed no more immediate danger than an armed suspect who might have robbed a liquor store. Were there any challenges to this and what were the results?

Thus making null and void the 4th Amendment. (

I cannot recall any such precedent occurring in an American city, outside of the Civil War perhaps.

By: Sun, 21 Apr 2013 18:10:12 +0000 people like transparent ethical journalists like Jon Rappaport, Ben Swann, Amber Lyons (who called out and exposed CNN), and any other known or unknown are the next new generation and powerhouse of journalists that have the ability to change the course of history for the better. would love to see you guys start a press lawsuit.

By: Sun, 21 Apr 2013 18:05:13 +0000 think it might be time for the real journalists from all lines to coalition together and form a think tank like the recent Ron Paul Institute (dennis kucinnich, ron paul, walter jones, john duncan, thomas massie – all for Ending the Fed system, international peace and ending the wars for good, constitutional renewal, creating a Grading System to grade – “name and shame” – so-called elected people in congress ). to see the mainstream media and corporate journalists be brought to charges. at some point, fabrication and lying in the media must be held accountable and the act of false flags as a criminal offense. people like transparent ethical journalists like Jon Rappaport, Ben Swann, Amber Lyons (who called out and exposed CNN), and any other known or unknown …
can think of how many people would be able to sue the media for post-traumatic stress disorder coming up. what the media is doing is NOT ok. and they, as the govt, are soon to be held accountable. we must speak out.

By: hybridrogue1 Sun, 21 Apr 2013 15:23:00 +0000 What has convinced me beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Brothers Tsarnaev are innocent patsies is the NIGHTLINE episode on “the capture of the 2nd bomber”…

Yes a TV show that was trying to present the official story as believable. But you know what blew it? They interviewed people at the dorm who know Jahar Tsarnaev. Do you know what he did after the bombing at the marathon? He simply went home to his dorm room. He talked with people he knew there – he was totally normal, the same guy, not in anyway upset or on edge. He actually slept there in his own room for two nights. This whole time he was supposed to be leading the cops in a wild chase all over Boston…

I think the cops nabbed him from his dorm, had him in custody throughout the whole staged “chase” – smashed his throat, drugged him out and put him in the boat to be “discovered” later.

I don’t believe he or his brother was involved in anyway whatsoever.
The whole thing is a staged psyop, just like both Tsarnaev parents say, the boys were set-up by the FBI.

Isn’t it convenient that he has throat injuries – a very direct way of silencing the suspect. Now he will be subjected to “interrogation”…ie, torture, and will likely be ‘convinced’ of his own guilt in room 101, where there is never darkness, and 2+2 becomes 5….

Welcome to the Maximum Security State.


By: spinchatter5 Sun, 21 Apr 2013 14:26:12 +0000 Great article and I just want to echo sistertongue’s comment that exactly matches my own thoughts: “Not only did they ALL obey like sheep, they are even now celebrating their own imprisonment.” Yes, many people were LITERALLY celebrating how the police/military responded in Boston. We are living in a nightmare.

By: Xyila Sun, 21 Apr 2013 07:56:03 +0000

By: Bill Sun, 21 Apr 2013 05:25:50 +0000 “CAPTURED!!! The hunt is over. The search is done. The terror is over. And justice has won. Suspect in custody. ”

Over? done? over? one? …is this a hint. Is somebody trying to tell us that this whole lockdown with 9000 police was overdone. Just for one teenager?
