Comments on: More on Exit From the Matrix Tue, 07 May 2013 17:15:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Samuel Tue, 07 May 2013 17:15:06 +0000 The ox is servant, the lion is king! Release-the-Lion and live from the right and be wise. The-heart holds the key and from it the image-maker paints our world with vivid-living-colorful-images. Better than living from barren-word-labels in our heads. You are right Jon…imagination gives insight and true-meaning and lets the genius in all of us live the way the creator meant for us to live…in His-Image!

By: Bis100 Tue, 07 May 2013 16:12:42 +0000 I am at the edge. Grown old by the time I was in my mid twenties. Run out of vitality. Always been different, never found my ‘place’, but never bold enough to take my creativity by the horns, breath fire and push forward when I did have the energy. Now I am just plain burnt out from just trying to get the simple things in life like a comfortable home and job…still not there yet. Only 37. It must be time to try something new. Worked hard all my life, but now no job, no relationship, no children, physical health deteriorated….back home with the parents. A blank slate has suddenly been created amidst all my hospital appointments. I have to create otherwise I will actually have nothing else to do. The boredom and social isolation are in the background. I have no ties except a queue of people in my life either ignoring me, mocking me for not having a man or family, never acknowledging me or respecting me, never even talking to me about me or my ideas. I am invisible. I think people just see what they want to see. I can’t change this. I can’t fit in any more. My body has shut down. Yes, I am the edge and this time, I will create and worry about others no more.

By: Au Matu Sun, 05 May 2013 03:58:02 +0000 …and still you paint…with Words…

By: Mc Sun, 05 May 2013 03:00:26 +0000 100% with you. Great analogy of the matrix to a one and only painting. You inspire Jon. Thank you .

By: Anonymous Sun, 05 May 2013 00:51:42 +0000 “I’ve known a number of people who’ve made the shift. One way or another, they reported this: when they began living by and through imagination, whatever their field of work, they realized they were journeying out beyond their ironclad certainty…and it was a tremendous relief, because they had really become bored with that absolute collection of knowledge. They were set free from its limits.”

We need to hear more about this. Kudos Freedom Warrior!

By: pamela brennan Sat, 04 May 2013 22:17:56 +0000 As an artist from birth, my mother told me my creative process started in a plate of mashed potatoes. Ever since then I prefer to be in a that imaginative state, as that’s where true joy comes from. It doesn’t matter if the painting is great or not, it’s truly being in the moment that counts. Drawing, painting, or constant doodling is where I prefer to live. Thanks for the article Jon, I didn’t know you were a painter.

By: infinitecontactee Sat, 04 May 2013 21:37:36 +0000 Fantastic adventure, isn’t it? Way too scary for most, but well worth transcending the entire patterned mess. Thanks for being true to yourself Jon, and consequently inspiring and challenging those of us who are familiar with your work.

By: kozandaishi Sat, 04 May 2013 15:28:21 +0000 You are a Warrior of Freedom.
