Comments on: The lying liars who lie about psychiatry Tue, 24 Nov 2020 22:06:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Evo Tue, 24 Nov 2020 22:06:50 +0000 I agree. no such thing as a mental disorder. more like an excuse that can be generically placed in this category of disorder to assist pharma, lobbyist, drs. of all fields and or a fallback i.e. generic label of pay check guarantee psychiatry also accredited to these categories of illness? Such as Jet lag, Stockholms syndrome, anorexia to start with a few of over 250 disorders. Insane! I do believe that some fields and hats that are worn are truly disabled mentally, however the understanding of right and wrong, fight or flight, and making the right choices are conditions and understanding we were taught since infancy. Our conditioning and teachings are a hard concept to accept, being the parents or offsprings or siblings of these types of people. Obviously I’m not a doctor or nurse of any sort, however as an individual living and walking to the experience of people as a.socialite, public servant, volunteer days to day in a revolving world, I am confident to call myself an expert to my perspectives and view. I believe substance abuse/addiction weigh heavy in the medical field. These are the individuals who truly need assistance both behaviorally and mentally. These are the areas in which liars become liars. The addict and or abuser, unable to be truthful about self due to the social outlook and fear of being viewed critically. This is huge in the release of inmates into society. Them not knowing how to operate in today’s society.
With this idea, hand in hand with humiliation and lack of self esteem is more detrimental than any of the mental disorders associated with this field. I walked with many and I’ve see the same issues in the drug addicted human, over and over. Had they just believed in themselves.
Resolution A self esteem course prerequired before leaving middle school. A course in self-esteem before entering into highschool.
A course constructed to the teachings of positiveiking oneself, that it’s ok to just say No. A reinforcement for student on their choices and the paths they which choose.
Highlighting and opening avenues of redemption and self worth, and respect for others. It’s more than a health class , it’s a class that builds belief and responses opposed to misconceptions and reactions of addiction that is the major factor to understanding the mentally disabled. A self esteem course that reconditions the student and comforts their despair amongst friends and adults. Its reprogramming the thought process especially to the abolishment of I can’t replies or I’m not attractive enough for him or her, worse yet the ok sure I’ll try it.
For teachings of the students not to succumb to peer pressure. Allowing the student not to afraid to tell the truth. To become confident in their choices in themselves.
I do believe that mental disorders are excuses and lies by individuals who are lazy and not willing to try. Lies by drs. who just play the game to get their pay. I know one thing for sure, is that u can lead the horse to water but u can’t make them drink.
I hope this was an appropriate response to the given essay by Dr. John and the reply of the many to this topic

By: marea Tue, 24 Nov 2020 21:10:39 +0000 Do u know if there is an adult protective services for adults being prescribed psychiatric drugs for over 20 years? Are there any advocates to assist in the removal of such drugs? My mother had a mental breakdown almost 30 years ago and has been prescribed 30mg seroquel for over 25 years. How does this profile change the views or understanding of psychiatry? Tell me is there anybody monitoring these diagnosis either via hospital wc pi private cases? do they just keep sending a generic diagnosis? These r the types of psychiatrist that conclude liars of life let alone medicine.

By: arcadia11 Thu, 11 Jan 2018 22:27:14 +0000 clearly communicated, raffi. i agree fully. thanks.

By: Raffi Stepanian Thu, 11 Jan 2018 16:24:47 +0000 The justification of labeling “mental illness” has no bearing on truth or lies, although thought impairments and processes result from learned beliefs, orientation, habits, and behavioral conditioning – “brainwashing.” Just yesterday I was talking to my dad and explaining to him how society has been conditioned to believe that working and living a “9 to 5” job is an acceptable form of social behavior. This conditioning is a direct result of a conditioned rewarding system. For example, if you work you get paid — a reward. If you don’t work you don’t get paid – no reward. So human thinking is conditioned through emotional control, founded by a belief of reinforcement. Now working a “9 to 5,” let’s call it a job for short, is just one example of a conditioned behavior. The majority of people tend to like having a lot of money, because money affords them to buy things, for whatever reason, clothes, food cars, cell phones and other basic necessities and tangible goods. And what they like to have is associated with the ammount of money that can afford them. No money no things? Right?

When Pavlov conditioned the dog to respond to the bell the dog associated the bell to a piece of meat and came running to get it. But after conditioning the dog to associate the sound of bell with meat Pavlov took away the meat and rang the bell again. And this time he proved that the dog came to get the meat because he heard the bell. The Dog heard a bell and thought he’s getting meat when it sounded. And that’s exactly what happened. In other words he brainwashed the dog.

BF Skinner did the same thing with Pigeons and the Pigeons made associations in a box to receive food and started behaving to be rewarded food.

When the results of these experiments got out of control the premise of the government was to control society’s behavior through a rewarding and punishing system. The Government Brainwashed the entire population with the belief of earning rewards for behaving a certain way. The Government did this to make you work for itself under the impression of a “Productive Society.” You own your house right? You believe this Bull Shit too right? The truth is that the bank owns your house. You pay the bank to let you stay there. And even if you pay the bank off you get stuck with never ending property taxes. If you pay the tax you a receive the reward of staying in the house so the Fking IRS doesn’t come knocking on the door that you paid for. Do you get the picture. They’ll punish you for not behaving the way they brain washed you. They use scare tactics to make you slave for them.

So let me ask you a question about this theory you have about giving up lying and coming to a knowledge of truth. I just informed you of a truth.

Now I’ll ask you this, are you working to financially support their deceptive lies to make you do what they want? Or are you working to financially support yourself to do what you want, without their intrusions and acting on your own free will without any fear of being punished?

In other words can you freely tell the government and the IRS to Fluck Off ! Or are you afraid of them, because they put some garbage into your mind that you can’t say that or you’ll be punished?

Now I’ll ask you two most important questions of all of this. Why the fluck are you paying a government that’s lying to you if you are knowledgeable in truth, rather than teaching the government about this knowledge in truth?

The second question is if your paying the government scum of this universe to control you, are you not then financing the ones who are lying to you and controlling you with lies?

You’re brainwashed, accept this. You’ve been sensitized and blinded to the reality of yourself and the things that you want to do because you are talking about truth – that is only possible because you know about the lies and you don’t like it. You’ve been transformed and programmed into a robot doing everything that the government commands you to do and yet you seek truth from the liars who are defrauding and controlling you in a blinding campaign to keep you insecure and in fear of not being able to survive. And while they listen in on you’re cell phones and store everything that you do over the internet you actually believe that you learned in the truth. They’re making sure that you are kept far away from the truth of their crimes against you and everyone else that they screwed over. The truth is that you are paying the government to lie to you. And the more you pay them the more you reinforce them to keep doing this to others for thousands of years to come. They were brainwashed to associate controlling you so they can get their reward. And believe it or not you are rewarding them by being their robot.

Read this:

Then read this:

If this country was founded on truthful principles I wouldn’t have to write on this forum. The Truth is in front of everyone’s faces. Go stand in the city at three o’clock in the morning and wait there until nine o’clock in the morning on a “working” weekday. I’ll bet you that you will begin to see people rushing all over the place at nine o’clock that you didn’t see at three o’clock. You know why?

They want the reward that they are conditioned to believe for positive reinforcement. They’re blinded brainwashed robots. And they will continue to be robots, unless something desensitizes them and wakes them up to the truth that the government conditioned their minds to behave this way. The whole flucking system is a lie and they’re all running around to pay the puppet masters at the top of the pyramid. Do you actually think Bernie Madoff was the worst. Go to the city from three o’clock in the morning to nine o’clock in the morning and explain to me why suddenly people appeared seemingly rushing around, bumping into each other and not giving two shits about their dignity. And then we’ll talk about the truth. Open your eyes and start looking around you from a distance and tell me what you see truth or lies. Are you free or does the Government have you as a captive. When you pay the government I want you to look up “Stockholm syndrome.” Even though they try to scare the shit out of you, you find yourself paying them to feel the comfort of them leaving you alone. Go stand in the city and look at the people. Tell me how many mentally ill people you see, who think they’re acting normally, because they’re brainwashed. And don’t be afraid to tell me the truth.

Best regards,

Raffi Stepanian

By: JoAnn Dolberg Wed, 10 Jan 2018 16:42:14 +0000 Mental disease implies a problem with one’s thinking; after lab tests and xray (or the like) have determined there is no physical abnormality that causes the impaired thinking, the only alternative is to give up lying and come to a knowledge of truth. Truth sets one free from all myriads of disorders, particularly all mental disorders.

By: Holly Marie Colino Thu, 17 Nov 2016 03:06:35 +0000 The problem is that people who have conceived ‘guilt/shame’, along with feeding the inferior self; use labels as a tool, because guilt/shame, and the inferior self, shifts the blame and creates defense mechanisms. I discovered this from the people that have conceived these lies: depression, schizophrenia, bipolar, and borderline personality. They have all admitted to having guilt and shame, and ‘fear of embarrassment’. When you talk about your personal problems, and you talk with people on that intimate level; you talk with people that are at your level. Psychologist are equal to their client, and the client is equal to them. They are living in a denial. The pharmaceutical companies are gladly able to use them because denial needs excuses: depression, bipolar, schizophrenia etc. And so does pharmaceutical companies. Yes, those excuses are also the pharmaceutical companies excuse, to dish out pills. But, many people in the general population have guilt shame and a sense of being inferior and they need an excuse. It’s a full circle, so to speak.

Kid/teen conceives one or more of these: approval problem, guilt/shame, ‘fear of humility’ and pride. They need mass amounts of denial material: DSM, MH forums, MH articles etc. They pursue the ultimate exposure, but think it’s a cover – MH career. They validate themselves through their client. The psychologist’s need for validation inadvertently comments the Drug industry’s need for an excuse and validation.

It is beyond doubt that there is no signature genetic inheritance with any family tree; just about 75% of the population has self conceived these self reflective projections: depression, bipolar, schizophrenia etc. It’s just in EVERY humans capacity to be able to make choice, and one can choose to become ill willed with ‘guilt and shame’ and a sense of being ‘inferior’, with of ‘fear humility’, and a choice to wallow in Pride and Denial.. Yes, it’s expression is redundant vague and self reflective impressions – it’s the ‘art’ of self deception.

It’s beyond doubt that there is no chemical balance problem. It’s common sense; hormones and chemicals serve the purpose of aiding the body to adapt according to the environment. Chemicals and hormones are designed to be constantly changing, in respects to what you’re doing, thinking, perceiving and experiencing in the environment. There is no set balance and there will never be. Ah yeah, and we have the fact that millions of people have chosen an MH label, and those millions never took any clinical test! If there was any true physical cause, you would not be able to get a label without a clinical test..So in other words, you would not be able to choose a label.


I must not hide the fact that the majority of the ones that have admitted this to me (guilt shame and fear of humility etc.), have repeatedly mentioned that their label is ‘guilt and shame’. So it is likely that once they have used the label, and proclaim themselves to have this label; that its the trap that they put themselves in, and they have also mentioned rambling thoughts that they are a liar, a hypocrite and a fake.

By: Raffi Stepanian Tue, 01 Sep 2015 12:14:43 +0000 The Link below is written and published by the Human Genome Project Information Website. The two key sentences in this website are: “Yet even here there have been no major breakthroughs, no clearly identified genes that geneticists can tie to disease. The search for genes associated with characteristics such as sexual preference and basic personality traits has been even more frustrating.”

Now let’s move onto the next website. And I thank Dr. Jay Joseph for his extensive research behind publishing his factual article, “THE CRUMBLING PILLARS OF BEHAVIORAL GENETICS,”

That’s it. Psychiatrists have lied to the public for decades and the DSM is continuously amended with those lies, respectively. The argument psychiatrists have proposed is that chemical imbalances and behaviors are influenced through predetermined genetic expressive traits that by the two informative websites above do not exist and are nowhere to be identified scientifically, clinically, medically, in vitro, in vivo, etc, etc. No genes have been identified, period.

What we are left with is nothing more than a consortium of liars, calling themselves medical doctors that take notes and convert those notes to toxic prescription drugs that wreak havoc on the human body following ingestion. There is a reference for those drugs, and that reference is the “PDR” (Physician’s Desk Reference). The description for the “Clinical Pharmacology” in the PDR under any, and I repeat with tremendous emphasis, any of those drugs is also “Unknown.”

There is the evidence that proves the fact that Psychiatrists are nothing but deceptive liars, along with the Food and Drug Administration and the Pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the referenced poisions. In other words not one of them know anything about their bullshit stories that they claim to be so knowledgeable about through their years of alleged medical studies that they are grandiose about, and completely delusional in their recklessly wanton psychotic lies. To argue, “because a gene isn’t recognized, doesn’t invalidate it proposes the same argument for objective medical lab tests that also lack any confirmatory result. And yet these results originate directly from the lab.

“Occam’s Razor” states the simplest answer is often correct. And the correct answer based on the above findings simplify that psychiatrists that hold to the genetic/chemical predisposition and predetermination in the reductionist argument are deliberate profligate liars preying on innocent victims without any objective proof to substantiate their intrusions. The current fact is that applied scientific research and laboratory analyses resulted in nothing to support or substantiate the psychiatric claims. The end result is a widespread fraudulent practice, a complacent government and the needless victimization of innocent people that are subjugated by treasonous psychiatric iatrogenics. Psychiatrists holding to the Genetic/Chemical model are nothing but criminals, con artists, frauds and as Dr. Frances admitted, “bullshit artists.”

Last but not least, seek ways of improving your own lifestyle to build self-esteem and confidence in yourself. And the only way that you can accomplish this is being yourself and doing the things that make you happy. Nobody else can do this for you. It is your life and you deserve to live to the best of your potentials and abilities. It all comes from you. All you need to do is try and keep trying and never give up on yourself. And never give yourself over to someone who doesn’t know you.

Reclaim your life and live your life. It is your precious life and you must respect your precious life to be happy. And respecting your life means to protect and safeguard yourself and to make yourself comfortable, from the moment that you wake up and go to sleep, every single day. You must have self respect, even if it means being all alone. There is nothing wrong with that. Look at the stars, the trees, the birds and the animals. See how beautiful that the natural world is. And see how beautiful the natural world is with you living in the world. It all comes from you. Don’t drink any alcoholic beverages, don’t do any drugs, eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water. Enjoy your life and don’t let anyone take your enjoyment away from you. Have self respect and faith in yourself. You can do anything that you want to do as long as you try. Just keep trying and don’t worry about getting it right the first time. It takes practice. And “practice makes perfect.” Lots of fruits, vegetables and water. Best regards.

By: theodorewesson Sat, 23 Aug 2014 05:14:29 +0000 sorry to hear.

how to wean yourself slowly off the drugs…

about mineral nutrition to help your body heal…

By: GOAT Sat, 23 Aug 2014 05:06:39 +0000 i’m brazilian and forced to medication because of diagnosis of schizophrenia. i never had any halucination

now i have been forced to more heavy medication only because i’m mgtow going ghost, i prefer to be alone, not making part of this system dominated by psycho, so the ugly psichiatrist woman is forcing me to heavy medication and i have the chance to spend a time in mental nospital too, only because i’m alone and i dont accept the dominance of the psychos in social life. my life is turning to a total nightmare.

By: Kevin Thu, 09 May 2013 21:01:06 +0000 You are absolutely correct……there is no such thing as a mental disorder. They made it all up to create a huge cash cow( $$$$$$$$$) crony capitalistic racket and to keep everyone herded to tribal group think mentality.

Jung was correct…..The only true mental disorder is called Neurosis.

effects of neurosis can involve:
…anxiety, sadness or depression, anger, irritability, mental confusion, low sense of self-worth, etc., behavioral symptoms such as phobic avoidance, vigilance, impulsive and compulsive acts, lethargy, etc., cognitive problems such as unpleasant or disturbing thoughts, repetition of thoughts and obsession, habitual fantasizing, negativity and cynicism, etc. Inter-personally, neurosis involves dependency, aggressiveness, perfectionism, schizoid isolation, socio-culturally inappropriate behaviors, etc

All these symptoms are mere alarm signals that something isn’t right in the social environment and trying to conform to this fictitious environment only makes it worse. They even design the drugs in psychiatry to make symptoms worse coming off the meds than what you originally went in for. Cha Ching $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

….Id be worried if you didn’t experience these symptoms of neurosis considering the world we live in today. The symptoms are basically normal responses to abnormal environment and whats considered social norms.

The reason I can see it so clearly is because I haven’t been intimidated by herd mentality or dumbed down by the educational system.That applies to Harvard Yale Duke Stanford Penn State and MIT as well.
