Comments on: Eric Holder: idiot zen master Tue, 21 May 2013 18:36:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: mel Tue, 21 May 2013 18:36:44 +0000 Eric Holder is far worse than the worst AG ever, he is the top criminal inside man protecting the control fraud that is the DOJ and the U.S. government.

By: Douglas Mc Sun, 19 May 2013 09:52:23 +0000 Excellent series of articles Jon. Recent events necessitate dark humour.
Viewing the characters paraded for cross-examination makes me wonder if the Peter Principle is being imposed at every level of beaurocracy in the USA (and elsewhere), from glove wielding TSA functionary to president?
This allows the claim of incompetence (stupidity) rather than malice aforethought criminality.
What a fiendishly devious way of bringing a country to its knees.

By: Bruce McAlevy Sun, 19 May 2013 02:06:30 +0000 Question is, why did the DOJ need to spy when all this has been already gathered by the NSA and other agencies. It’s not a matter of gathering it, it’s just writing an algorithm to select it from the collection and a selection of keywords to float what they want to the top. People who write these algorithms have retired from the CIA they have been doing this so long. Holder is being set up by having this leaked. Just more evidence they are going after Obama.

By: Sam DiCamillo Sat, 18 May 2013 16:35:59 +0000 I have always said : All Politicians are scoundrels, thieves, liars and dissolute scumbags, but the Democrats are, by far, the worst. And this coming from a Detroit born Jazz performer, someone who is expected to have “Democrat” stamped on his BC.

By: Jon Rappoport ~ Eric Holder: Idiot Zen Master | Shift Frequency Sat, 18 May 2013 15:12:06 +0000 […] May 17 2013 […]

By: Eric Holder's AP Record Grab - Exploring the News Sat, 18 May 2013 12:49:28 +0000 […] the most recent violation by Eric Holder on our rights granted under the US constitution. Read the blog by John Rappoport in his website, and listen to Judge Andrew Napolitano give his […]

By: mccoyote Sat, 18 May 2013 11:45:43 +0000 Would seem to support Seymour Hersh’s assertion that DoD has taken over portions of the government. Recall the recent announcement that DoD is in charge of incidents of “civil unrest”, the NDAAs stating indefinite detention of anyone DoD thinks should be locked up, etc. Also, funny thing, DoJ changed its banner from red, white, and blue to black last year, as if the lights are off.

Gladio, NATO, and multinational corporate takeover.

By: Eric Holder: idiot zen master « Document The Truth Sat, 18 May 2013 09:20:18 +0000 […] Eric Holder: idiot zen master […]

By: just sayin. Sat, 18 May 2013 03:18:36 +0000 There are plenty of dirty, forgetful, back peddling scum in washington now like him. We should give them pedal powered generators and solve the energy crisis. The politicians back peddling could free us from foreign oil like it has freed us from the truth, accountability and decency.

By: Coach B Sat, 18 May 2013 02:56:00 +0000 When selfishness & greed dominate all this nonsense thrives, and no real good is accomplished. We need to come together as a species in the spirit of brotherhood. We are all brothers and sisters and need to create win, win structures.
