Comments on: CBS News star hacked: the big chill Thu, 23 May 2013 13:14:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: vicfedorov Thu, 23 May 2013 13:14:12 +0000 I understand journalism is grounded in sources trusting you. But there’s no need to panic, right? There are title codes making the government liable for this sort of thing. If the government loses a few cases, it’s gonna stop. If you are a reporter, and have been spied on, you are going to sue; and sue to alter and reform a government that’s gotten to this point. The psychology of a government, paranoid to said extent, is not the psychology of maliciousness or desire to do evil; but the psychology of something out of control, not thinking straight; demanding to be straightened out by the very people it hurt: Government knows it wasn’t founded on Government, but public benefit, theoretically; when it hurts the people who may reform it; it wants reform.

By: bit100 Thu, 23 May 2013 10:55:57 +0000 Somewhat different, yet similar. A person walking into the mental health service here in the UK has all their notes recorded electronically. It’s open for NHS (national health service) workers involved in that person’s care to see, but as a nationwide service, it feels very much like a public space. Most therapists spend large chunks of time typing into this space rather than patient contact. Imagine- whole interviews, changes to medication, mental health act status, risk assessments, mental state examinations…are known. When you open up and say how how feel, it is recorded, so that involved agencies everywhere are kept up to date. Paper records not allowed. When you are on leave it is known, what you feel about your leave is known, what you did on your leave is known…
Anyway, the point here is that this surveillance is everywhere. The journalist here in this article is a obvious target. The more insidious, but more disturbing public recording of one’s mood state, thoughts and perceptions, of a vast chunk of the population has been long underway….put on a plate… and you don’t even have to go deep undercover to gain access to it.

By: Jeffrey Hardin Thu, 23 May 2013 06:11:13 +0000 Reblogged this on Jericho777's Blog.

By: Frank Costa Thu, 23 May 2013 05:19:23 +0000 Pretty basic answer, at this time in our de-evolution of society, don’t use online electronic media for anything you want to keep from prying eyes.

We used to keep our typewriter ribbons and all copies of reportage (cassette tapes, Xeroxed stuff, note books, etc.) locked up. Same can be done with thumb drives, a small non-online laptop, and the such.

By: seawolf369 Thu, 23 May 2013 03:36:02 +0000 Reblogged this on Stuff Ain't Right.

By: Bryan Thu, 23 May 2013 02:17:04 +0000 Right. Police your own thoughts. Laptop. And cuff it to your wrist.

I imagine for high priority targets, it would nevertheless be a real bug-a-boo to keep from hitting sites that might install key logger or other malware. So, it might require some vigilance, and a good measure of expertise, but it might be possiblie to maintain data security.

Regular backups are a big help, but one must be diciplined. The beauty of good back ups of course, is if a problem is even vaguely suspected, do a restore from last backup.

If you keep data and operating system on separate partitions, even better — ’cause viruses, keyloggers, etc., would be stored on operating system partition, and backing that up for restore in case of trouble is a minor inconvenience compared to reinstalling, reconfiguring everything. Backing up the master boot record (first 512 bytes on drive) is a good idea too, because of boot sector viruses — many PC (including laptops) BIOSes allow write protecting the boot sector, but if your backup software takes care of boot sector too, write protecting might interfer.

First line of defense however is avoiding malicious sites, networks, and/or using browser options, and other software to prevent, or detect problems — malicious software picked up from a network can scan all your partitions, in which case backup and restore strategy is only a secondary line of defense.

Just to emphasize, a piece of malware installed on your computer is an ongoing threat — keylogging comes to mind especially. Also, such a program might, for instance, regularly scan all partitions, and communicate over networks. But, such a program will only reside on the operating system partition, and possibly boot sector, but this would more likely be a very small, sort of trigger for a larger program stored on operating system partition. So restoring the operating from a backup would eliminate any such problem. Don’t forget to install, configure, and backup the operating system disconnected from any network to the extent possible.

Oh! Firewall! Install a firewall, because you never know who is snooping on any local area network (behind the same router you’re behind) you’re connecting too, and many networks (public wifi) are not secure — they’re wide open, and anyone can see everything going from your device to the wifi router. Here, a firewall is an added measure for avoided exploit vulnerability — you can control what connects to computer, and what connects from your computer.

Be aware that if your device is on, it could be connecting to any in range public wifi without you knowing it! There’s probably software available that lets you force your computer to be less promiscuous. Short of that, disable networking until you’re ready to connect.

Or, you could just adopt a security expert.

I’m kidding. All of this sounds like a lot. Not really though. Most of it is configuration. The other is a simple routine of backing up. For most, backing up the operating system is a one time thing — on restore, you may have to do some minor reconfiguring with respect to ongoing system changes or software installation you might have done. And backing up data partition(s) is easy, with no need for worrying that you’re copying a virus or otherwise malware with the backup as such software could not run without software on the operating system (or boot sector) telling it to.

By: Deborah Wed, 22 May 2013 21:26:41 +0000 Sorry, I’m going sap on you all. But my heart is a bit broken. Why can’t we just say what it is we THINK?? Is original thought now a crime? I’m confused.. And disheartened. But I applaud and admire any and all original thinkers — have at it.

By: Sean Wed, 22 May 2013 19:45:38 +0000 Of course, your computer is hacked the minute you walk through the door. Companies are privy to your criminal record, drug use, facebook page, and anything else. Not only is the computer and everything in it the property of the company, so is any creative idea you produce on the job.

Thus, “her” computer wasn’t hacked, because it wasn’t hers. Any IT department worth the name, should have known who logged on to “her” pc unless the culprit somehow stole her password. If so, how would she know someone had gained access? The simplest thing to do would be to make a copy any documents in the hard drive. The IT department might notice such a thing, but she never would. If so, why would they tell her about it?

The story makes no sense: More cloak and dagger BS from C”BS”.

I have known two “well-respected” journalists. They know very well how to police their own thoughts.

By: Deborah Wed, 22 May 2013 19:27:23 +0000 One other thing. Looks like fear is the operative weapon here. Makes me think of the Oz behind the curtain… 😉

By: Deborah Wed, 22 May 2013 19:24:20 +0000 Well done Jon. Again, you are a voice of reason in this abyss. Makes you want to scream that it doesn’t have to be this way!!! But it is what it is… Thank you again for doing the right thing.
