Comments on: The attempt to destroy the individual Fri, 14 Aug 2015 04:50:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fri, 14 Aug 2015 04:50:20 +0000 This is another excellent article, that should be read with Jon’s article, above:

Stop Financializing the Human Experience

By: Olga Wed, 04 Mar 2015 22:13:13 +0000 Thank You, Jon, for Your brilliant articles!

By: Ian T. MacLeod Sat, 01 Jun 2013 18:37:22 +0000 Excellent piece, Jon – thank you! Sad though that it requires people who CAN read, DO read and are already on that road to actually get it. I thought this might be a sidestep into egotism (an occasional hazard) versus egoism, so I asked a couple of others what they thought: “Too deliberately poetic” (Meaning “I don’t get it”). “Too much work to read” (Meaning “I usually just read the newspaper – I like the comics and Astrology pages”). Und so weiter. I learned in high school that if you ever try to “…join up with a group of real individualists,” you haven’t.

Well thought, well written, much appreciated.


By: edgy Sat, 01 Jun 2013 15:41:20 +0000 All of you on this planet are at this very moment being subjected to an assault on the integrity of your cells, (including the one’s located in your brains) by the global-wide geo-engineering programs currently taking place here…the objective of these programs is to replace the natural world with a synthetic/artificial version of nature..the singularity, as it’s referred to….So, whilst you all lament the decline of the individual, the entire eco-system of this planet ( & everything in it ) is being rapidly destroyed…the agenda has been ramped up considerably in the past year…your sun is becoming increasingly dimmer by the day, your sky a lighter blue, & artificial clouds now fill your skies…the morgellons symptoms manifesting in some individuals (present, but dormant in the rest ) are a result of this project…fortunately, the predicted coming corona mass ejections offer some hope ( for those located on the ‘right’ side of the globe that is ) for an end to this insanity…unfortunately, it will all be repeated ad infinitum, because the majority of the entities that incarnate/ inhabit this planet (not just the ruling elites ) are on a low evolutionary curve…So it has always been, & so shall it continue… your parade is going to get soaked…ta-da

By: g3 Sat, 01 Jun 2013 00:54:53 +0000 beautifull blue green orb with lace…………gaia her name

simple maths jon ……….eloquent way u have defined their game

3d biological living planet…….. herself…………….an individual.

as above so below
…………..her decision respected
……… ………..u all know

freedom…………freedumb……………u me we………….all

are free 2 choose

befitting 42 life

or not………………

2/3 of gaia u may use with respect
1/3 belongs 2 gaia……… it sustain all

she is the thing
u me we all have the common
we are at this point in tym

air breather
food eater
………….3d bio………….life

2 b or not……………….e art h ear t…………………

By: Micha'el Thu, 30 May 2013 17:28:45 +0000 I know a number of such 19 year olds. It is a true instance of the saying “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”

By: Deborah Thu, 30 May 2013 03:33:05 +0000 @Anthony, a voice of reason. Thanks. And Jon, you’re always a voice of reason that I look forward to in my inbox. Be well

By: Deborah Thu, 30 May 2013 03:28:20 +0000 Jon, your commentary, as always, is brilliant and backed up by the “elite thinkers” thinking… Ha! At this point, anyone with a mind left already gets the point. Now the question is WHY?

It’s useless to argue a point with a different side unless you understand their motivation. The motivation is the key. Otherwise, you’re just putting out little fires (although they are SERIOUSLY BIG fires, from my standpoint…).

What do you think is the “big picture” WHAT do you feel is the point of this?

Brilliant man that you are, I would enjoy your response. Be well.

By: Eric Thu, 30 May 2013 02:14:32 +0000 This truly is the way the world works now and it is indeed frightening. If the powers that be do completely succeed, there will be nothing but carbon copy, cookie cutter debt slaves in absolute monetary servitude to the echelon.

Gabe, the last individual to make a comment, has it all figured out. The only way for humanity to flourish is for each individual to be his/her perfectly unique piece to the universe’s puzzle.

So, the question that I pose is, how do we enlighten everyone to these facts and motivate them to act. Nothing can stop all the people! That’s also where the fear lies.

By: gabriel logue Wed, 29 May 2013 19:41:32 +0000 Wow. only today did i realise, that to be completely in sync and to be fully in tune with the universe required Me to be first fully Myself, I became aware that is the only way. gabe
