Comments on: 150 million Americans go to Mexico, swim back, become instant millionaires Fri, 03 Jan 2014 14:07:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: After the machine-mind died~a short story~ - State of Globe — State of Globe Fri, 03 Jan 2014 14:07:46 +0000 […] take things so literally they can’t recognize parody. For example, I wrote a piece about 150 MILLION Americans traveling to Mexico and then …read […]

By: After the machine-mind died~a short story~ | The Daily Sheeple Fri, 03 Jan 2014 14:00:16 +0000 […] people take things so literally they can’t recognize parody. For example, I wrote a piece about 150 MILLION Americans traveling to Mexico and then coming back across the border as immigrants and g…—and people believed I was reporting a news story. On top of that, they got up on their hind legs […]

By: Jon Rappoport -After The Machine-Mind Died – A Short Story – 3 January 2014 | Lucas 2012 Infos Fri, 03 Jan 2014 07:38:04 +0000 […] people take things so literally they can’t recognize parody. For example, I wrote a piece about 150 MILLION Americans traveling to Mexico and then coming back across the border as immigrants and g…—and people believed I was reporting a news story. On top of that, they got up on their hind legs […]

By: After the machine-mind died « Jon Rappoport's Blog Fri, 03 Jan 2014 01:30:08 +0000 […] take things so literally they can’t recognize parody. For example, I wrote a piece about 150 MILLION Americans traveling to Mexico and then coming back across the border as immigrants and g…—and people believed I was reporting a news story. On top of that, they got up on their hind […]

By: Algis Petreikis Sat, 05 Oct 2013 18:01:16 +0000 Resistance is futile, You will be assimilated into Aztlan! We must oppose all secularism, including that of Zapata, Lenin, Aflaq and Ataturk. The police must be respected like an auxiliary to the clergy. Saint Johanan of Damask said Islam was but a Christian Heresy, so long as they obey the Holy Father. Pope Benedict was right that molesting is not absolute evil as St Teresa of Avila told us priestly molestation is the ultimate rapture and molesting assures propogation of the faith by probiotic epigenetics. We must replace evil Deuteronomy “Common” law with advanced natural Napoleonic Law.

By: Easy_Terran Mon, 17 Jun 2013 09:49:30 +0000 My goodness, people! Are you that stupid?!
Can’t you recognize the irony? First Class irony, to be exact.

Jesus….. I am speechless.

Great work, Jon, btw.

By: The unspoken qualifications for president of the United States | Jon Rappoport's Blog Fri, 07 Jun 2013 13:16:48 +0000 […] writing about 150 million Americans going to Mexico, swimming back across the Rio Grande, applying for benefits as immigrants, and becoming instant […]

By: crazydays4 Fri, 07 Jun 2013 07:32:43 +0000 Jon, I just found you a couple months ago by fluke and you are prob my fav blogger. This satire is brilliant. My fav part:

“Scott, look at it this way. Every American who travels to Mexico and comes back will be given an account worth five million dollars. Do the math. It’s a drop in the bucket, when you have the ability to concoct endless money directly out of Ben Bernanke’s ass.

By: Anonymous Thu, 06 Jun 2013 16:14:00 +0000 The satire beneath the satire is that the reality is more pragmatically scathing than the satire, in the sense that it more morbidly and actually cuts gut and is characterologically more vicious. But there’s nothing wrong with soft satire: those that haven’t written to tell all how much they laughed are softly crying inside, which is what soft satire permits: a short, gentle respite. Reality itself is the real satiricon. Luckily, seeing this brings into view what lies beyond..

By: keymandan Thu, 06 Jun 2013 13:26:27 +0000 Your commentators notwithstanding, this breaks no new ground. There is Orson Welles radio broadcast of “War of the Worlds” in 1938 in which millions were duped into believing Martians were actually invading. A couple of years ago, I heard about, though never saw, a movie called “2012”, in which the world was going to end on my birthday last year. I wonder if Phil Donahue and Frank Zappa were as astonished as I was? But that movie wasn’t sarcasm, and neither was the radio broadcast – they were both commercial ventures. I don’t see this article as anything other than an attempt to wake people up – Jon won’t increase the hits on his website as a result. And it is tongue-in-cheek, and it is good to see somebody in the liberty movement trying to get us to laugh instead of cry.
