Comments on: The covert op to destroy the word “freedom” Mon, 30 Sep 2013 12:00:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Even a Monkey Knows What It Means to be Free | From SOVEREIGN to SERF - Roger Sayles (SERFS-UP.NET) Mon, 30 Sep 2013 12:00:52 +0000 […] My definition of freedom includes the right to have our government officials admit that the citizenship and resident status conferred by the 14th Amendment are forms of second-class, feudal types of citizenship and resident status that are now conferred upon not only minorities, but upon all Americans, whereby the federal government is lord and master, the states are nothing more than field-operating units of the federal government, and we are the serfs on the great federal manor, part of the agricultural capital of the manor, like the oxen and the carts, the horses and the ploughs. […]

By: Xyila Sun, 09 Jun 2013 18:20:03 +0000 Look not to the predator class as evil. Instead ask why the majority behave like prey.
A cursory glance at any nature documentary makes it clear that nature runs on a predator prey model, that and fighting, often to the death, to establish territory and claim a mate, seasonally or maybe for life.
Humans watch in awe as a chameleon takes on the coloration of its surroundings and uses deception to avoid being eaten. Do humans take heed? Not really. Instead they condemn deception as immoral or unethical- which it may well be, but that is not the point.
Do we acknowledge that humans are no different than risen apes, that they are not fallen angels? Not usually.
The creatures in nature which hide or outwit or bait and switch or deceive or run fast enough to get away, are the ones which live to do so another day.
Some scientists hypothesize that a weak caribou actively separates itself out from the herd and sacrifices its life, offers itself up to the predator wolf for the good of the herd. In any case, what distinguishes a wolf from the human predator class is that the wolf only takes what it needs, not what it wants.
Humans mostly live in artificial “civilized” settings, and given a chance, most “civilized” humans tend to take as much as they can get, not just what they need. Idealists call those other humans, the ones who are consistent predators, “psychopaths”.
The key difference between any psychopathological human and the rest is that the predator part of the psychopath’s brain is dominant precisely BECAUSE the nurturing part of the brain is not just impaired, it’s non existent. Until we can accept this shadow or dark predator side of much of human nature we will always disown it, project it from ourselves onto “rulers”, “leaders”, “corporations”, “evil men”, the network of political ponerologists, the “democratically” elected or the dictators, no difference. The masses urge psychopaths to climb to the top of the heap. Once there, they appoint the likes of Kissinger and his misanthropic ilk. Over and over again tyrants are readily elected for superficial reasons, and in turn oversee and run the world, killing off as many as possible while playing aT superpower.
When ordinary humans focus solely on the “they”, the other which they themselves elect again and again, such people fail to ask themselves what part of their own inborn prey mechanism elected or was drawn to or chooses to “obey” an often blatantly apparent predator.
The predator and the prey aspect of being human is a given. Most cannot bear to see it for whAT it is. So they suppress knowledge of it or turn to ideals to decry the way primitive man continues to eat and be eaten. And of course there is more to being human than this, but to ignore this is to overlook survival itself. Why ELSE would people turn themselves over to those who kill them for profit by signing up for systems that so clearly operate against the best interests of survival. The cancer industry is just one example. Chemo (as in chemical), radiation and surgery, invariably all cause cancer. Yet in the billions “thinking” people chose this tortuous way to die, when this method has never saved lives. Masochists? Or simply prey?
Why not focus instead on what runs the human prey who offer themselves up to be devoured, who give themselves over to schemes that invariably run on a predator premise, “your money AND your life”?
Those for whom survival is not a priority (and they are large in number) and those who cannot afford to see the survival aspect of nature as one key part of what it has always been and will always remain, a predator prey paradigm, are the same humans who put everyone around them at risk. Why? Because they are not motivated to see what is right i front of them. They prefer to have no strategy to recognize a psychopath. They seem to lack the desire to survive the predations of psychopaths. In fact they follow them, listen to them, pray to them, and elect them, over and over again. The majority of those operating via the prey part of the brain are in denial that in any desperate situation they, too, could be capable of being predators. This is your neighbour who CHOOSES a vaccine, a smart meter, a pathological religious and/or political leader. This is your community which eggs on those predators who are run solely by the prehistoric part of the brain and live to prey on others. Look no further than which of those around you are putting you at risk from the psychopaths that run this world using euphemisms like freedom. Most people cannot run from true freedom fast enough.

By: Avi Sun, 09 Jun 2013 00:54:37 +0000 The Powers that Be are united to enslave us, they have the will and the means, money & weapons, minds & technology, they are experienced and organized globally and locally and there is not a single day that doesn’t advance their agenda of death.

If we don’t emulate their scenario, and pretty quickly, they’ll reach a tipping point where, despite our potential force that reside in our number, we’ll no more stand a chance to win against these devils. We must cease the babbling and start the acting. Rehearsals are over.

By: The covert op to destroy the word “freedom” | Piotr Bein's blog = blog Piotra Beina Sat, 08 Jun 2013 05:00:52 +0000 […] Source: […]

By: Robert Fri, 07 Jun 2013 17:26:13 +0000 “Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their grandchildren are once more slaves.”
____D.H. Lawrence, Classical American Literature, 1922

“I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
___James Madison, speech, Virginia Convention, 1788

FREEDOM is fast disappearing over the horizon. It is being chased away by a cabal of financial sleuths who wish to establish a One World Government. These same people have been plundering world financial markets for at least the last century by TIMING investment purchase and sale (and, YES, you can TIME the markets…right down to the tick! SEE: ).

Don’t believe such a group could have such power? SEE: http://www.abacusroad.ORG

“The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power–Political, Monetary, Intellectual, and Ecclesiastical.”
_______Spoken by U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater
From his 1964 book “No Apologies”

“This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of” one world government’… National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept..”
_______Spoken by Zbigniew Brzezinski,
National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter
[Author’s Note: Purported to be the only member of both the Trilateral Commission and the renamed [Baltimore] Council on Foreign Affairs.]

See what Presidents to the Pope have to say about it?

By: vuelvancaras Thu, 06 Jun 2013 20:37:54 +0000 beautiful piece. the greeks called art “the elegant solution”. you can’t fix politics and you don’t want to live at a survival level. i feel it is also the most important and only syntropic force that can stimulate better things in this world.
there are, too, political artists–FDR from usa, chavez, morales and correa from the south. these are not revolutionaries like castro, lenin, and mao. nor are the elite reformers like washington, jefferson and adams. FDR, chavez, morales and correa, managed massive change to their respective systems without destroying their medium and without simply changing the leadership. like your writing, it’s a beautiful thing.

By: Jon Rappoport ~ The Covert Op To Destroy The Word “Freedom” | Shift Frequency Thu, 06 Jun 2013 16:13:35 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport June 5 2013 […]

By: Gina Thu, 06 Jun 2013 15:39:16 +0000 Jon, do you mean to say that massive global non-profits such as, oohhh, I don’t know, The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund are not what they say they are? Because on their website, right at the top under the name of the fund are the words, “Helping Haiti Rebuild its Future through Economic Opportunities”. That must be what is being done because that’s what it says, and that’s what Clinton and Bush are saying they are doing when asked. Is this an incorrect assumption?

I have an ever increasing list of psychopaths, cowards, thieves and criminals that I am saving in my diary so that one day, when these same crazies are gone from our midst I can show future generations what & who the good people of the earth put up with for so long.

I’m sure the first question those future generations will have is, “Why did you put up with this/them!!!???”. And the second, third, fourth, etc. questions will be the exact same – WHY??!!

By: The covert op to destroy the word “freedom” | Just The Messenger Thu, 06 Jun 2013 10:22:06 +0000 […] More […]

By: Anonymous Thu, 06 Jun 2013 06:21:49 +0000 As I see it the western world is more and more getting into fascism regime..almost all 12 ..well some say 14 signs of fascism regime is there.. The first one is that the national flag is shown almost all places..2nd is that they make some fear tactic like “the communism will come and consume you”… it is the “terrorism is the fear promoting since the communism cold war is not more…They change freedom into fear- rule you with fear ..well..people change gladly their freedom for that neat image that the government will “take care of you”…It is all playing with words..but I think we need to start reading between the lines and knowing that they play the hiding in a plain view…
