Comments on: James Holmes’ lawyers enter insanity plea; here come the insane psychiatrists Mon, 28 Apr 2014 20:00:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: bleak Mon, 28 Apr 2014 20:00:50 +0000 I believe you are so right. None of it “adds up.” I think Holmes was a victim of the MK Ultra mind control program. So many details point to this and reinforce the truth that they have HARD, trauma-based mind control down to a highly advanced level. Almost a science. Manchurian candidates are real and they’re ready to be activated. All it takes are a few cryptic key words. John Frankenheimer knew as much. The truth is hiding in plain sight.

By: Auf dem Weg zur Schlachtbank .. | THE INFORMATION SPACE Wed, 19 Jun 2013 15:23:08 +0000 […] Quelle des Beitrages:… […]

By: c.l.p.a.g. Chris Sun, 16 Jun 2013 04:56:11 +0000 If Holmes actually had bona fide competent assistance of consul (in lieu of BAR E’squired AH torn) They would Invoke F.R.C.P. Evidence Rule 702 invoking the “DAUBERT ANALYSIS” Doctrine, to Rebut the Testimony of Pseudo sham science Voo Doo Hoo Doo Quasi
Witch Doctors mere[ly] masquerad[ing as independent peer Reviewable certifiable Empirical Qualified Real Evidence. Motion To STRIKE unqualified hearsay CONjecture as: irrelevant immaterial and unsubstaniated hyperbolous psycho-Ba Ba’al? Re-Trial de novo

By: Ananda Thu, 13 Jun 2013 11:20:32 +0000 What I want to know, was he on the SSRI drugs…Most mass killers are on them recently it seems. No one shares a peep about it.

From day one the “officials” have refused to state whether or not James Holmes was on any medication at the time of the shootings. There are dozens of discrepancies in the case; the whole story just reeks a mile high. Even IF Holmes is guilty there’s NO way he acted alone, yet no one involved in the case seems to care that he’s being set up to hang for something that at best, he did not single handedly execute.

We may never find out who’s really behind this tragedy, or the real motives of those involved. imo, the saddest part is realizing that Holmes is just a fall guy and there’s nothing anyone can do for him, is there…?

By: Don Tue, 11 Jun 2013 20:21:34 +0000

Judge agrees Prozac made teen a killer

Just saying..

By: Don Tue, 11 Jun 2013 20:19:43 +0000 What I want to know, was he on the SSRI drugs. Prozac package says it can cause extreme depression, suicide, severe aggression. Most mass killers are on them recently it seems. No one shares a peep about it.

Wonder why.

If he can prove he was on SSRI, then he has a legitimate case for insanity. And mens rea is suddenly shifted to the corporation who profits from the drugs.

By: Elyag Reed Sat, 08 Jun 2013 17:40:05 +0000 This is good coverage except there is no real James Holmes that party in the courtroom is a Proven Actor as is his Lawyer

By: Jon Rappoport ~ James Holmes’ Lawyers Enter Insanity Plea; Here Come The Insane Psychiatrists | Shift Frequency Sat, 08 Jun 2013 16:48:20 +0000 […] June 7 2013 […]

By: Marvin Fri, 07 Jun 2013 23:08:09 +0000 A yardstick I use to measure the competence of psychiatrists and psychologists (along with the validity of their profession) is how well they’ve raised their children. In over 50 years of living I’ve had plenty of opportunities see how fouled up behavior experts rear their children. These kids are usually damaged human beings who function poorly in society. Of course mom and dad were the experts, and they will tell us it’s old fashioned to follow a regime of love, discipline, responsibility and rewards instead of relying on pharmaceutical drugs and the latest pop child psychology.

When I was in graduate school studying psychology I realized it doesn’t take a ‘professional’ to determine when a person isn’t normal. Nor does it always take a cadre of mind mechanics to decide what needs fixing and how to do it. Sadly, the profession of psychology and psychiatry is rife with flim flam operators who want patient dependency instead of healing the mind, body, and spirit.

By: flyingtigercomics Fri, 07 Jun 2013 22:23:16 +0000 Slightly more sophisticated than the trial avoidance in the Sirhan Sirhan programmed “killer” case, but the same basic result- no trial of the facts, no issues raised. Just a stipulated version of the sanitised facts.

There’ll be no discussion of the huge blood trail that president empty suit claimed was from an injured young woman- who would be dead if she’d left that much blood behind… No discussion of the second gas mask, the multi-directional gas bomb attack… And on and on.

But we’re to blame- we’re letting them do this control system BS instead of fighting back.
