Comments on: The creative versus the machine Tue, 18 Jun 2013 07:04:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: muskateer99 Tue, 18 Jun 2013 07:04:25 +0000 without creativity there is nothing -e.g power wheel phone rembrant -no progress in life but the use of knowledge and ideas are corrupted by business -mass produced rubbish robotic lifestyles

By: Balls Capone Tue, 11 Jun 2013 23:18:28 +0000 I really enjoy your articles. In fact it inspired me to create this little poem:

I can love and I can hate
I can experience and create
I can walk amongst the sky
I can soar through the ground
I can visit the bottom of the oceans, I’ll never drown
I can carve in the rocks
I can dig through the soil
I can blister my hands and grow weary with toil
I can sail recklessly through the stars and get myself lost
I can be a penguin sliding through Antarctic frost
I can open up notepad and write out a poem
I can become like a pebble caught up in the sea foam
I can drive any car or fly any plane
I can explore volcanoes without the worry of flame
I can be a lumberjack cutting down all the trees
I can be a microbe in the spray of your sneeze
I can be the nail you pry out of your tire
I can be the seller, agent or your potential buyer
I can move forward or feel free to regress
I can feel I’ve been screwed or that I’ve been blessed
I can drink all the drinks and eat all the things
I can enjoy all the fruits of which this life brings
I am not just a “them”, an “us” or a “we”
I am simply all that I am
and that which is me

– Patrick Neville

By: gabriel lambrianidis Mon, 10 Jun 2013 21:20:37 +0000 even if bodily maimed a free imagination is dangerous to the opressors. many artists have been and are now imprisoned to limit their power of free imagination. the opressors believe its a mass influence.the artist knows it is the individual he is trying to wake up.the leaders fearful of stepping down after their victory to allow anarchy its right place after a revolution because of a society filled with opressed people.

By: mark b Mon, 10 Jun 2013 16:59:26 +0000 A good salesman will place an ad and praise the lured. Changing one’s perspective is freedom. Creativity is the fire of alchemy.

By: Paddy Powerless Mon, 10 Jun 2013 14:15:13 +0000 @Tom: You sad, smug moron. What he is talking about is the inner urge for self-expression and breaking free of the collective drudge. You are a coward and a fool. You cannot be separate from ‘life essence’ if you are living and breathing. You can, however, be separate from your sense of self. Wafflers like you are the enablers of the system – fearful, illogical and lacking in both spirit and backbone.

May you wither on the vine.

By: Tom Mon, 10 Jun 2013 07:09:47 +0000 To be an unique expression of life (inner energy), you don’t have to do a thing. Wanting to be an individual or wanting to achieve something ‘creative’ (pleasure moments) keeps you in the matrix of thought (illusions). It is thought that keeps you in the time and space illusion (tomorrow I’ll be an ‘individual’). It is thought that keeps you separate from life (essence).

By: Dan W. Mon, 10 Jun 2013 06:03:58 +0000 “Mr. Milquetoast plods through life
In times of unending strife
But I know deep inside that he still has not lied
To himself – and given up hope
Can’t you see how continually
That we deny our destiny
The flame is never fanned so the dream cannot be had

Society conditions its members, and blindly they conform
Sacrificing their desires, they hardly mourn
But when they’re old, they’ll regret
Following the crowd
And wish they’d struck out on their own”

– excerpts from “Hang On To Your Dreams”
Lyrics & Music Copyright 1993, Dan Wagner. Written while still sick in the matrix.

Thanks for your post, Jon. You could say it resonated with me. -DW

By: Elliot Sun, 09 Jun 2013 23:27:37 +0000 Brilliant. Thanks for the reminder.

By: The creative versus the machine | Jon Rappoport’s Blog | Cold Reality News Report Sun, 09 Jun 2013 22:39:48 +0000 […] […]
