Comments on: NSA leaker: are there serious cracks in Ed Snowden’s story? Fri, 05 May 2017 21:36:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Adam G. (@AdamTGill) Fri, 05 May 2017 21:36:19 +0000 This is an old post, but I wanted to respond… You can get in without a GED and without and High School Diploma. I know because I failed during my senior year, I dropped out and stuff happened. My recruiter said we can ask for a waiver and it was approved. I scored a 64 on the ASVAB, was still granted the waiver. I do not mind telling people this now, because I have several college degrees. Just wanted to correct you on this though.

By: INGAORAMA Fri, 03 Mar 2017 04:21:20 +0000 I have always wondered if he was sent out by the CIA/NSA so the world would be focused on him while the real lot was being played out…

By: jb Sun, 27 Sep 2015 15:39:21 +0000 I think it is another “snow” job. His chemtrail comments don’t add up. I’m not buying it. Not to say what he leaked is not true, but the circumstances of the leaks don’t add up. These NWO people ate a pack of liars and thieves.

By: Knobjockey Sat, 01 Aug 2015 19:04:51 +0000 So is Snowden a plant or not???
And if so, for what purpose???

By: Antiroyal Wed, 19 Mar 2014 02:20:53 +0000 Every other whistle blower has been ignored and kept out of the media spot light, Snowden and wiki leaks full media coverage = bullshit. Controlled opposition, The fact that Julian Assange follow the the government position on 9/11 show he’s nothing more than a shill same as snowden.

By: paul maleski Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:09:52 +0000 Ask Edward Snowden–Who did 9/11?

By: Mr. Lee Fri, 28 Jun 2013 04:27:16 +0000 Lee Harvey Oswald

By: Marc Fri, 28 Jun 2013 01:31:16 +0000 It has been said; a truth revealed is often much simpler than it first appears.

The simple truth behind Edward Snowdon is; there is no Edward Snowdon, there never was. There is only this somewhat dazed looking man, called Julian Assange, the sole hacker in all of this. If any information was leaked it was Assange who leaked it. (After hacking it)
Julian Assange, the mole in the middle of London, hacking away in his embassy where he is unseen. Untouchable by law.

From where he is he can do everything he wants online. EVERYTHING. I mean, it’s not like authorities are going to cut of the power, are they? It’s and embassy! In other words; a hackers heaven. Assange doesn’t want to to leave. He is perfectly happy where he is, hacking away, with the blessing of the Ecuadorian government. He’s the worm in Englands backyard. Or perhaps a double agent working for whoever pays him the most?

This man knows more about hacking than God about the universe. This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

Honestly, what do we REALLY think he is doing up there in his little room in the Ecuadorian embassy? Playing cards? Reading Playboy? This man has turned himself into the Jesus Christ of hacking and enjoying every minute of his new found fame, presenting himself as the “adult who will punish the flaws of disobedient governments”. Governments that know exactly what he’s doing.

Edward Snowdon will never leave his Moscow airport, wearing sunglasses and facing flash-photography, because he can’t. I bet he never arrived in the first place. I think he only exists in cyberspace.
Think about it; to book a flight from Hongkong To Moscow on-line is easy enough. And he fact that Snowdon never physically boarded is irrelevant. As we witnessed, world wide media hype quickly began to lead a life of its own. “Snowdon must have boarded because an airline computer said so”. So it must be true!

And so it goes on and on…Welcome to the word of cyberspace.

That’s it and that’s all. The truth is out there but it’s not what we expect.Isn’t it often?

We all love a good mystery and, no doubt, the movie with Matt Damon will be in theaters next year. Filmed in Hawaii, Hongkong, Moscow and Havanna.
But for now, don’t believe the Assange hype. It’s all a smokescreen to hide his real ID, for he is nothing more than another genius hacker.
Wether his actions are right or wrong, that’s what he is and that’s what he’s doing. It’s nothing more than a one man operation.

And if that sounds to simplistic to be true, believe it because it very well might be so…

By: Rover Thu, 27 Jun 2013 10:54:25 +0000 “Snowden is this naïve?” but not too naive to run to China and apparently also Russia. in his Guardian Q&A session, he evades the question about why he chose Hong Kong, as well as another key question by the same person. strange behavior for someone working for an intelligence service. holes in story + evasiveness = dingalingalingaling

By: M. Tue, 25 Jun 2013 22:33:49 +0000 It has been said; a truth revealed is often much simpler than it first appears.

The simple truth behind Edward Snowdon is; there is no Edward Snowdon, there never was. There is only this somewhat dazed looking man, called Julian Assange, the sole hacker in all of this. If any information was leaked it was Assange who leaked it. (After hacking it)
Julian Assange, the mole in the middle of London, hacking away in his embassy where he is unseen. Untouchable by law.

From where he is he can do everything he wants online. EVERYTHING. I mean, it’s not like authorities are going to cut of the power, are they? It’s and embassy! In other words; a hackers heaven. Assange doesn’t want to to leave. He is perfectly happy where he is, hacking away, with the blessing of the Ecuadorian government. He’s the worm in Englands backyard. Or perhaps a double agent working for whoever pays him the most?

This man knows more about hacking than God about the universe. This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

Honestly, what do we REALLY think he is doing up there in his little room in the Ecuadorian embassy? Playing cards? Reading Playboy? This man has turned himself into the Jesus Christ of hacking and enjoying every minute of his new found fame, presenting himself as the “adult who will punish the flaws of disobedient governments”. Governments that know exactly what he’s doing.

Edward Snowdon will never leave his Moscow airport, wearing sunglasses and facing flash-photography, because he can’t. I bet he never arrived in the first place. I think he only exists in cyberspace.
Think about it; to book a flight from Hongkong To Moscow on-line is easy enough. And he fact that Snowdon never physically boarded is irrelevant. As we witnessed, world wide media hype quickly began to lead a life of its own. “Snowdon must have boarded because an airline computer said so”. So it must be true!

And so it goes on and on…Welcome to the word of cyberspace.

That’s it and that’s all. The truth is out there but it’s not what we expect.Isn’t it often?

We all love a good mystery and, no doubt, the movie with Matt Damon will be in theaters next year. Filmed in Hawaii, Hongkong, Moscow and Havanna.
But for now, don’t believe the Assange hype. It’s all a smokescreen to hide his real ID, for he is nothing more than another genius hacker.
Wether his actions are right or wrong, that’s what he is and that’s what he’s doing. It’s nothing more than a one man operation.

And if that sounds to simplistic to be true, believe it because it very well might be so…
