Comments on: Did someone help Ed Snowden punch a hole in the NSA? Tue, 07 Apr 2015 14:35:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ryan Tue, 07 Apr 2015 14:35:28 +0000 You’re right the NSA does monitor all communications worldwide. That is it though only communication TRANSMISSIONS. All data (voice calls, fax, text, radio, satellite and all internet activity).

This is not an invasion of your privacy. Hear me out before you disagree due to a lack of understanding.

In the United States its a violation of our constitutional rights to violate our privacy. Yet once we leave our private property and enter public space an officer can follow you and watch your every move.

This is the same for the NSA’S surveillance program. They are not peering into your desktop, laptop, smart phone, or tablet. They’re only monitoring, filtering and identifying keywords important only to matters of National security (hence National Security Agency). The exact reason why although though the NSA monitors all of the worlds transmissions they don’t concern themselves that are not matters of national security.

The NSA is a division of the military who’s offices are located at Ft Meade. MILITARY. The NSA is an observe and report operation.

If a self-radicalized terrorist in the US is talking to a friend on the phone and says keywords like bomb, white house etc that alone will not alert the NSA. He’d need to have several calls and texts with flagging keywords and have internet transmissions with flagging keywords. Then the NSA would review and if deemed as interest to national security would then forward the information to the FBI.

So again, once the phone starts ringing, once the fax is sent, once the text or email is sent and once you’ve hit the go button after typing in an internet address you’re communication is now in public space and is in no way shape or form protected by laws of privacy.

Off subject, who didn’t know about the NSA’S global surveillance net? Blowing the whistle on what? Snowden is a delusional paranoid man. In an interview he stated he doesn’t use google search because of the NSA. Weird because having worked for the NSA he should know the NSA monitors all internet worldwide. I promise you the NSA played Edward Snowden right into this unknowing to snowden.

By: The Snowden Saga – Shades of the bin Laden “Hunt” | Parapolitical Sat, 01 Mar 2014 13:00:05 +0000 […] elements of Snowden’s questionable bio, which I’ve covered in previous articles (see [ref1], [ref2], [ref3], [ref4], [ref5], [ref6], [ref7], and [ref8]), suggests the NSA-Snowden saga is more than […]

By: The 36 Mysterious Days of Edward Snowden [Jon Rappoport's Blog] | Juscelino's World View Sat, 18 Jan 2014 04:28:04 +0000 […] elements of Snowden’s questionable bio, which I’ve covered in previous articles (see [ref1], [ref2], [ref3], [ref4], [ref5], [ref6], [ref7], and [ref8]), suggests the NSA-Snowden saga is more than […]

By: The 36 mysterious days of Edward Snowden « Jon Rappoport's Blog Thu, 16 Jan 2014 02:54:35 +0000 […] of Snowden’s questionable bio, which I’ve covered in previous articles (see [ref1], [ref2], [ref3], [ref4], [ref5], [ref6], [ref7], and [ref8]), suggests the NSA-Snowden saga is more than […]

By: Edward Snowden, PRISM, NSA And Booz Allen Hamilton | The Sandy Monocle Tue, 18 Jun 2013 04:07:58 +0000 […] […]

By: NSA, Edward Snowden and What It All Really Means | Ronmamita's Blog Mon, 17 Jun 2013 18:50:01 +0000 […] […]

By: Ken Sat, 15 Jun 2013 20:19:24 +0000 Yes. Probably the Fed Reserve. They have a lot to lose. Thats my two cents but i like Jon’s surmise.

By: NEWS AND VIEWS FROM THE NEFARIUM JUNE 13 2013 Thu, 13 Jun 2013 20:18:38 +0000 […] Did someone help Ed Snowden punch a hole in the NSA? […]

By: Stephen Andrew Persaud Thu, 13 Jun 2013 17:25:37 +0000 In the film the “Fourth Protocol”… after the KGB’s chiefs operatives have completed their particular part in his scheme….he gets them “whacked”… “Live Free Die Hard” (Die Hard 4:0) once the criminal geeks have finished their tasks in the “Firesale” they are also whacked…..I always had a feeling that the people on the top floors of the world trade centers (cantor fitzgerald amongst them) had completed their tasks in a gargantuan shell game and they had got their final payoff…..

I used to play chess… use your pieces based on their unique “characters” (abilities) and at a certain point in the game you sacrifice them without compunction…

By: ceruleanlake Wed, 12 Jun 2013 23:42:09 +0000 James Holmes’ father is a high level anti-fraud scientist who works for FICO and exposes the dealings of these companies. Go figure! He has the ability to expose them and his son gets framed in a mass killing.
