Comments on: Senator Al Franken: from SNL spoofer to NSA surveillance hawk Sun, 16 Jun 2013 13:34:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Muhjiro Sun, 16 Jun 2013 13:34:32 +0000 I wonder if someone has dirt on Al Franken, so he’s going along with it so it doesn’t get revealed? If so he should come clean on TV and demand others do the same.

By: steamwhistler Fri, 14 Jun 2013 00:42:24 +0000 This reminds me of recent news of the VA [Veterans Administration] buying a drug that its own researchers found to be junk – it doesn’t work! That was just for a mere $700M, no big deal, so the VA made the purchase anyway. The deal stank to high heaven but no one investigated, nobody cared. Most likely some politicians got bribed but who is going to know? Where is the FBI, the police when you need them, huh? That was a government purchase that was done in the open, under the noses of the VA IG and the various veterans organizations. Now we have this NSA system that is supposed to be so secret that no one knew about it until Snowden made us know of its existence. The government must be paying for this system in the hundreds of billions of dollars per year, but the acquisition was so secret that no one, not even the system acquisition team, will ever know for sure what the price tag really is. But I can live with that – my CinC [Commander in Chief] tells me that it is for my protection so who am I to question the price? It’s just money and we can print that much in a day. What bothers me is that I may be entrusting my life and my family’s on a system so vast, so impossible to monitor, in every second of the day (Snowden has proven this) that something evil for sure could slip through its security. The scary thing is that there is only one way to find out: when America opens its eyes but finds out that it is too late to care.

By: Dee Thu, 13 Jun 2013 10:29:01 +0000 Sad and unbelievable as it may sound, there are a lot of people who just don’t have the intellect to realize that not everything the government does is innocuous, or that the people who work in these programs may have less than honorable intentions.

The fact is the American government is full of criminals and those criminals have been hiring other criminal scum for decades. These people are not to be trusted with your personal information!

People of conscience (and true humanity) like Edward Snowden are a dime a dozen in places like that. What the mindless govt drones who work for these programs don’t know is they’ll be thrown under the bus as soon as their masters deem them obsolete; it’s a lose-lose situation, really. Just look at SEAL Team 6 for starters?

By: Afshin Nejat Thu, 13 Jun 2013 07:55:58 +0000 I never liked Mr. Franken(stein). Ever. Even when he was Jack Handy…

“And dog gone it, Sheople like me!”

By: fromawaysite Wed, 12 Jun 2013 22:11:30 +0000 How is this all going to end? I am in the Fall of my life but fear for the children of today. So many sheep including friends, too busy with their lives, The X Factor, Dancing With The Stars, Celebrity, swallowing daily propaganda by the presstitudes to notice the collapse of society around them. I think of the Father I never met who was a Polish Engineer, escaped the Nazis, fled to Canada and worked with the Allies and returned several times into occupied Poland to smuggle out teachers, scientists, doctors to help rebuild the country after the war. On one trip he never returned, no trace, vanished like millions before. Either Russian or German captured him and asked the question, “papers please”.

We have become a society of cowardice. When I watched the people of Boston let militaristic police enter their homes, automatic weapons at bay, hands up, Obey! Obey!, later that evening the youth of Boston, in the streets, chanting, USA,USA,USA, my heart sank.

By: Major William Martin Wed, 12 Jun 2013 20:10:01 +0000 Is this because, “He’s Good enough, Smart enough and dog-gone-it… I Like me?
Meanwhile… Obama’s Treason continues as he arms and supplies money to the very Al Qaeda that has brought us 11 years of Wars and the deaths of thousands of Americans’. Killed by these Al Qaeda.
Source: k7ktr. com/treason.html

By: Anonymous Wed, 12 Jun 2013 17:08:20 +0000 Of course Franken supports letting the NSA do anything they want. The NSA showed him a few highlights from the file they’re keeping on him.

By: Kevin Watts Wed, 12 Jun 2013 10:34:33 +0000 Can I get you a hot meal? Omg, Jon…this is the funniest shit yet. Yes yes YES!!!

By: talesfromthelou Wed, 12 Jun 2013 09:45:18 +0000 Reblogged this on Talesfromthelou's Blog and commented:
Halfway through Jon gives a few tips on dealing with the NSA

By: farang Wed, 12 Jun 2013 05:23:03 +0000 Bobby:

In exactly what way is Franken a “leftist”, because Fox News said so? Hahaha, YOU are another of the BIG problems facing America: too ignorant to realize Democrats and Republicans are BOTH FASCIST…ONE PARTY. In fact, you ASSIST them in their “divide and conquer” tactics with your blazing lack of awareness.
