Comments on: Did the CIA give the NSA documents to Ed Snowden? Sat, 01 Mar 2014 13:00:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Snowden Saga – Shades of the bin Laden “Hunt” | Parapolitical Sat, 01 Mar 2014 13:00:07 +0000 […] of Snowden’s questionable bio, which I’ve covered in previous articles (see [ref1], [ref2], [ref3], [ref4], [ref5], [ref6], [ref7], and [ref8]), suggests the NSA-Snowden saga is more than it seems […]

By: WisdomsGrave Fri, 24 Jan 2014 16:52:19 +0000 Nice, though I doubt it was a CIA/NSA turf war, given the mass publicity. More likely the owners of USA Inc. decided it was time to get people “used to” the idea of being under complete surveillance. The frog has been boiled at a sufficiently slow rate. You are too weak to disobey government. Fear & obey.

By: The 36 mysterious days of Edward Snowden « Jon Rappoport's Blog Thu, 16 Jan 2014 02:54:37 +0000 […] questionable bio, which I’ve covered in previous articles (see [ref1], [ref2], [ref3], [ref4], [ref5], [ref6], [ref7], and [ref8]), suggests the NSA-Snowden saga is more than it seems […]

By: Ed Snowden’s magic thumb drive and other NSA fantasies | Healthy Living Alternatives Wed, 11 Dec 2013 21:48:56 +0000 […] more likely? As I described in my prior article, Snowden was really working for his former employer, the CIA. People at the CIA were able to steal those NSA documents, and they handed them to Snowden. All […]

By: Thinker Belle Wed, 16 Oct 2013 05:22:19 +0000 Interesting write up. The government uses journalists to spy for them, yet the journalists blame the government for wrong doing. However, they are willing to promote, through psychology and philosophy, their choice candidate to rule the world.

Wouldn’t it be easier to understand if people really knew that: The FBI sends code to break to unwitting individuals through crackerjack boxes as a means of training John Q Public to be aware of enemies and capture combatants. The CIA praises the journalists/whistle-blowers that get their hands on these codes and ships them the foreign country they’d most like the USA to resemble. The Matrix is really a training camp for crime fighters and extortionists who want others to think the current system really works.

” They want to play 100-dimensional chess with most difficult piece on the board as the main target: the human.” Isn’t this really just knowing the difference between Shoki and Shogi?

By: David Fulton Tue, 25 Jun 2013 10:01:42 +0000 CSIS (Kissinger & Brzezinski are CSIS Trustees), has awarded Information Containment contracts against myself. Booz Allen & QinetiQ (Both owned by Carlyle Group), & other private Intelligence + private Defence contractors, have been recipients .

Why is the issue, of the disappeared DoD TRILLIONS of DOLLARS on 911, by the Dual Israeli Nationals, X-Booz Allen VP, & X-DCI R,James Woolsey, Booz Allen’s President, not brought up in the Snowden case :

CSIS’s contracted terms included, are for “Slow Kill” – “No Touch Torture” – “Learned Helplessness” – “Self Inflicted Harm” (Some terms are non written verbal agreements, to avoid a paper trail, which could lead, to future accountability.) :

Jimmy Larue (Sp), from Dallas, TX, was one CSIS contractor, that I had outed (Spring of 2011, Black Lexus SUV, bearing TX Lic Tags : BM8-P307)

A slender, tall, middle age man (Approx. 6′ 3″), from San Francisco, that has a PhD in finance, was responsible for everything “From Soup, to nuts” at QinetiQ, while acting as paymaster & handler, for those involved in involuntary nano tech R&D, in torturous mind control, behavior modification, psycho mimicing, disease mimicing, induced pain through nano tech.

Why is Carlyle Group + CSIS, so interested in the Frankenstein Nazi Experiments ? …:

By: NSA scandal: the deepest secret of the Ed Snowden operation | IT Thu, 20 Jun 2013 01:09:34 +0000 […] another article, I’ve developed the hypothesis that Snowden is still actually operating for his former bosses at the CIA, long engaged in a turf war with the NSA, are running him in this […]

By: william Wed, 19 Jun 2013 12:12:27 +0000 I don’t really care who he was working for…. all I care about is that this spy network is in place and collecting data on everybody and everything it can… what I think is happening is that they’re using the data to “categorize” people and that these categories put certain people on “watch” lists… I believe many of the “operations” in america are designed to instigate a response and as such help the “system” to pick out the future “trouble-makers” .. I know they have software designed to predict people’s behavior and they need all the data they can get. Once that have you “categorized” they put you on a watch list which I believe heightens your chance of getting into trouble with law enforcement…. I think all that is going on is “preparing” the way for future escalations of oppression and control. The government has developed a program to launch a “pre-emptive” struck on citizens they deem to be problematic in the future……
they use to try to measure “bumps” on peoples heads to determine if someone had a proclivity for criminal behavior, this new system is just a sophisticated way of doing the same thing…

By: NSA scandal: the deepest secret of the Ed Snowden operation | The Daily Sheeple Wed, 19 Jun 2013 08:32:07 +0000 […] another article, I’ve developed the hypothesis thatSnowden is still actually operating for his former bosses at the CIA, long engaged in a turf war with the NSA, are running him in this […]

By: NSA scandal: the deepest secret of the Ed Snowden operation | Jon Rappoport's Blog Wed, 19 Jun 2013 02:40:46 +0000 […] another article, I’ve developed the hypothesis that Snowden is still actually operating for his former bosses at the CIA, long engaged in a turf war with the NSA, are running him in this […]
