Wouldn’t it be easier to understand if people really knew that: The FBI sends code to break to unwitting individuals through crackerjack boxes as a means of training John Q Public to be aware of enemies and capture combatants. The CIA praises the journalists/whistle-blowers that get their hands on these codes and ships them the foreign country they’d most like the USA to resemble. The Matrix is really a training camp for crime fighters and extortionists who want others to think the current system really works.
” They want to play 100-dimensional chess with most difficult piece on the board as the main target: the human.” Isn’t this really just knowing the difference between Shoki and Shogi?
]]>Why is the issue, of the disappeared DoD TRILLIONS of DOLLARS on 911, by the Dual Israeli Nationals, X-Booz Allen VP, & X-DCI R,James Woolsey, Booz Allen’s President, not brought up in the Snowden case : http://www.rense.com/general75/latest.htm
CSIS’s contracted terms included, are for “Slow Kill” – “No Touch Torture” – “Learned Helplessness” – “Self Inflicted Harm” (Some terms are non written verbal agreements, to avoid a paper trail, which could lead, to future accountability.) : http://www.baranovfamily.org
: http://www.thehiddenevil.com/informants.asp
Jimmy Larue (Sp), from Dallas, TX, was one CSIS contractor, that I had outed (Spring of 2011, Black Lexus SUV, bearing TX Lic Tags : BM8-P307)
A slender, tall, middle age man (Approx. 6′ 3″), from San Francisco, that has a PhD in finance, was responsible for everything “From Soup, to nuts” at QinetiQ, while acting as paymaster & handler, for those involved in involuntary nano tech R&D, in torturous mind control, behavior modification, psycho mimicing, disease mimicing, induced pain through nano tech.
Why is Carlyle Group + CSIS, so interested in the Frankenstein Nazi Experiments ? …: http://www.apfn.org/apfn/RICO_affidavit.htm
: http://www.bilderberg.org/usglobal.htm#nazi