Comments on: Heroes, fake hope, and real hope in the Matrix Thu, 27 Jun 2013 15:35:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rick Thu, 27 Jun 2013 15:35:31 +0000 I have my suspicions about Snowden too. I also think that he is a huge false flag attempt at stirring up the masses. Clue number 1. Why in the world is all of the MSM all over this guy?? It goes against logic. Whenever any REAL anti-government story is discovered, the MSM never mentions it and just like all of the Banking ponzi swindling schemes or the mass movement of Military Tanks and Trucks being shipped by trains and being distributed throughout the US or for that matter what’s REALLY going on in the Middle East and the threats coming from Russia and China should the US enter Syria. The MSM always keeps hush and pedals it’s soft soap to their audiences. WHY would the MSM want to “wake up” the masses. It’s so NOT their modus operandi.

Clue number 2. Why now, would there be so much interest in the information that Snowden claims to have, when it can all be found on the NSA and USITC websites themselves and has been available to the public for years?

I say….FALSE FLAG! To stir up the masses. Possibly to initiate major physical confrontations throughout the USA between it’s military and it citizens. Yes, to begin the End Days in America.

By: Bruce McAlevy Wed, 26 Jun 2013 20:55:13 +0000 There are thoughts that can make you feel good, and thoughts that can make you feel badly. Thinking a predominance of thoughts that make you feel good does not make one free while living on what is known as a prison planet. Living in a culture where one consumes resources that that puts a hundred others into a subsistence life makes it a lot easier for these feel good thoughts to predominate. There are a billion people on the planet who do not have access to clean drinking water. What America spends on non-food expenditures for pets in one year could provide that clean water. Until there is motivation for the handful (probably fewer than 500) of people causing these problems to stop their addiction to power, we can only hope they don’t decide to give us reason to not think feel good thoughts.

By: Michael Wed, 26 Jun 2013 09:01:23 +0000 “…a great break from the constant conditioning.” Couldn’t have said it better myself.

By: C. Burkey Wed, 26 Jun 2013 00:01:17 +0000 Oh–sorry for the double post, but I just saw what Redlotus said about being in the sun. This was something I re-discovered this spring–just the simple act of being in the sunlight, taking in natural light, has such a profound effect on my mental/physical/spiritual wellbeing that I’m amazed more people in So Cal don’t get outside and take advantage of the great gift of our climate. You’d think the streets would be teeming with people and not just cars.
Also have done some reading about natural light and how it affects the body (as opposed to the artificial light we ingest through computer screens and flourescent lighting) and it’s really interesting. Jerry Mander writes about it in Four Arguments for the Elimination of TV, as an example.
This might seem off-topic, but there’s some energy from the sun..that great ball of nuclear reactions without which there would be no life on earth…that does play into this.
Thanks again. I always feel better after reading your columns, always. They are a great break from the constant conditioning.

By: C. Burkey Tue, 25 Jun 2013 23:41:54 +0000 Maybe Snowden is to distract from Brad Manning.

The media surely is obeying, if that’s the case, with a few exceptions;

Thanks as always, you are exactly right. It’s easier to praise heroes than to become one or to follow their examples.

By: Anonymous Tue, 25 Jun 2013 06:31:10 +0000 question: snowden and assange’s story are the same and they are both still alive (some say assange sold out and turned over to controlled opp). yet, bradley manning is imprisoned and reporter journalist michael hastings was killed.
why is that?
if snowden and assange were such a threat, they would have been killed.

seems like a petraeus job. a decoy.

if it’s in the MSM, it’s never what it appears to be. always an agenda.

once again, thanks for starting the dialogue and the raising the issue
and waking up critical thinking.

By: Michael Tue, 25 Jun 2013 05:39:00 +0000 The JRR Tolkien, to Webster Tarpley’s Orwell.

By: Heroes, fake hope, and real hope in the Matrix « Jon Rappoport’s Blog | What's happening? Mon, 24 Jun 2013 15:59:13 +0000 […] Heroes, fake hope, and real hope in the Matrix « Jon Rappoport’s Blog. […]

By: Ruminations on Snowden’s epic journey, early morning, day two | Exopermaculture Mon, 24 Jun 2013 13:13:49 +0000 […] Heroes, Fake Hope, and Real Hope in the Matrix […]

By: Heroes, fake hope, and real hope in the Matrix – by Jon Rappoport | 2012: What's the 'real' truth? Sun, 23 Jun 2013 23:23:48 +0000 […] Posted on June 23, 2013 by Jean June 22, 2013 […]
