Comments on: Ed Snowden, NSA, and fairy tales a child could see through Thu, 26 Nov 2015 04:12:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dirk Thu, 26 Nov 2015 04:12:44 +0000 I’m not saying there’s nothing fishy about all of this, but the assessment given by the author is useless without a detailed technical analysis. Remind yourself that the world of computers is one dominated by youngsters. Older generations will never be as good with computers and coding and security and cryptography as the younger generation.

When the author says that agencies like the NSA should be able to locate Snowden and hack into his laptop, that just shows you don’t really understand the world of computers. There’s defnitely ways to protect yourself. Don’t forget that Gary McKinnon was able to hack the Pentagon very easily. He was surprised by how bad the security of the networks was.

I’m not an expert on these subjects either, but don’t underestimate the intelligence of whizzkids like Snowden and don’t overestimate the intelligence of Snowden’s superiors who are probably without exception older people from the pre computer era and most likely never had a real interest in the world of computers and coding.

By: Ed Snowden, NSA, and Fairy Tales |  SHOAH Thu, 10 Apr 2014 09:26:24 +0000 […] He walked into work with a thumb drive, plugged in, and stole…everything. He stole enough to “take down the entire US intelligence network in a single afternoon.” Written by Jon Rappoport […]

By: Ed Snowden, NSA, and Fairy Tales a Child Could See Through - A Sheep No More Thu, 20 Mar 2014 19:59:43 +0000 […] By Jon Rappoport […]

By: Edward Snowden’s Exposed Lies: Turf War ~ CIA Militant Psyops vs NSA Intelligence Gathering! | Political Vel Craft Mon, 10 Mar 2014 20:00:58 +0000 […] Ed Snowden, NSA, and fairy tales a child could see through […]

By: The Snowden Saga – Shades of the bin Laden “Hunt” | Parapolitical Sat, 01 Mar 2014 13:00:11 +0000 […] bio, which I’ve covered in previous articles (see [ref1], [ref2], [ref3], [ref4], [ref5], [ref6], [ref7], and [ref8]), suggests the NSA-Snowden saga is more than it seems to […]

By: The 36 mysterious days of Edward Snowden « Jon Rappoport's Blog Thu, 16 Jan 2014 02:54:44 +0000 […] bio, which I’ve covered in previous articles (see [ref1], [ref2], [ref3], [ref4], [ref5], [ref6], [ref7], and [ref8]), suggests the NSA-Snowden saga is more than it seems to […]

By: rodolphepilaert63 Wed, 25 Dec 2013 17:12:46 +0000 Reblogged this on RodolphepilaertROOTS.

By: Jack Shelley Sun, 30 Jun 2013 11:16:30 +0000 Well if it is a distraction it surely distracted all of you – and me. Agencies, as someone has already pointed out, don’t do or say anything. Individual PEOPLE in agencies, in government, in companies, do and say things and it is about time that those individuals were held responsible for their actions and words. No shifting blame, no insurance (paid for by shareholders or electors) just personal responsibility. And you can eat all the pigs that you shoot down.

By: amerikagulag Fri, 28 Jun 2013 15:29:29 +0000 Yes I agree. I think the Snowden thing is a distraction, or perhaps just a way to let the world know that during the coming catastrophe, you’ll be watched very closely.

By: freedom007 Fri, 28 Jun 2013 12:39:13 +0000 I do believe that this man found a gap or hole in security measures and made use of it, no matter how perfect NSA is imagined to be as a company. For, much of the perfection we see, or imagine to see, in everyday professional life is a fake / an illusion. Look round yourself in the company where you work every day and you know it.
Humans remain human and make mistakes …
no matter how much machinery they heap around themselves to make up a perfection which does not exist,
and how much money they throw out of the window in order to build and buy even more machinery to make out of a half-way normal 90 per cent success rate a superhuman 99 per cent…
spying out, for example, even the insignificant phone and mail babble of ordinary citizens all over the globe – and not only relevant sources as it would fit into the Common Sense pattern?!
Ever heard about what is called in German “Grenznutzen”?
Meaning that it is easy to achieve ninety per cent of succes in any given aim which is realizable but if you want to raise success rate above nine tenths it becomes veeery expensive?!
The mathematical and economic Grenznutzen mechanism is the trap in which NSA probably caught itself, and it seems that the whole globalist supercivilization got trapped in it … perhaps decades before now… Think this train of thought to an end, readers, and you will see how fragile modern Globalism really is and that all ordinary political or economic thoughts about the causes of this fragility will NOT hit the mark or change anything.
The Globalism mammoth tree produced for itself a lethal worm …
If you see fake perfection hiding a whole lot of imperfections, and even scandals, in your own company, reader, you see the very wormholes in Globalism´s wooden feet…
This, to me, is the most valid source of hope for Globalism to fall soon. Sorry, but I gloat at it.
