Comments on: Snowden, NSA, blackmail, and the boys in the back room Sun, 30 Jun 2013 04:52:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: C Mickels Sun, 30 Jun 2013 04:52:36 +0000 So… if this analysis is on target…What is going to be even more interesting than “act I” El corrido de Eddy Snowden….is the sequel…”act II”
AKA….The NSA “payback” ….Act one was a big hit, so…Act II should be hoving into view shortly, wouldn’t you think?

By: Joshua Fri, 28 Jun 2013 17:37:07 +0000 I like Jon’s thinking on this. One thing we do know for sure is that within this whole Snowden Affair (AKA “The SnowJob”) SOMEONE is certainly getting blackmailed.
WHO THAT IS specifically, well that is alot of conjecture at this point, with great ideas all around.

When we look at the macro system unfolding before us, what we are ultimately presented with here is a vastly expanded police state, and that state can either GENUINELY READ ALL OUR COMMUNICATIONS…..or…wants the public to THINK that it can. It doesn’t matter which is true. If someone THINKS THAT THEY ARE BEING WATCHED…the damage is done. Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon finally realized all these years later.

What Jon is getting at is that there is something vastly larger happening here, and it’s intimately tied into PERCEPTION of REALITY and PUBLIC FOCUS. What do the watchers want the public to focus on? What do they want the public to ignore? What do they want the public to accept?

In Orwell’s 1984, it’s common knowledge that you’re always under observation. Everyone ACCEPTS THE FACT. If you question it they haul you away. There is no debate permitted.

Persistence of belief is a powerful force. That wall can’t be broken through by pulling out a single brick here and there. No. The whole wall has to come down. And then, what are we left with? Our shattered ego’s if we are lucky.

We’ve known about this NSA spying stuff for ten years now. What’s changed? Think about it. What’s changed?

By: Hermies Fri, 28 Jun 2013 17:23:28 +0000 PS: has anyone pondered whether Ed Snowden is at all related to Guy Snowden, the financial crook who used to run GTECH, the big state lottery / money laundering outfit? Ed’s father, Lonnie, appears to be just a retired military schlub (by itself an interesting connection), but could Guy be Ed’s favorite uncle or something? Just a thought.

By: Hermies Fri, 28 Jun 2013 17:19:10 +0000 Jon hit the nail on the head here. NSA is merely the “muscle” of the MIC, and Snowden is either a limited hangout or a total psy-op intended to freak out the populace and demonize China and Russia. Mission accomplished! Next stop: Syria!

By: Eric Smiff Fri, 28 Jun 2013 16:54:06 +0000 Yes, exactly right. It is also likely that Putin (and GHW Bush) got to the top by the same methodology.

By: Squidward Fri, 28 Jun 2013 15:53:13 +0000 Obama says: “Uhhhh….Duuuhhhh! Duuuuuhhh! Duuuuhhh! I’m the Transparency President! Duuuuhhh! Duuuuhhh! I’m the Great Socialist Savior of the Evil White-Man-Dominated United States! People have never had it so good before I came along! Everybody sing my praises while I go on $100 million dolla vacations! Duuuuhhhh! Duuuuhhhh! Duuuuhhh!”

By: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 14:19:45 +0000 The big data is a snow job great money maker giving to jobs but the truth is that its all turning to slush so Edward was the secret plan to make for a better face make illusion for the mush coming off the optic cables.

By: Brian D. Buckley Fri, 28 Jun 2013 10:35:33 +0000 Not everybody’s rolling over and accepting this. The “Restore the Fourth” movement is planning nationwide protests.

By: Tom Lowe Fri, 28 Jun 2013 07:42:39 +0000 I am much more inclined to think that the NSA through its supercomputing and AI capabilities has identified and statistically verified a very large international organized crime ring based on central banking abuse and based in another nation which has infiltrated the US Government and others for purpose of manipulation for its own ends along with pursuit of rank immediate profit. In this case the Snowden op would be an attempt to derail and discredit the NSA in an effort to prevent it from successfully pursuing the crime ring.

As far as I know, NSA has no enforcement powers. Ever heard of NSA arresting someone? Never. Go think that one over for a while. NSA only gathers data which then is consumed by other agencies apparently on an as-needed basis.

This is not a CIA vs. NSA battle and in fact calling it such is an attempt to discredit both agencies under the well-known but very trite and unimaginative divide-and-conquer schema.

What all this is, is zionism trying to throw NSA off its trail.

Proof is that all this noise about the blanket spying came out about 5 years ago, died down, and nothing new has been added during the Snowden affair.

Proof is that we were told days ago by Greenwald that what had been said was only the tip of the iceberg of revelations to come from Snowden, but none of the rest of that alleged iceberg of revelations has been forthcoming from either him or Greenwald at all ever since.

I have no problem at all with Rappoport’s theory, but I think mine makes more sense, because the NSA has no way to blackmail anyone without another Federal agency or branch having to be directly involved.

The latter is certainly possible however if the Executive Branch has key buddies at NSA, which they probably do.

By: Jon, onehumanbeing Fri, 28 Jun 2013 03:31:41 +0000 I think the blackmail part of the story is a very big piece of this puzzle – yet another Jon Rappoport article proudly re-posted on The All-Seeing Eyebama – Thanks Jon!

