Comments on: Designing the mind: a fable Sat, 03 Aug 2013 22:07:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: avi Sat, 03 Aug 2013 22:07:13 +0000 excellent !

Although the individual is the basis, there is a basical need of unity to reach a common goal and the root of unity can be found nowhere else than in morality. But morality comes far away behind Allah, Buddha, Bestiality, Barbecue, Barbie, Bitcoin and so on. I’ve grown fundamentally pessimistic and I do believe we just deserve what we get, and maybe this is still a good part.

By: Adam Sat, 03 Aug 2013 21:00:09 +0000 I can easily see that you enjoy Cosmic Mentality. I could tell you several things that would thrill you. Indeed, if one had a vision of what my whole life has been on earth, one could easily rule that that life confirms all Jon Rappaport writes about. How much more real could anybody get than “words becoming flesh?”

I’m wondering what to do regarding you. And do with you I must. You just might be the Warden of this joint. Ha, ha, ha. Just kidding. However, it is a mad house. When I personally met the Warden of San Quentin, I really was in a mad house that I had simply allowed demons and such to push me into. One does not have to be guilty of anything to be imprisoned in this hellish place. One can be imprisoned just for existing, and that in a place that reveres the United States Constitution. Some “reverence,” eh? Ultimately, nothing can push me if I decide it won’t, however, and I do assume full responsibility for pushing myself in. But I had to get in there to rescue a guy and fulfill my own mission. After I had met SQ’s Warden several times, I told him that I wanted him to open the gates for me, which he did as soon as he could, which was almost immediately. The way he opened them and the manner in which I proceeded through was so ritually complex that it is a miracle human beings can accomplish such realities.

You are one of the few I’ve met that are able to perceive many layers of reality at the same time. It is a potent ability. Anything less can’t communicate with reality. So, what do we do now? What kind of game(s) do we play? I’ve been reflecting A LOT and I’m ready to absorb for a while. However, that “absorption” would work best if it mimics the semi-permeability of the cellular plasma membrane, where everything is graded to its finest fit and only the purest meshing gets through. It is so like a lock and key, it IS lock and key, a whole universe of them. Reflection opens all locks as a Master Key.

By: Jerry "Peacemaker" Sat, 03 Aug 2013 18:46:33 +0000 “But the world does move, and its motive power under God is the fearless thought and speech of those who dare to be in advance of their time – who are sneered at and shunned through their days of struggle as lunatics, dreamers, impracticables and visionaries; men of crochets, vagaries and isms.” – Horace Greeley (1811-1872)

By: Jon Rappoport ~ Designing The Mind: A Fable | Shift Frequency Sat, 03 Aug 2013 16:44:56 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport  August 2 2013 […]

By: Brian Sat, 03 Aug 2013 15:55:28 +0000 Out of what I thought was a move of self defense, I unplugged somewhere in my thirties. I’ve just recently been reading your emails and I printed out the one on Imagination so I could have it handy to re-read. I also forwarded that email to my children that are now in their mid-twenties and struggling with their slice of life daily. All were home-schooled, when it was not popular to say the least. All have a view of the world with an eye beyond their years. It’s only recently that they look at me like I’m not bat-shit-crazy. It appears I’m not alone and I’m grateful to have found your writings.

By: DescendedfromApex Sat, 03 Aug 2013 15:14:51 +0000 “lead them into mazes and labyrinths and dead-ends”

And this is where your assertions fall over… because that is not where they lead.

Are you saying ALL is symbol here? Is everything in a hallucinogenic experience symbols? Is all in mediation but symbols? There are certainly symbolic componenents. What about ketamine. Are emotions symbolic? Is time a symbol? Do you have any experience of OBE’s? NDE’s? Lucid Dreams? Telepathy type comms? If ALL in life and lives is symbol… what do you say is real exactly?

Have YOU actually studied and learnt about symbols and their meanings to know your stance is correct? Or just can’t manage it or can’t be bothered? If you have that would be very very interesting to hear.

By: Tony form Vancouver Sat, 03 Aug 2013 04:52:02 +0000 love the focus on unwinding from the matrix the human condition is well known to the ruling manipulators. ironically there is me in team, as well as meat, mate, tam, meta etc i do like Catherine Austin Fitts’s focus on local government as a way to effect change and homes schooling as a way of restarting from the beginning, but Jon I do love the way you’ve simply but powerfully exposed the format of control, i.e. the overlay of the matrix

By: Jon, onehumanbeing Sat, 03 Aug 2013 03:54:16 +0000 Thanks Jon – proudly re-posted on The All-Seeing Eyebama!


By: Old Fart Sat, 03 Aug 2013 02:04:50 +0000 Reblogged this on akkaoldfart.

By: rathbonez Fri, 02 Aug 2013 23:36:46 +0000 Its always quite the puzzle seeing how people accept this world they are born into without question, as though hard work, self reflection and logical thought never existed, as if this world just appeared.
“Solution,” Sally said. “Design a piece of every mind to hunger after and accept symbols of all kinds, especially mystical symbols that just lead them into mazes and labyrinths and dead-ends.” This ties importantly into how are people supposed to find their own individual meanings, when they merely follow and accept what their roles are supposed to be why they are here and “alive.” Their minds are not their own, and I emphasize this so much, because the manner which it acts, what it is filled with is not of their own discoveries and choosing.
Jon, your insight is intense and right on, I think we see the world in many similar ways…
Check out sensitivity training, and tell me what you think:
