Comments on: Booking a reservation for the movie called Reality Sun, 15 Dec 2013 04:59:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sandy Hook A Hoax?... - Page 134 - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum Sun, 15 Dec 2013 04:59:08 +0000 […] […]

By: Jerry "Peacemaker" Mon, 05 Aug 2013 21:35:07 +0000 Jon,
For the artist there is no such thing as “going too far.” The artist wants to go as far as is humanly possible.
Thank you,

By: naughty Mon, 05 Aug 2013 16:46:59 +0000 Never alone. Yu make a gynourmous difference to my wee matrix and I thank Yu. Rockon JR<3

By: Robert Schueler Mon, 05 Aug 2013 16:36:53 +0000 …Act One Scene One …TAKE!!!

By: Adam Mon, 05 Aug 2013 15:04:54 +0000 You wrote,

“There is a phenomenon called ‘waking up inside the movie.’

“If that is what happens to you, and if you then create compelling art that exemplifies the waking-up phenomenon—which is unavoidable—you begin to test the system.”

Jon, you put it in spades here. It happened to me in 1968. I called it, unadornedly, “Awakening,” capitalizing to differentiate ‘twixt It and what is referred to as “awakening and opening eyelids to any typical day” in “The Movie of Reality” that you describe so refreshingly well. Biggie Awakening is a magical thing. Except for transient effects like wills of wisps that dance around as phantoms, it is 100% individual. And it is scary as hell.

It is said that if one invents a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to one’s door. How true it is. The world did beat a path to my door to see, “The Awakened Man,” which they had thought was another possibly great invention because of the unique title. But except for just a handful, everybody that showed up at my door eventually concluded, “Hey, we came to see God, but this is only a man. He refused to do a single trick. Any God would be happy to do tricks and otherwise behave properly in our fantastic presence. After all, we are The Greatest Things God Ever Made. We want our money back and we want the imposter punished for misleading us.”

It was not easy to coax them to ask for their money back that they had tossed at my feet and which I had not even imagined gathering up even if I’d wanted, as it was funny money.

However, I did plenty of tricks. Only problem was, they were invisible except for that handful of folks wearing special lenses.

Since the instant I Awoke in August 1968 (hey, the present month is the 44th Anniversary of that Blessed Event and this day is very close to the same day), my “sleight-of-hand” has so improved with age and facility that only I am able to view the movie in which I am now billed, “The Greatest Trickster of All.” I believe this is called, “End-Game,” isn’t it? Ha, ha, ha.


By: Afshin Nejat Mon, 05 Aug 2013 09:34:04 +0000 Not bad shtuff here, mac. You sure ’bout all this? Just this simple, rebel a lot, TOO MUCH even, with “other rebels”? Sounds like “just another group” to me…

Nah. I do well enough ON MY OWN. That’s the whole point here, after all. But in fact this movie is not what it is pretended to be by overgenerous imaginations. It is a MALIGN CRIME against the Spiritual Dignity of Moral and Immortal Spirits. Or, it’s not. Take your pick. But it is either or, and the ramifications of picking either one will never be reconciled to those of picking the other, regardless of the truth of each.

The Gnostic Truth will always prevail, however. The illusion will be exploded, it must be. Nothing of value will be lost, but the only question is “Will I, as a Being, be of value”? If this question is asked at all, and how it is answered by such a Being, is what will decide the true answer to the question in fact.

In phenomenology it shall be noted that there is a distinct fragrance associated with truly going against the grain of the “movie” (the fantasy in the imagination of an evil mind): It is the fragrance of a strange, subvenient “matrix” of machined intent. It is very unfriendly.

By: “You need to consider whether you are an individual or a group.” | Random Candidate Mon, 05 Aug 2013 08:16:10 +0000 […] Hey, if there’s a commercial break, you might want to read: […]

By: avi Mon, 05 Aug 2013 05:00:10 +0000 Hi Jon,
It’s good to think isn’t it ! That’s freedom at its best. I like your way to explore an idea, a wave, in its most hidden corners. That’s like entering a wedge in a tree and hitting on it from all sides until the tree falls – the tree being our illusions driven by ages of swallowing nonsense.
Best !!
